Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 387 This is a wolf-killer! A bloodthirsty demon boy!

Hu Qing led Kalinda and Liu Qingqing out of the villa. As soon as they got outside, they saw huge wolf shadows rushing over from the forest, and they surrounded the villa in a moment.

Each of these giant wolves was the size of a calf, and two of them even wore security hats on their heads. They were obviously called here while on duty.

These were the Quileute werewolves.

They stared at Carlisle and other vampires with fierce eyes.

"Damn it, why are they here to cause trouble at this time? There are too few of us, a lot fewer!" Alice didn't know that Edward had turned Bella into a vampire, and her pretty face was ugly.

She also subconsciously looked at Hu Qing, as if she hoped that Hu Qing would help.

"I won't let them hurt my family!" Edward gritted his teeth, his eyes revealing determination.

The Quileute werewolves slowly approached.

Their agreement with the vampires was invalid, so they launched an attack, because the invalidation of the agreement meant that these vampires had violated the agreement.

A gray-haired giant wolf took the lead and rushed towards Edward and the others.

It was Sam Uli, the leader of the Quileute werewolves, and the other Quileute werewolves also rushed out together.

Carlisle and Edward and other vampires did not dare to hesitate and rushed out together.

Edward, as the fastest vampire in the Cullen family, was the first to step forward and directly grabbed a Quileute werewolf and threw it hard, smashing it to the ground.

But another werewolf also hit him in an instant, knocking him away, and crashed into a tree at a high speed, breaking the tree directly.

The average individual strength of Quileute werewolves is similar to that of Mel vampires, but they are far superior to Mel vampires in group combat, especially when they have an advantage in numbers.

So, as in the movie, vampires such as Edward and Carlisle immediately fell into a disadvantage and were suppressed.

Moreover, the battle became more and more intense.

Hu Qing thought about who to help when he saw this scene. Although both sides were injured in this war in the movie, no one died.

But now this is reality, and it may not be the same as in the movie. If one side dies, it will be difficult to end.

However, while Hu Qing was still thinking, Thor, the dog, rushed out and called out excitedly, as if he had encountered something very lively and wanted to participate.

In a moment, the dog that jumped out turned into the body of the three-headed dog of hell, which was larger than those Quileute werewolves, with three heads, six eyes, and blazing flames on its back.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor called out, and with a wave of his claws, a Quileute werewolf flew out. With another wave, it looked like Alice stopped immediately, and the claws fell on Edward next to him. Edward was thrown out before he could react.

The dog's current power is simply not something that the vampires of the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves can resist.

This scene made the Quileute werewolves and the vampires of the Cullens subconsciously stop and look at Thor in horror.

"The three-headed dog of hell!" Sam Uley said in shock.

Facing the sudden appearance of Thor, both sides retreated in unison, with horror in their eyes.

Both sides could feel a very terrifying aura from Thor.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor saw that both sides suddenly stopped, woo woo woo, and jumped several times, as if asking why they stopped.

The vampires of the Cullen family and the Quileute werewolves took another step back in horror.

"Thor, come back!" Hu Qing also shouted at Thor when he saw this.

The dog looked at the vampires of the Cullen family and the Quileute werewolves with a little disappointment, then turned around, turned into a Chihuahua and returned to Hu Qing's feet, squatting down with a harmless face.

This scene made all the Quileute werewolves look at Hu Qing in awe.

If Sam Uley hadn't seen Hu Qing before at his boss Guo Gang's place, he would have fled with those werewolves.

But why would Mr. Hu be with these vampires?

The other party is not an exorcist?

Although Carlisle and Edward, the vampires, were also shocked, they were more or less calm. After all, they knew how terrifying Mr. Hu was, and they also knew that Thor was a three-headed hellhound. They just didn't expect that this three-headed hellhound would be so terrifying.

At this time, Jacob and Esme walked out of the villa.

Seeing Jacob, Sam Uley walked forward again with the Quileute werewolves.

"Sam, let's go!" Jacob walked forward and shouted to Sam Uley and the Quileute werewolves: "I'll explain to you when we get back."

Esme also said at this time: "Jacob branded Renesmee!"

"What?" Sam Uley, the leader of the wolf tribe, was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of confusion: "Who was branded?"

Branding is a special passive ability of their Quileute werewolves.

They, the Quileute werewolves, have no way to control this ability. Suddenly one day they will meet a woman or a man, and then stimulate this ability and brand the other party.

Once the mark is set, you must protect and love the other person for the rest of your life, then marry and have children with the other person, and live your whole life with him/her.

