Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 359 Hu Qing summons the God of the Forest!

Hu Qing didn't expect that he could explode something after grabbing a random monster.

Therefore, the issue of explosion rate is really uncertain.

After the death of the Forest God, he left behind a very beautiful area. Although many people knew that this area would be cleared soon, many people couldn't help but run in to take a look.

Hu Qing also took the opportunity to go to the burst of light and put the thing in the inventory, and then looked at the note information:

"Special Spirit Seed (Forest God): This is a seed refined by a special spirit. It contains magical power. Once it encounters water and absorbs enough water, it can return to the form of the Forest God.

This seed was originally affected by dark magic, but now it has been purified of dark power. It can summon the forest god who truly obeys orders, and has a special skill: attracting plants. "

After seeing a seed wrapped in light before, Hu Qing thought that this might be what exploded.

"Herding plants" are probably the ability of the forest god to use his power to make trees grow quickly and maintain the forest ecology.

"Hu, this is so beautiful." JO followed, looked at the surrounding green plants and flowers and praised again: "It can change such a beautiful scenery after death. Is it really that crazy and destructive monster?"

"It was just controlled by dark energy." Hu Qing explained, and suddenly felt a special wave. Looking at it, he saw Jiang Zhenzu's palm touching the largest flower transformed by the forest god.

There were blue lights all around that quickly converged towards his palm, forming a blue light group. After a moment, the light group condensed into a bead.

There was a vague figure in the bead, which seemed to be the god of the forest.

"Perhaps we can use the waste to create a romance for her." Jiang Zhenzu murmured to himself and put away the bead.

At this time, the surrounding agents gathered around and began to drive away the people who ran in.

"Get out, there may be a virus!"

"Please don't get close to avoid causing other problems."

"Please cooperate..."

The people who came in to enjoy the beautiful scenery were all driven out, and Hu Qing also walked outside silently.

When they got to the side of the road, they saw Hellboy jumping down from the billboard on the third floor. The movement seemed a bit big, which made the child in his arms cry.

Hellboy panicked and had to try to make faces to comfort the child.

But at this moment, a woman ran over in a panic and snatched the child away: "My child, what have you done to my child, you monster..."

The word "monster" made Hellboy's face suddenly turn ugly, and he muttered: "The child is fine!"

But the reporters who had escaped before and didn't know the truth were attracted by the mother's scolding, and they frantically surrounded Hellboy.

When Hellboy saw the reporters, he was about to raise his hand to say yes, but the reporters kept asking questions:

"Hellboy, what did you do to the child?"

"What do you want to do to the child?"


"The child is okay!" Hellboy's raised hand froze, and he could only say sarcastically when faced with the question.

But looking at Hellboy's raised hand, a policeman angrily raised his gun and pointed it at Hellboy: "Don't move, raise your hands."

A very close colleague of this police officer died and was whipped to death by the huge vine. When he saw the scene here, he was obviously a little angry at Hellboy.

Other unidentified police officers also gathered around, thinking that Hellboy was in danger. They all pointed their guns at Hellboy and asked loudly:

"Put your hands up, stand still and don't move!"

"Warning, put your hands up."


The man from Hell was obviously a little confused when he saw this scene. This was different from what he had encountered before. When reporters came around him, he said YES, and they asked to take pictures, and he became famous.

He thought that as long as he traveled abroad enough and ordinary people would accept him, he could appear openly in front of everyone and become a star.

But he didn't expect that everyone would denounce him this time. He obviously did a good thing and the child was fine.

Only then did he remember what Father Bloom said. Is this human anger?

Next to them, Hu Qing and his party were also watching this scene.

Dao Feng said with some confusion: "Wasn't he helping those humans just now??"

Nisha also frowned and said, "These humans are going too far."

"This is the bad nature of human beings, and it is also one of the reasons why she hates humans." Jiang Zhenzu seemed to be explaining the confusion to the two vampires, and frowned after speaking.

He has been studying human emotions for decades, but he has never been able to find a way to make humans abandon these bad habits.

Hu Qing shook his head when he saw this scene. When he saw this scene in the movie in his previous life, he also felt that these humans were a little ignorant, so he just let Hellboy kill them all in one shot.

At least, if it were him, he would definitely not have the good temper to be treated like this despite doing good deeds.

Just when Hellboy was being questioned by the police, reporters, and onlookers, a short-haired beauty ran up to Hellboy like crazy and said loudly: "He is just helping, he has always been helping everyone."

The short-haired beauty is Hellboy's girlfriend Liz, the flame girl. It seems that she is pregnant at this time, and she is very scared. She doesn't know if the child she has with Hellboy will be normal.

