Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 468 Chapter 468 Unless you are God! Then you should treat me as God!

Hu Qing was naturally not someone who could be easily seduced by beauty, so he stretched out his hand and lifted Vivian's chin with two fingers, looking at her royal sister's face and said: "But what if I am not interested in being a king?"

Vivian saw that Hu Qing did not fall for her beauty trick and was obviously a little embarrassed and annoyed: "Why would a strong man like you have such a ridiculous idea? Look at this world, it is all controlled by a group of weak people, they are weak, ignorant, and greedy."

The Blood Queen's shameful and angry look was still very interesting. Hu Qing asked jokingly: "Ms. Vivian, what do you want to do after you rule the world? Let supernatural creatures kill humans? Humans will resist, and then there will be endless wars. Or do you like war? If that were the case, you would not be willing to accept King Arthur's surrender and end the war, because you were fully capable of destroying King Arthur directly at that time."

This made Vivian frown. She joined the war at the beginning, not for the sake of war, but just to resist.

As for now, there is only endless anger and hatred, and she wants to take revenge on humans.

But now she suddenly met this powerful man in front of her, and she felt powerless.

Vivian gritted her teeth and said to Hu Qing in annoyance: "Aren't you a man?"

Not a man?

"Ms. Wei Wei'an, your idea is very dangerous." Hu Qing was dissatisfied when he heard this.

Why is he not a man? He is more manly than anyone else, right? Which man's waist strength can compare with his?

Vivian said unwillingly: "Since you are a man, why are you indifferent to power? You can be the king of the world, and if you add me, no man should be able to resist it."

Obviously, the Blood Queen is very confident in herself, and she does have the capital to be confident, but her idea is wrong. Didn't Hellboy resist this temptation?

Naturally, Hu Qing felt that Hellboy was not a man, he was a real man, this is the essential difference, and he knew the essence of this world and knew how ridiculous and boring it was to rule the world.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "Ms. Wei Wei'an, let's get back to the basics now. Give up your plan to rule the world. You should know that I am giving you a chance."

The Blood Queen was silent. She knew that the opponent's power was not something she could resist, but she was unwilling to give up. She looked up at Hu Qing and said, "Do you want me to give up my plan? Do you want me to give up?"

"I have a plague in Beelzebub, and my men have gone to London to release it first."

"In addition, my men have also gone to find Hellboy. The opponent is a blood of hell. My men will lure the hell power in the opponent's body to destroy the world. At that time, Hellboy's power will be more terrifying than mine. If he can't suppress the desire to destroy the world, what will you do? Kill him?"

At the end, Vivian's expression was already a little gloating.

Hu Qing frowned.

Isn't this the plot in the movie?

In the movie, when Hellboy found the Blood Queen, Hellboy was no match at all, but the Blood Queen spared Hellboy's life in order to draw out the hell power in Hellboy's body and let him destroy the world.

Hu Qing sighed and said, "Ms. Vivian, the two things you mentioned are not problems at all. So, after solving these two problems, should you give up? Then please come with me to a place."

Hu Qing really didn't care about these two things.

Who is Hellboy? He has more humanity than devil, as proved in the movie. As long as Professor Bloom is there, plus a pregnant flame girl Liz, his humanity will definitely be stronger than his devil.

As for the plague, there is no need to worry, because he once exploded two things when killing those Beelzebubs (Chapter 165.).

One is the Plague Crystal (small), which can release the plague to a city.

The other is the Plague Devouring Crystal (medium), which can devour the plague or disease of ten cities.

No matter where Vivian's men release the plague, it can be easily absorbed and will never spread.

Hu Qing's words of indifference obviously made Wei Wei An even more annoyed, but what's the use of being annoyed? She can't do anything at all.

It was her misfortune to meet such a person who ignored her beauty, had no interest in power, and whose power was so terrifying.

But at this moment, a dense group of figures suddenly surrounded her from all sides. They were supernatural creatures.

