Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 366 Red Name Village is in effect! Default peaceful attack mode!

For players who have played Legend, the Red Name Village should be familiar to them.

Once a player kills someone and becomes a Red Name, he will not only be killed by archers and sword guards in various cities, but also appear in the Red Name Village when he comes back online after death.

Moreover, at this time, if you use various return scrolls, you will also appear in the Red Name Village, and the default return location is the Red Name Village.

As for the Red Name Village, it is a corner on the alliance map.

This is also a punishment for the Red Name. Only when the Red Name is eliminated, this punishment will disappear.

And some fake Legends that cost krypton gold are even more excessive. They directly changed the Red Name Village into a kind of prison. Once the Red Name is killed, it can't get out. You must have a membership to wash the Red Name for free, or buy a Red Washing Card to wash the Red Name.

Anyway, the meaning is that you have to spend money, either to open a membership or to spend gold.

The key to this fake Legend is PK killing people, and it is easy to become a Red Name.

Hu Qing didn't expect that Uncle Da's gift package this time actually gave him something about the Red Name Village.

"Special transformation scroll (Red Name Village): This is a scroll containing special rule power. This rule power is extremely powerful. You can choose a place to build a Red Name Village area to punish evildoers. After the transformation is successful, the Red Name Village has special effects:

1. The Red Name Village area is a special security area. Anyone in it defaults to peaceful attack mode!

2. The Red Name Village is covered by special rules. Red Name evildoers will be restricted and cannot leave the Red Name Village until the sin is eliminated.

3. The sin value eliminated by the Red Name evildoers in the Red Name Village will be converted into host experience.

4. In the Red Name Village area, the host is not affected by the peaceful attack mode and does not affect the normal ecosystem!

5. The transformation requires existing building requirements."

This is obviously the integration of the functional attributes of some fake legends. Isn't this Red Name unable to leave the Red Name Village a prison for some fake legends?

It's a pity that there is no official membership sale and red card washing in this reality. If you become a red name, you will have to sit in prison.

As for the peaceful attack mode, it is one of the modes in the game.

Legends have many attack modes.

For example, the whole attack mode is to attack anyone at will, the group attack mode is not to attack people in the team, and the guild attack mode is not to attack people in the guild.

As for the peaceful attack mode, no one can be attacked, and the attack will not hurt anyone.

In other words, if in the Red Name Village area, anyone's attack will not cause harm to others.

Hu Qing couldn't help but think of one thing. If Lucifer is tricked into the Red Name Village, then with Lucifer's sin value, it is very likely that he will not be able to leave the Red Name Village. Then can this world-destroying crisis be resolved?

What Hu Qing is most interested in is the last attribute. He himself is not affected by the transformation scroll.

In other words, in the Red Name Village area, his attack can still work, that is, he can hit others, but others can't hit him. He can do whatever he wants.

In addition, it does not affect the normal ecosystem. It should be to prevent rats, mosquitoes and the like from entering the peaceful mode, without natural enemies, and then flooding.

However, Uncle Da definitely gave a good thing this time.

Finally, this transformation requires existing building requirements.

This should be because the transformation scroll requires existing buildings to be transformed, and it cannot be transformed on an empty space.

This reminded him of the abandoned town where the light gate was located before.

However, thinking of the peaceful attack mode attribute of the Red Name Village, he wanted to transform his castle into a Red Name Village. After all, this is also a huge guarantee for the people around him.

Afterwards, he used the instant movement to make a special marking scroll with the castle's marking point for Kalinda and the others. As long as they encountered any terrifying enemies, they could directly use the scroll to teleport back here.

At that time, even if the enemy caught up, there was nothing they could do.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing was eager to try, and immediately tried to use the Red Name Village Transformation Scroll.

[Currently suitable for transformation requirements, do you want to transform? ]

Hu Qing got this prompt and immediately chose yes.

The next moment, the Red Name Village Transformation Scroll in his hand lit up with a bright red light, instantly floating from his hand and spreading around.

As the red light spread, special runes condensed in the red light, and then seemed to produce some kind of ripples and merged into the space.

In an instant, Hu Qing found that his entire room was filled with that red light, and the red light still spread out of his door and window. .

