Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 390 The informer! The royal army is coming!

[Experience +1300]

[Experience +1400]

[Experience +1600]

The experience prompts in Hu Qing's mind kept ringing. Under the fire wall spell, the demons were burned to death at almost the same time, and the experience appeared in rows.

Only the demon lord Nagel could resist it with his own tyrannical power.

Hu Qing looked at Nerg, and the face of the demon lord changed instantly, and then a lightning spell fell.

The magic power of 93, even if Nagel was stronger than the average demon lord, it was impossible to resist it. His body was instantly torn into pieces by the thunder power.

The scene in front of him was a bit tragic.

Constantine was completely dumbfounded.

To be precise, he was dumbfounded after Neilo fled back to the crack without saying a word and closed the crack.

He originally thought that a yellow-eyed demon was very scary and it would be difficult for Hu to deal with it.

Who knew that the yellow-eyed demon would run away as soon as he saw Hu, as if he had seen Hu before and knew how powerful he was.

This suddenly gave him a feeling that the yellow-eyed demon was not that great.

[Experience +14,000]

Nagel's experience prompt also appeared in Hu Qing's mind. 14,000 experience points were indeed much stronger than ordinary demon lords.

Hu Qing looked at the experience column again: 2754387/3000000 at level 30.

The demon army brought by Nagel was large in number, but after all, the other party was just a demon lord with a limited number of demons under his command. He only provided him with nearly 1.5 million experience points, and now he was still close to 250,000 away from upgrading.

If he wanted to upgrade again, it seemed that he still had to rely on the vampire army of the Mel system.

The fire wall spell expired quickly, and the flames affected the surrounding woods after all. If he ignored it, it might cause a terrible fire.

However, this was not a problem. Thor, the dog, turned into his original body, and the three hellhounds sucked their heads fiercely, and all the flames were sucked into his mouth.

"This crack is closed, there should be no way to open it again, right?" Hu Qing turned to Constantine and asked.

Constantine said: "It can only be opened once. I don't continue to cast a spell against Nagel, so it can't be opened again, and Nagel is already dead."

"Why can it only be opened once..." Hu Qing was a little disappointed.

"Hu, what did you say?" Constantine asked in confusion.

"No!" Hu Qing shook his head, and then asked: "John, do you have any enemies with other demons? If so, you can bring the other party to the human world like you did to Nagel this time, and I will help you destroy the other party."

"???" Constantine looked at Hu Qing more puzzledly: "Hu, although you mean this for my own good, why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

The two left the mountain stream and prepared to go down the mountain, but found that Thor was calling out to the depths of the mountains.

There are people in the depths of the mountains, and they are familiar people.

Hu Qing thought of something, changed his route and went to the depths of the mountains.

The further you go into the mountains, the higher the altitude and the lower the temperature. It is the end of autumn and winter is coming. In Twilight City, the temperature is generally lower than other places.

At a certain height of the mountains, ice and snow have even appeared. This is also the situation at the top of many mountains at high altitudes. There are snow-capped mountains even in the hot summer.

"Hu, why are you drilling here? It's freezing!" Constantine complained as he stepped on the snow that had slowly appeared.

As he spoke, a figure appeared not far away. It was obviously a giant wolf. If you look closely, you can see that there is a very cute little girl riding on the giant wolf.

The little girl grabbed the giant wolf's neck and giggled happily.

Hu Qing looked at the familiar scene in front of him and knew that he had guessed right.

The wolf and the little girl were Jacob and his little wife Renesmee.

A month passed, and Renesmee quickly grew up to about six or seven years old.

However, because of the legend of the bloodthirsty demon child, Carlisle and Esme told Edward and Bella not to let Renesmee appear in front of outsiders, so they could only take her to the deep mountains to play.

On the side, Bella and Edward were indeed seen, and the couple watched Jacob and Renesmee play.

To be honest, for Bella, it was very embarrassing for her ex-boyfriend to become a son-in-law and watch her ex-boyfriend and her daughter playing intimately.

But if Bella and Jacob were not embarrassed, then Edward was the only one who was embarrassed, so he could only lie in the snow and look at the sky and smile foolishly.

Hu Qing walked towards Jacob and the others, with some expectations in his heart.

Because in the movie, it seems that Irina discovered Renesmee at this time and then went to inform on her.

So, this informer may appear soon.