The leader was a hideous pig demon.

This guy played a crucial role in the movie, but he was also a guy who didn't understand the situation. He wanted to learn from Zhu Bajie's love of women, so he must have some interest in the Blood Queen.

So, when the Blood Queen and Hellboy finally confronted each other, he was very angry that the Blood Queen didn't kill Hellboy, and he even blamed the Blood Queen. In the end, he was killed by the Blood Queen herself. He was a typical person who couldn't see himself clearly.

The pig demon surrounded Hu Qing with dense supernatural creatures, and even pointed at Hu Qing and threatened: "Let her go, or I will kill you."

The key point was that the dense supernatural creatures even shouted at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing sneered, is this asking for death? He was just short of experience, so he swung the Staff of Judgment, and a crescent-shaped scimitar was directly formed. With the impact of the crescent-shaped energy, the pig demon and the densely packed supernatural creatures were directly cut in half, and they died without even understanding what was going on.

[Experience +12000]

[Experience +3500]

【Experience +3000】

A row of intensive experiences also appeared in Hu Qing's mind instantly. One of them had an experience of 12,000, which is not low. It should be the pig demon's.

Then, he stepped forward and looked at the densely packed supernatural monsters around him. All these experiences would be in vain if he did not gain them.

Looking at the supernatural creatures around him, he jumped out again and took action one after another, using the half-moon scimitar. With the impact of half-moon energy, dozens of supernatural monsters fell down.

Seeing this, Weiwei subconsciously screamed downwards.

As she screamed, the supernatural creatures instantly became restless, but this time they did not launch an attack, but fled quickly in all directions, and some burrowed toward the ground and left here.

Hu Qing looked at Vivian and did not stop attacking. He continued to kill the supernatural creatures in front of him. He did not stop until the supernatural creatures in front of him were already dead and could not escape.

Moreover, he also killed a lot of people as he rushed down, gaining more than 1.5 million experience points.

Vivian looked at the corpses on the ground that were easily killed by Hu Qing, and her face didn't look good.

"Ms. Vivian, this is war. Now we are just dying. When the war really breaks out, they may all die." Hu Qing put away the staff of judgment and said casually.

After a moment, Amishius also flew over and landed next to Hu Qing: "Lord."

"Keep an eye on her, let's get out of here." Hu Qing ordered, summoned the ghost car Rolls-Royce, and called Nutrilite to ask the other party to arrange another flight.

The Blood Queen's men went to London to release the plague. It would take at least several hours of flying to get to London from the previous city.

Time passed, 6 hours later.

Stars and Stripes, Manhattan, Mysterious Investigation Department.

Hellboy reluctantly walked into the office of his adoptive father, Professor Bruce. As soon as he entered the door, he complained: "Professor, why do you have to call me back? Mr. Hu has taken care of this matter. There is no need for us to get involved." ”

Professor Bloom frowned and said, "I also know that the Blood Queen's men attacked the big bosses above. The big bosses were very angry. We can't rely on others for everything. We must also have our own chips."

"You know, the big guys are angry. If we don't do it, next year's funding will be reduced. Also, the Blood Queen's men can still launch attacks, which means that Mr. Hu hasn't solved the Blood Queen yet. Maybe we can still Help."

"There is news that King Arthur's Sword of the Eternal King can deal with the Blood Queen. We will go to England immediately to find the sword, just in case."

"It's really troublesome." Hellboy muttered dissatisfiedly: "You have no idea how terrifying Mr. Hu is. There is absolutely no chance."

But he had to listen to his father's words, which was really helpless.

At this time, the fishman Abel suddenly ran in in a panic: "Anu, Professor, something happened. A virus suddenly broke out in London. Many people had fevers, coughs and fainted on the streets. Moreover, in a short period of time, It has already spread to one district, but the key is that the virus is still spreading rapidly.”

"The medical operations in England are very slow. Suddenly, we found that we couldn't come up with a plan at all. I'm afraid the virus will spread throughout London in less than a day."