Hu Qing hurried out and saw the red light spreading rapidly, crossing the corridor and spreading into other rooms.

"Hu!" Sam's voice sounded, and he saw him coming down from upstairs, probably from the bell tower.

The other party stayed in the castle because of the power of the devil's blood in his body, and it happened that the little devil summoned by Miguel in the bell tower could provide him with practice.

What puzzled Hu Qing was that now the surroundings were filled with this red light, and Sam didn't seem to notice it, and didn't show any abnormality.

"Sam, don't you think the colors around you are a little wrong?" Hu Qing asked tentatively.

"What?" Sam was puzzled, and looked around, but he was a little confused, he didn't find anything wrong.

"Nothing." Hu Qing was sure that Sam couldn't see anything. Only he could see the red light. He immediately changed the subject and asked Sam, "Sam, how is your demon power training going?"

Sam explained: "Hu, I have practiced enough now. I can control three demons at once and make them unable to resist. I have to thank the demon summoned by Miguel."

"By the way, Hu, I may have to leave. I have been away from Dean for a while. I am a little worried about him. Dean always does things rashly and recklessly."

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded, indicating that he knew.

Even the super beauty couldn't separate the two evil spirits of the Wen family. It would be strange if the two brothers didn't stay together. Sam would go back to find Dean sooner or later.

Hu Qing left the castle again and found that the whole castle was shrouded in that red light. Runes were condensed in the red light. Miguel, Shak, Hu Yi and other slave demons in the castle did not find any abnormalities. They were all normal and could not see the red light.

But when Hu Qing walked out of the castle, he showed astonishment.

The red light continued to spread rapidly outside the castle, spreading to the direction of the woods, artificial lake, and town.

Soon, the red light rushed into the town and enveloped every house in the town.

This made Hu Qing a little dumbfounded. The scope of this transformation is so large?

Isn't Hongming Village just a corner in the game?

The red light still had no intention of stopping. It soon covered most of the town, and even the woods and artificial lake behind the castle were completely covered. Moreover, the scope was still expanding.

"This..." Hu Qing felt that he was a little inconsiderate.

It was just a corner in the game, because the game map was small. Otherwise, according to the background description, how could a Marfa continent be outlined in that small game map?

However, fortunately, the red light finally stopped when it spread to a certain extent. At this time, the scope of the red light had already penetrated into the woods and spread out of Renhong Lake, covering a large area of ​​the wide river. Even the town was covered by more than two-thirds of the area, with only a small area exposed outside.

When the red light stopped spreading, the condensed runes also merged into the covered space with special ripples, and then the red light began to dissipate quickly, until finally, a transparent red boundary began to appear at the boundary line of the red light coverage, and a red boundary also appeared above his head, just like a dome covering the sky, with his castle at the center.

Obviously, the sinners who entered the Red Name Village could not leave even if they flew into the sky.

And within the range covered by this red dome, all were in peaceful attack mode, and the attack could not hurt anyone.

[Red Name Village Transformation Successful! ]

Hu Qing's mind once again appeared a prompt, which also meant that the attributes of the Red Name Village were taking effect. At the same time, the town was a little chaotic.

In the town.

Sang Ke hurried out of the mayor's office, and the assistant beside him anxiously reported: "The two farms in the north are in trouble again, and both sides have gathered a group of people."

"Why are they endless?" Sang Ke was a little angry.

Because of the giant tree behind Mr. Hu's castle, some residents in the town had to move away. This was not good news for the town. Who knew that the two farms in the town would never end. He had injured his hand because of dealing with the fight between the two farms.

And the cause was just two dogs making a fuss and hurting each other.

The dog was ignorant, and the people were also ignorant?

Sang Ke and his assistant drove to the farm immediately. When he got off the car, the town police had arrived, but it was obviously too late, because the people from the two farms had already started fighting, and many of them had already rolled on the ground, punching each other.

"Quick, stop them." Sang Ke immediately shouted to the police.

But just as the police were about to step forward, they suddenly found that both sides of the fight had stopped, and they suddenly looked stunned.

The fight suddenly stopped.

This made Sangke and the police officers stunned for a moment. The scene seemed a little weird. These hot-tempered farmers were fighting so fiercely. It took a lot of effort to separate them last time. How come they suddenly stopped on their own?

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