Therefore, when it came to the plot of Blood Queen, she left quietly and wanted to find a place where no one could find her to give birth to her child. She didn't even tell Hellboy, let alone tell him about her pregnancy.

Not only did the actions of the short-haired beauty Lizzie fail to make everyone understand, the angry policeman instead shouted loudly: "Miss, please leave this monster."

The reporters around also shouted:

"Miss, please stay away from him."

"He is not our kind!"

"He's trying to help, can't you see? He just wants to help..." Liz was going crazy. Why can't these people understand human speech?

"We only have feelings for babies!" a reporter mocked.

"He's a monster."

"It was the disaster caused by his fight with that monster."


Others also echoed.

Maybe some people know that Hellboy is helping, but many of their relatives and friends were smashed to death in the car, and their finances were destroyed...

They are also angry and need to vent their emotions, so Hellboy, an alien, becomes the target of their anger.

boom! ~

A gunshot rang out.

It was the policeman who wanted to anger Hellboy for the death of his good colleague and fired. The bullet directly hit Hellboy's face, leaving a scar.

This scene made Liz completely angry. She seemed to understand that talking nonsense was useless, and a blazing fire light began to light up on her body. Balls of flames condensed on her body, turning her into a terrifying flame person.

The flame girl looked at the policeman who fired the gun. In an instant, the policeman became scared.

But this time, the yelling around him became even stronger:

"Monster, she's on fire,"

"She's a monster too!"


These curses made Liz even angrier, and the flames grew crazier.

"Liz." Hellboy grabbed his girlfriend's shoulders and said with a lonely face: "Let's go home!"

At this moment, he felt frustrated.

Liz frowned, but obediently extinguished the flames on her body and followed Hellboy outside.

But this only fueled the arrogance of those people, and their curses became even worse:

"Get out of here, you are all monsters!"

"Monsters don't belong here!"

"Hurry up and get out..."


Hu Qing's frown deepened. He thought these people were too much when watching movies in his previous life, let alone watching this scene in person now.

Maybe, if it were him who had used his power to expose himself, maybe he would have become the target of these people's anger at this time, right?

Human beings sometimes just can't put themselves in their proper position. They don't seem to understand that if Hellboy really wants to do something to them, it would be so abominable, and now none of them would be alive.

At this moment, Hu Qing's eyes widened in shock, and he saw a ball of golden energy appearing in the sky above the abusive people. The energy exploded instantly, and a dense golden light rushed towards those people.

In an instant, the bodies of those who cursed exploded with blood, and their bodies were directly pierced by golden light, and they fell down in pieces.

This scene frightened everyone, and the people around them became confused again and ran away in fear.

Hellboy and Liz, who had walked not far away, stopped subconsciously and looked at the corpses on the ground in disbelief.

"What just happened?" The spiritual doctor in the mechanical body said with an ugly face, something big was going to happen.

Hu Qing subconsciously looked at the general. It was the general who did it just now, and it was so fast that no one would know except him.

Hu Qing sighed. In fact, he also wanted to teach those people a lesson.

But those people are not guilty enough to die.

But he didn't say much, because he didn't have the right to say much to the generals due to his current strength.

However, Jiang Zhenzu noticed Hu Qing's gaze and didn't care that he had just killed so many people. Instead, he asked: "Mr. Hu, that red-skinned guy seems to have a very powerful force in his body. Do you think he will still be able to do it after this experience?" Help humanity? Especially when that guy wanted to destroy humanity."

Hu Qing said with certainty: "He will continue to help mankind."

"Are you so sure?" Jiang Zhenzu said in surprise: "Then I'm a little interested!"

"Maybe we have to stay for a few days before going to Waterfall Town." Hu Qing also said to Ellen and the others at this time.

Now that we have reached this timeline, the Golden Army will soon appear.

In the previous movie, the Golden Legion continued to be buried deep underground, which was a bit wasted. He just wanted to see if he could use it. After all, the more time passed, the shorter the time for Lucifer to appear.

When Lucifer appears with the army of hell, if he can control the Golden Army, it will be a great help.

After this, Hu Qing and his party returned to the hotel. Hu Qing made a decision, and others naturally had no choice but to follow it.

After rebooking the room, Hu Qing once again sent Armisius and Thor to have an angel and a hellhound monitor Hellboy and the others. Then he marked a teleportation location in the hotel, and then teleported back. Castle.

Hu Qing arrived at his own artificial lake, took out the God of the Forest Seed and threw it into the artificial lake.

In an instant, the entire lake began to fluctuate, and then huge vines emerged from the lake. Following the huge vines, a huge figure of more than ten meters emerged and slowly walked towards the shore. side.

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