Jacob found Hu Qing and the other person and turned back to human form: "Mr. Hu, why are you here?"

Hu Qing explained: "I brought my friends to visit the scenery here. I didn't expect to meet you. Is she Renesmee?"

Jacob nodded.

"Mr. Hu!" Edward also stood up immediately and came to Hu Qing respectfully with Bella.

"I didn't disturb you?" Hu Qing suddenly smiled, because he suddenly sensed that someone was spying in the dark, and there was a murderous aura.

He probably knew that the informer Irina had appeared.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, a woman appeared, looking hatefully in the direction of Hu Qing. It was the informer Irina.

She originally came with her two sisters to attend Bella and Edward's wedding. Their family has good family ties with the Cullen family.

But at the wedding, she knew one thing, that is, Laurent, whom she liked, died in the town of Forks, or was killed by an exorcist. The key is that the relationship between the Cullen family and the exorcist was very... Intimacy, she wanted revenge, and the Cullen family also spoke for the exorcist.

This made her hate the exorcist and the Cullens.

Now, she finally met the damn exorcist, and when she saw the exorcist with Edward and Bella, she was even more angry. After all, her family and the Cullen family were family friends!

Soon, Ariana also noticed Renesmee. Just like in the movie, she immediately guessed Renesmee's identity.

"The bloodthirsty demon boy!"

She naturally knew the legend about the bloodthirsty demon boy. Now that the Cullen family had given birth to a bloodthirsty demon boy, it seemed that she saw the hope of revenge.

Below, Thor apparently discovered something, and whined in the direction of Irena.

Edward, Bella, and Jacob also looked in that direction and saw Irina.

"Irena..." Edward recognized her, and then he was shocked: "Oops..."

Because he knew about the relationship between Irena and Laurent, and because of Laurent's relationship, the other party now has deep opinions on their Cullen family.

After Irena was discovered, just like in the movie, she turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

Edward and Bella immediately chased her. They knew the legend of the bloodthirsty demon boy and knew how bad it would be if Renesmee's story spread. They must intercept Irina and make it clear to the other party.

Unfortunately, Edward and Bella came back dejected in the end. Just like in the movie, they were escaped by Irina.

"This is bad, she will definitely go to Gaomi!" Edward frowned and said, "We'd better go back and tell Carlisle the matter!"

Bella clicked and immediately called Jacob!

"Mr. Hu, then we won't disturb you and go back first!"


Hu Qing smiled, the plot progressed normally, and the experience was quickly delivered to his door.

Ten days later, Irina appeared in a very large church and was brought to three people wearing bishop uniforms.

All around, every vampire looked at the three people respectfully.

These three people are the three leaders of the royal family.

The Mel family is also called the Voltu family. The three leaders are Aro, Maris, and Kells. Aro is the leader of the entire royal family.

And this is the center of power for the entire Mel vampire family.

A vampire pointed at Irena and reported: "Sir A Luo, her name is Irena, and she reported that the Cullen family has a bloodthirsty demon pupil!"

A Luo frowned tightly, because the Cullen family made a big fuss here before, which made him a little jealous of the Cullen family. Now he actually knows that the Cullen family has a bloodthirsty demon pupil, which is interesting.

"Are you telling the truth?" Kells asked Irena with a gloomy face. Bloodthirsty demon eyes are taboo for their Mel vampires. Now the Cullen family seems to have violated the taboo, which gives them a A good excuse.

Irina nodded and said: "What I said is true. Moreover, the Karen family is still with an exorcist and seems to be in collusion with that exorcist."

"I also saw Edward and his wife meeting the exorcist in the mountains with the bloodthirsty demonic eyes. The bloodthirsty demonic eyes may be the exorcist's conspiracy."

Irina deliberately fabricated some information because she wanted the human exorcist to die. She believed that after hearing these words, the royal family would not let the exorcist go. The leader of the royal family, Arrow, hated exorcism the most. Master, because the previous leader of Mel vampires, Arrow's father, died at the hands of an exorcist named Van Helsing.

"Very good, it seems that the Karen family has really forgotten some rules and the authority of our royal family." Aro stood up coldly, with a strong murderous look in his eyes: "Maris, go gather the army, since someone has violated If you break the taboo, you will have to pay a price. Both the bloodthirsty demon pupil and the exorcist will die, especially the exorcist. I will make him pay the most painful price. "

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