Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 414 A big Ivan falls from the sky!

Experience +2

Experience +2

Early in the morning, Hu Qing worked hard on Kalinda to gain experience.

Although 2 points of experience are nothing compared to 5 million experience points, is experience really important in this kind of thing?

However, the increase in experience to 2 points also shows that Kalinda's strength has improved.

It wasn't until the sun rose high that Hu Qing and Kalinda walked out of the room, and then headed to the giant tree several hundred meters high behind the castle. From a distance, you can see two men and one woman under the big tree, Davis, the female doctor Kate and Hobbes.

The three of them were placing a piece of cloth on the ground with food on it, as if they were having a picnic.

But Hobbes was obviously a little embarrassed, because his cheap twin brother Davis and the black female doctor seemed to have some bad feelings about each other.

He was obviously a light bulb. If Mr. Hu hadn't given him the task of watching the giant ape George, he really didn't want to disturb these two guys who were about to go into heat.

A moment later, an excited cry sounded from the giant tree. The figure of the giant ape George fell down, hit the ground heavily, and patted his chest excitedly.

It clearly loves this place.

"It seems okay!" Hu Qing didn't go up to disturb him. He said something and took Kalinda out of the forest.

Kalinda held Hu Qing's arm: "Hu, come with me to go shopping in the town, and I'll buy clothes!"

"Let's go!"

Women always have an inexplicable pleasure in shopping.

Just after entering the town, Hu Qing found that there were many people surrounding the center of the town, and there seemed to be voices of curses coming out.

"Damn bitch, do you know first come first served?"

"You ugly, pale-faced monster should stay in the dark forest. The human world is not suitable for you!"


Hu Qing brought Kalinda forward and saw Prince Atuda scolding Zeus's subordinate Almier, attracting onlookers from the town residents.

"This is my territory!"

"So what? Hit me if you can?"

"Then you come and hit me if you can? I will never fight back..."

"Bitch, stop talking nonsense. I'll hit you too. If you hit me hard, I'll give you my territory."

The two people cursed each other more and more fiercely, but the residents of the town were stunned for a moment.

Everyone wants to beat each other up when they quarrel, okay? Both of them actually wanted each other to hit them, as if they both deserved to be beaten.

"What happened to these two people?" Kalinda asked a passerby curiously.

The passerby also explained enthusiastically: "These two people seem to be street performers, and they got into a fight over an audience."

Hu Qing laughed when he heard this. He had naturally seen Prince Ajuda's means of livelihood before. After thinking about it, he took out two hundred-dollar bills from his arms.

Prince Ada and Almie were quarreling when they suddenly noticed that someone had thrown two U.S. dollars, both of which seemed to be 100 U.S. dollars.

"Thank you, sir!" Prince Ajuda turned his head and thanked him almost subconsciously, but Hu Qing was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his cheeks became a little hot.

He was obviously embarrassed to see Hu Qing again.

However, looking at the 100 US dollars, he squatted down, picked it up and put it in his pocket as if nothing had happened.

Almier was not so calm anymore. Seeing Hu Qing, he subconsciously retreated.

She originally thought that the Lord God King would come to rescue her soon after knowing that she was trapped and deal with the guy in front of her. Who knew that so many days had passed without any movement at all.

She even tried to steal a mobile phone and call the God King. Unexpectedly, the God King answered the phone and hung up immediately after knowing it was her.

She didn't even understand what was going on.

Now that she saw Hu Qing, she didn't dare to stay any longer and hurriedly withdrew from the crowd and left.

Seeing this, Prince Ajuda glanced at the other 100 US dollars, squatted down and picked up the 100 US dollars as if nothing had happened, and then walked silently to the side without looking at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing had an inexplicable look on his face when he saw this scene.

Prince Ajuda has been staying in this famous village for a long time, and it seems to have become more interesting. I don't know if the other person will ever leave the famous village.

"Let's go to the clothing store!" Hu Qing hugged Kalinda and left with a smile, but he didn't know that a satellite in the sky had already locked onto the town.

In the military base in northern New York, General Harder also looked at the satellite footage.

"General Harder, this town is called Niado Town, in Seattle." An officer reported from the side: "Although we failed to catch Hellboy and others who participated in the war in New York, we even suffered a lot of casualties. , but we have been detecting the whereabouts of Optimus Prime’s Autobots, but found their whereabouts in the forest outside this town.”

When the scene changes, you can see a domineering heavy truck driving out among the woods.

There was still damage left on the heavy truck, and there was still lightning flowing.

This heavy truck is Optimus Prime.

It was apparently taken for a walk on a forest path surrounding the castle.

Although the military of the Star-Spangled Kingdom may not have many methods to deal with supernatural forces for the time being, once they are looking for a target and that target is unprepared, it will not be too difficult with many high-tech aids.

The officer reported again: "We also found that Optimus Prime was hidden in a rich man's castle. The rich man is Chinese and seems to have many connections with Seattle officials."

"Let's not talk about the Chinese first." General Hader skipped Hu Qing's information, looked at Optimus Prime in the video and said, "Our target is Optimus Prime. Now that we have locked its position, we can activate the super-standard weapons. Let's act now!"

This made the officer frown: "General Hader, do we act now? Optimus Prime is still in that town. There are many people in that town. It will be difficult to explain to Congress at that time."

General Hader said coldly: "There is no time to wait. Optimus Prime's condition has obviously recovered a lot compared to before. We must solve it immediately. It is worth exchanging a small town's residents for Optimus Prime. As for Congress, they will say that another supernatural force has attacked the town."

"Yes!" The officer immediately won and took out the walkie-talkie: "The capture plan starts now, start the satellite to lock the town, and prepare the launch silo for launch."

As the officer said, the entire base began to operate, and teams of soldiers went to a launch silo in the military district, where the terrifying guys had already been transported.

In the control console, several officers also stared at the screen in front of them with serious expressions.

After all, they were going to launch Big Ivan!

The specifications of this Big Ivan are not high, but its power can directly wipe this town off the map.

Soon, they began to lock, the map quickly zoomed in, the town became larger, and the houses became clearly visible. Finally, the screen locked on a castle.

"The target has been locked!" an officer reported.

"Launch!" Hader's order came out.

The officers pressed a button without hesitation, and the next moment, the Big Ivan in the silo was instantly ignited and shot into the sky.

At the same time, the Big Ivan flight picture and monitoring route map taken by the satellite appeared in front of General Hader.

This Big Ivan was flying towards the town at a wonderful speed of 5 kilometers, so it took more than 10 minutes to reach the sky above the town of Niado, and then rushed towards the town instantly.

"Let the recovery team get ready for action!" General Hader looked at the monitoring screen with a smile on his face, and a beautiful mushroom cloud would rise here soon.

As long as Optimus Prime and the Autobots are recovered, all the difficulties in front of them will be solved.

Finally, the Big Ivan accurately hit the castle, but then General Hader's face changed instantly and he shouted angrily: "What's going on?"

Others also looked at the scene in disbelief. What a joke!

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