"Now other countries and Red Cross organizations have also received the news and are sending people to London one after another."

"We analyze and suspect that it is not a virus, but the Blood Queen once got the Beelbsi plague. Why hasn't Mr. Hu solved the Blood Queen yet?"

Professor Bloom frowned and said, "Anu, do you see? We need to find a sword quickly, just in case."

On the other side, London.

A Rolls-Royce pulled up in the city center.

When Hu Qing got out of the car, he saw people around him rushing away in a panic, as if something terrible had happened.

Opposite, a piece of news is playing on the open-air screen:

"An unknown virus has appeared in the city center and has spread rapidly to several districts. Citizens please return home as soon as possible and do not go out..."

Obviously, the virus has spread very seriously.

Vivian looked at the news and said: "It's useless. Once this plague spreads, even if you stay at home, you will still be infected, have fever and cough. This is also the reason for the disastrous defeat of mankind in the first place."

As she said that, she looked at Hu Qing with some pride: "Your power is very strong, but this kind of disaster cannot be solved by strong power."

"Ms. Vivian, you seem too confident." Hu Qing got in the car again and drove toward the center of London with a frown.

He came out of the Penwystar Mountains and took a plane to London. In just 6 hours, the plague released by the Blood Queen had spread to nearly half of London.

Entering the city center, I found that the area was in chaos, ambulances were everywhere, and the streets were full of fainted pedestrians.

Most of the people had fevers and cold sweats, lying on the ground shivering.

When Hu Qing stopped the car, medical organizations appeared one after another around him, as well as members of the Red Cross organization. There were also volunteers from the Red Cross societies from various countries. They wore heavy protective clothing and were treating those infected with the plague. .

On the contrary, there are only a few medical personnel in England, and the medical response speed is extremely slow. This is also a characteristic of England. They are laissez-faire about various virus epidemics that are difficult to deal with, and they all want to rely on the herd immunity system to solve them.

The general meaning is to let it spread. When the number of people spreading reaches a certain level, the virus will lose the transmission chain and gradually stop spreading, or the virus will stop spreading due to climate factors.

The meaning is, wait for death, and when you are almost dead, you will not die again, the problem will be solved, and the remaining people will defeat the virus.

Anyway, it's just nonsense.

And this plague is obviously different. There is no chance to give the group an immune system. At this speed of spread, the whole of London will be gone in one day. Within a month, the whole of England will not be spared. The subsequent outbreak may spread all over the world.

Therefore, the International Red Cross Organization will be nervous and send volunteers to help as soon as possible, because everyone knows the nature of England. This country will really let the virus spread all over the world.

But this time, even if the Red Cross Organization and those medical volunteers jointly studied the horror of this virus, they may not be able to solve it at all. More powerful medical experts and professors are needed.

The Red Cross Organization and medical volunteers were all panicked and reported the situation of the London virus back to various countries as soon as possible, spreading all over the world.

In a short time, the medical departments of the whole world fell into panic.

At this time, Hu Qing also arrived at the hospital in the center of London. It was already overcrowded, with coughs everywhere, and even the medical staff were infected one by one. The situation was very tragic.

No wonder Vivian could easily defeat King Arthur and the great wizard Merlin, forcing them to choose to surrender.

Modern society is difficult to resist this virus, let alone ancient times.

"The plague has spread." Wei Wei'an looked at Hu Qing and said, "Moreover, the wider it spreads, the more terrifying it will be. Once it leaves London, the faster it will spread. You can't solve it, unless you are God and can cure everyone in London in a short time."

"Then you can treat me as God first." Hu Qing sneered and took out the plague-devouring crystal (middle) that he was about to forget from the inventory.

No matter how big London is, it is just a city.

This crystal can absorb ten cities, not only plagues, but also diseases.

After that, London would certainly shock the world. Not only would the plague be gone, but all human diseases would also be gone. This would probably be regarded as a world miracle, or a miracle.

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