Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 434: The Blood of the Rainbow Demon God! The Weird Exorcist Guild!

"Magic Shield: A high-level skill of the mage, which can be regarded as a magical skill of the mage profession and is also one of the life-saving skills. After using it, a golden energy shield can be condensed around the body, which can reduce the damage of the enemy. It is one of the magicians' reliance on the Marfa continent. The level requirement is 32."

Hu Qing saw that it was really a magic shield, and the joy on his face could not be concealed.

He even glanced at Jiang Chen. If his current defense plus the magic shield, I wonder if he can withstand the attack of a big guy like Jiang Chen?

"Mr. Hu, what's wrong?" Jiang Chen noticed Hu Qing's eyes and asked.

"Nothing." Hu Qing said casually: "I just wonder why these guys always want to mess up this world? Or they want to destroy the world, one after another, it's so cliché, Mr. Jiang, don't you think?"

"..." Jiang Chen suddenly didn't know how to answer this question.

Destroying the world is very cliché?

But he seemed speechless. Following Mr. Hu, aren't those guys so cliché?

The key is that Nuwa also wants to do this kind of clichéd thing, and then he must...

"Hey!" Jiang Chen!

"Teacher Jiang, what's wrong?" Hu Qing looked at Jiang Chen and asked in confusion.

He was naturally testing him, after all, the man in front of him was also one of the big guys who wanted to destroy the world.

"Nothing!" Jiang Chen said casually, and walked out of the forest absent-mindedly.

Hu Qing followed and chose to learn "Magic Shield" at the same time.

In an instant, the information and cultivation methods about Magic Shield appeared in his mind one after another.

After learning "Magic Shield", he also looked at the skill bar as soon as possible.

"Magic Shield LV0 (0/1200): Advanced skill of the mage, consuming 100MP can condense a golden energy shield around the body, which can reduce the enemy's damage by 20% in one minute, and can be upgraded to LV1 at level 32."

The magic skill is indeed a magic skill.

Compared with the game, the skill attribute given by Uncle Da directly reduces the damage ratio.

In other words, only by holding up the magic shield, the enemy's attack on him in one minute is equivalent to wasting 20% ​​of the damage, and he cannot exert his full strength.

The key is that this is only a level 0 magic shield, and the effect can be upgraded, and it is not affected by level, defense, and magic defense.

Then, Hu Qing looked at another bottle of scarlet liquid on the inventory.

"Blood of the Rainbow Demon God: This is the mysterious blood of the Rainbow Demon God that was discovered after the three holy warriors joined forces to defeat the Rainbow Demon Cult Leader. It contains terrifying power and is the blood of the Rainbow Demon God, one of the three great demon gods.

The discovery of the blood of the Rainbow Demon God even alarmed the Mage Saint to come and check it out. With the investigation of the Mage Saint, the veil of the Rainbow Demon Cult Leader was also unveiled.

The Rainbow Demon Cult Leader turned out to be a former hero, the former leader of the Feng Family in the Demon Sealing Valley - Feng.

In order to seal the evil, Feng once broke into the Demon Sealing Palace alone to seal the demon. Because he was eroded by the evil, he mistakenly took the blood of the Rainbow Demon God and became the terrifying Rainbow Demon Cult Leader."

Seeing the blood of the Rainbow Demon God, Hu Qing was really surprised.

In the legend, the Woma Cult Leader, the Rainbow Demon Cult Leader, and the Zuma Cult Leader were all subordinates of the Red Moon Demon, but they only inherited the power of the three great demon gods.

In addition to the fact that Zuma is a mysterious leader, Woma was discovered by King Woma after he failed to rule the orc army and the war with Bicchi. He absorbed the power of Woma in the altar and became the Woma leader.

The Rainbow Demon leader was Feng who took the blood of the Rainbow Demon God by mistake and became the Rainbow Demon leader. The Feng family of Fengmo Valley had no idea that the demon they had been guarding was the hero of their family.

This is enough to know the horror of the three great demon gods. The energy and blood left behind can create the three great leaders in the early stage of the legend.

The Rainbow Demon leader is the strongest among the three leaders, and the only one who can receive the command of the Red Moon Demon's will.

It was he who sent the left and right Rainbow Demon Pig Guard and Rainbow Demon Scorpion Guard to connect Woma and Zuma, bringing a series of disasters to the Marfa continent.

Now the bottle of Rainbow Demon God's blood given by Uncle Da can create a Rainbow Demon leader who is stronger than Zuma.

Hu Qing really wants to try the effect of this thing.

However, if this thing can directly create a Rainbow Demon Cult Master, then we should be cautious.

If according to his guess, after using this blood essence, the power obtained should be able to surpass Odin and Mr. World.