This is a certain rule, destined by heaven, and neither party of the mark can change it.

But he knows all the vampires in the Cullen family, and there is no such person as Renesmee.

Esme then added: "Renesmee is the name of Bella's newborn daughter. This name was agreed upon by Carlisle and me a long time ago."

"What?" Edward looked at Jacob with wide eyes when he heard that it was his newborn daughter.

"Oh my God..." Alice covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Bella's...daughter? Jacob...branded..." Sam Uley, the Quileute werewolf leader, showed disbelief.

Those Quileute werewolves also stared at Jacob with wide eyes.

Although branding is not a rare thing for them, Quileute werewolves, branding a newborn baby...

Is this something a wolf can do?

"Hu, what is branding?" Kalinda asked in confusion.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "After the branding, Jacob will marry Bella's daughter in the future."

"Can it be like this?" Kalinda was in disbelief.

Liu Qingqing reacted: "Mr. Hu, is this the ex-girlfriend who became the mother-in-law you mentioned? Bella became Jacob's mother-in-law? Then Edward is not the father-in-law?"

The conversation between the three made the Quileute werewolves and the vampires of the Cullen family look at each other in bewilderment.

Edward sighed deeply, with mixed feelings for a moment.

He won his wife but lost his daughter?

So is this a win or a loss?

Sam Uley stared at the Quileute werewolves.

What should they do?

Because of Jacob's mark, they have a special relationship with these vampires.

The key is that the object of Jacob's mark makes them embarrassed to take action again.

"Let's go!" Sam Uley decisively called the Quileute werewolves to leave directly.

They seem to have a wolf extinction among the Quileute werewolves.

"That... that..." Jacob looked at the Cullens and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Hey, let's go in and see the children together!" Carlisle sighed and said to Jacob.

The Cullens returned to the hall, and Carlisle thanked Hu Qing immediately: "Thank you, Mr. Hu, for your help just now."

"Thank you, Mr. Hu!" Alice also said.

"You're welcome!" Hu Qing waved his hand. To be honest, it was Thor who acted on his own initiative, not his idea.

After a while, Rosalie came out with the baby in her arms, and Edward ran up to her immediately, wanting to hug his daughter.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Renesmee looked at Jacob and laughed, and even magically stretched out her little hand to Jacob.

As if they were in a branding relationship, Jacob immediately stepped forward and took the girl from Rosalie.

The girl actually giggled in Jacob's arms.

"..." Edward stretched out his hand and froze on the spot for a while. He seemed to have really lost.

Jacob also smiled foolishly while holding Renesmee, or at this time, he no longer had a place for Bella in his heart, after all, he was a married man.

Hu Qing looked at Jacob, who was grinning foolishly, thinking that at this time, this guy must have said two words in his heart: It smells so good.

I remember in the movie, when Jacob branded Renesmee, he had seen Renesmee's appearance when she grew up in his imagination. That was really good, much more beautiful than Bella.

However, with the birth of Renesmee, the biggest crisis of Twilight City is coming.

Because there is a legend about the bloodthirsty demon child among the Mel vampires. The bloodthirsty demon child will grow up in a short time, and the power will be uncontrollable, turning into a terrible monster, which will bring disaster to the Mel vampires.

Renesmee grew up quickly after she was born. According to the plot of the movie, she will grow very fast in the early stage, and her speed will slow down in the later stage until she stops growing and her appearance is fixed after adulthood.

In the movie, she grew to 6 or 7 years old in one or two months.

This is in line with the legend of the bloodthirsty demon child.

It is for this reason that the royal family will send out a large army to kill her, and then fight with the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves.

The Cullens also had to seek help everywhere, and found many vampires who were dissatisfied with the royal family to resist the royal army.

That is to say, within one or two months, the royal family of the Mel vampires will get the news and lead the army to come.

"Ah...ah...ah, too romantic..." Alice suddenly exclaimed, staring at Jacob and said: "You will get married in 7 years."

"No!" Edward was immediately shocked: "Renesmee was only 7 years old at that time!"

Alice immediately explained: "But in the picture I saw, Renesmee has grown up in 7 years."

"What?" Edward was stunned.

Alice also realized that something was wrong, after all, 7 years is the adult stage where you can get married.

"How could it be?" Carlisle showed a look of surprise, and his wife Esme also looked unhappy.

Because the couple thought of a legend, a very bad legend, the protagonist of the legend is the same as Renesmee, if so, this child might bring them a lot of trouble.

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