Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 438 The general leaves! The mysterious knight!

In the villa.

Tieshan carried the dishes and placed them on the dining table in front.

Hu Qing and Jiang Chen sat on both sides of the dining table.

Niu Mowang stood aside and explained nervously: "My lord, I really don't know what happened. After I got the crystal stone, I was inexplicably affected. I seemed to be unable to control myself, and inexplicably created the bounty incident."

"In fact, I really just want to live a good life with my wife and children. I will definitely calm the impact of the bounty incident soon."

Jiang Chen listened to Niu Mowang's complaints and just glanced at him, which made Niu Mowang shut up immediately and dared not say any more nonsense, and then he could only look at his wife Tieshan begging.

He was afraid that Jiang Chen would blame him, and wanted his wife to help him plead for mercy.

Hu Qing asked curiously: "Teacher Jiang, the purpose of the two new gods seems to be the crystal stone. I wonder what it is?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and said after a moment: "Mr. Hu, it is not a good thing. I have destroyed it."

Hu Qing did not ask any more questions. Jiang Chen's words also meant that he had no way to find out the truth.

Jiang Chen said again: "Mr. Hu, I plan to stay here this time. I am not afraid of you laughing at me. I lost my memory for a period of time. I want to get it back. The couple may be able to help me, so I can't go back with you."

Hu Qing was relieved inexplicably when he heard Jiang Chen's words. After all, it was a huge pressure for him to have Jiang Chen, a terrifying guy, following him all the time.

However, Jiang Chen is now going to explore the memory before meeting Nuwa. I don't know if it will have any impact on the future destruction of the world.

"Okay, then I will go back to the castle by myself." Hu Qing nodded. Although he hoped that Jiang Chen would not follow him, he still pretended to be reluctant on his face.

After a meal, Hu Qing drove the ghost car Rolls-Royce alone and left this special street.

Just now, Bull Demon King, Mr. World, and General had a fight here, but except for some curious people with supernatural bloodlines, it seems that this street has little impact.

This is a bit strange.

Soon, Hu Qing drove the car into an alley, put away the Rolls-Royce, and disappeared from the spot with a thought. When he appeared again, he had returned to his castle.

At the same time, he also called Nutrilite and asked them to call back the members of San Andreas who drove the flying vehicle.

Hu Qing went downstairs.

Kalinda walked into the hall from outside: "Hu, the town is very lively today, many people came, and Abik, he actually summoned the townspeople, he seems to want to develop this town, and now Mayor Sank is entertaining him with the people of the town."

"This guy has always been smart." Hu Qing smiled and said.

Abik must have known the special effects of the Red Name Village. For a shrewd businessman like him, how could he not do something?

After dinner, the sun went down and Hu Qing called Jenna, Yu Zhi, Mig and her daughter, Shaq, and Billy together.

"Mr. Hu, you called us together. What do you want to tell us?" Billy asked respectfully.

The others also looked at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing thought and took out red crystals from the inventory. They were the supernatural blood crystals that had exploded before.

The Rainbow Demon God's blood essence could not be used by someone who could guarantee loyalty for the time being. This supernatural blood crystal could be taken out and given to Billy and others to see if they could use it.

"Can you see if this thing can be used?" Hu Qing gave one supernatural blood crystal to each of Billy and others, including the little girl Mig.

After all, the little girl is now his student and has learned fireball from him.

"Mr. Hu, what is this?" Miguel took the supernatural blood crystal and said in surprise: "I feel that this crystal has a special power. The special blood in my body seems to be boiling. I want to absorb the power in the crystal."

"Me too!" Jenna also immediately said.

The little girl Mia also jumped in agreement: "Teacher, my body also likes this crystal and wants to absorb it."

"My lord, this crystal seems to have no effect on me." Yu Zhi shook his head and returned the supernatural blood crystal in his hand to Hu Qing.

Billy also shook his head and said: "Mr. Hu, me too!"

"You can't eat it, give it back to you." Shaq simply put the supernatural blood crystal back to Hu Qing's hand.

This also let Hu Qing know that this supernatural blood crystal can be used by people with supernatural blood, but those who have been transformed and improved by the system cannot use it.

Hu Qing also gave one of the three supernatural blood crystals of Yu Zhi, Billy and Shaq to Jenna and Mig, and said, "Go back and absorb the power in the crystal. It should help you improve your strength."

After that, Hu Qing walked to Kalinda on the side and said, "Let's go upstairs."

Kalinda took Hu Qing's arm and went upstairs. When she entered the room, she hooked her arm around his neck and said, "I have a few of those crystals."

"The sum of them." Hu Qing planned to give all the remaining supernatural blood crystals to Kalinda, so that the banshee could improve her strength. As for Kelly, she had the banshee scepter and didn't need this thing at all.

"Six?" Kalinda was surprised.

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Hu Qing looked at Kalinda with an evil expression, and his palm had already climbed up her vagina.

"Let's go to the bathroom first. I haven't taken a shower yet!" Kalinda said in a gentle voice.

"Let's go!" Hu Qing proudly hugged Kalinda and went to the bathroom. At the same time, he began to remove the defensive equipment on her body. When they got to the bathroom, there was no equipment left.

[Experience +2]

[Experience +2]


Some experience points, even if they are as high as thousands or tens of thousands, are still too little. Some experience points, even if they are only 2 points, are also enjoyable.

While Hu Qing and Kalinda were frantically brushing experience points in the bathroom, a series of cell phone rings rang.

But the phone had long been left outside the bathroom, in a pile of clothes, with the screen lit and vibrating alone.

On the other side, in the Banshee Town, Kelly was already holding the phone to call Hu Qing.

She originally thought that she had enough power with the Banshee Scepter, but she never expected that those never-ending guys would suddenly appear in the town.

Not far away, several figures were shuttling through the town and rushing towards here.

It can be seen that they were several strange knights wearing special knight costumes and riding horses with black air, which looked very scary in the dark night.

These knights all held a long whip in their hands. When they rode by, they could wrap around a townsman with a flick of the whip. A strange energy wave appeared on the whip, followed by a tremor. The incredible thing happened. The townsman turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared under the noose of the long whip.

Around, several other knights also wrapped the townspeople with long whips. One by one, the townspeople all turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated. The population of the town was rapidly decreasing.

Many ordinary townspeople were so scared that they wanted to drive out of the town, but thick fog had already floated around the town. After passing through the fog, those cars actually went back to the town from the other side and had no way to leave.

This scene made the people around even more panicked. The shouts of fear and screams of fear spread throughout the town.

Kelly was anxious when she saw that she couldn't get through to Hu Qing's phone.

Elder Cui Liya beside her also had a grim expression on her face: "It's them. The elders who escaped back before described that they must be here for the thing in the forbidden secret room."

Just then, Kelly and the others felt a murderous aura looming over them. A few more knights appeared beside them and stared at them intently.

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