A transport plane flew in the sky, and there were also special transport vehicles. It was Nutrilite who brought the mysterious incident investigation department to deal with the aftermath.

So many corpses can't be left alone.

Hu Qing also returned to the castle and called Optimus Prime and ordered: "Go and check the bounty list on the Exorcist Union Forum."

Mr. World said that the bounty list on the Exorcist Union Forum can be removed. Although this guy's words are not very credible, he still plans to let Optimus Prime take a look.

If possible, it is better to remove the bounty list as soon as possible to eliminate the impact as soon as possible.

Data flow energy began to appear on Optimus Prime, and then the special new god rules fluctuated.

After a moment, Optimus Prime's surprised voice sounded: "Master, it was easy to control. I hacked in, deleted the bounty list, and left a post on the forum saying that the bounty was over."

"That guy didn't lie?" Hu Qing was a little surprised and immediately logged into the Exorcist Guild Forum. The post with the bounty list pinned on it was indeed gone.

At this time, the forum of the Exorcist Union was also in an uproar.

"Damn it, why is the bounty over? I'm ready for a hunt."

"Asshole, I lost three family members to solve a target, and I haven't received the bounty yet."

"Why is it over? I haven't hit this target yet!"


Looking at these noisy exorcists, Hu Qing sighed.

Although many exorcists are quite righteous, there are also many exorcists who are blinded by greed.

There are even many exorcists who were originally unemployed or not good people. They become demon hunters just for the exorcism bonus, just like bounty hunters.

This is just a way for them to make money.

Seeing that the bounty list has been settled, Hu Qing also called Nutrilite again, asking the other party to arrange the previous aircraft for him directly, and then go to San Andreas.

No matter why Mr. World told him the location, he had to go there to find out.


Exorcist Union Headquarters

The Wen brothers couldn't move away instantly like Hu Qing, so they stayed at the Exorcist Guild headquarters waiting for news.

Sam had been staring at the forum, and naturally saw that the bounty list was gone: "Dean, the bounty list on the forum is gone, it seems that Hu has made progress."

Dean came over immediately, and when he saw the forum interface opened by Sam, he showed joy on his face: "Great."

At the same time, the Exorcist Guild headquarters also received the news.

At this time, Abilton quietly walked out of the back garden of the castle and entered the foggy forest.

After an unknown period of time, he came to a hidden cave.

You can see that there are several swordsmen with great swords standing guard at the door of the cave.

"I want to see President Meyer." Abilton said to the guarding swordsmen.

If the Wen brothers were here at this time, they would be very surprised, because isn't President Meyer dead?

The guarding swordsmen nodded and made way for Abilton.

Abilton walked into the cave.

It was very large inside, and there were many modern equipment and technologies, and there were experimental containers around.

Abildon took a look at the experimental containers. These were all the president's experiments. Most of the exorcists at the headquarters of the Exorcist Guild also relied on the genetic drugs that the president had experimented with to improve their strength.

Because they knew very early that the uncontrolled exorcists outside could not be considered real power, and only the power that could be controlled was their own power.

When the president's new experiment succeeded, they would not have to rely on the exorcists outside at all.

In the middle of the cave was a very large screen, with several groups of photos on it.

One group was a picture of a figure spreading dragon wings and flying from the ruins of a collapsed building, and one was a picture of the attack on the Statue of Liberty in New York. There were two figures standing on a building not far away.

Those two figures turned out to be Hu Qing and Jiang Chen.

Obviously, Hu Qing always let the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department and Optimus Prime help him cover up his actions, and he had never been exposed to the outside world.

However, if there is a mysterious force, and the power is surprisingly large, those cover-ups will inevitably be discovered, just like the scene in front of him, someone has already targeted him.

And in front of the screen stood a figure watching.

This figure turned out to be the president of the Exorcist Guild, Melyer, who had bled to death before.

"President Melyer." Abilton came forward respectfully and reported: "The bounty list on the forum is gone. It seems that Mr. Hu is about to deal with the new god and the evil god."

Melyer sneered: "The other party thought they could act quietly against our Exorcist Guild, but they didn't know that I was also calculating them. They made such a scene, which is beneficial to our gene collection. How many supernatural genes have we collected now?"

Abilton reported: "There are already hundreds of relatively high-quality ones, including Sam Winchester's blood gene, His method of controlling demonic power seems to come from blood genes. "

Meyer pointed at Jiang Chen and Hu Qing on the screen and said, "What about the other two?"

Abilton reported again, "We have collected some saliva and hair from Mr. Hu, but not yet from his blood. As for the other one, we have only collected hair and saliva. They have not been injured."

"It seems that it is difficult for masters of this power to get injured. If it doesn't work, we can collect more hair and saliva from them."

Abilton nodded and said, "I will notify him to do it. Mr. Hu has never doubted him."

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