Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 489 Choose a pit for yourself! Horrible human beings!

Hades and Poseidon were shouting, wanting Zeus to come out.

But no matter how the two shouted, Zeus didn't seem to want to come out.

The two frowned.

"This guy's character has never changed." Hades sneered, "He didn't come out because he thought we would kill each other first, so that he could come out to clean up the mess."

Poseidon was also disdainful: "Times are changing, and he still thinks he can control everything like before. If he doesn't come out, then we will control this little god king first and see if Zeus can sit still."

This was recognized by Hades.

In their hearts, Zeus is the biggest enemy. How could they fight among themselves before kicking Zeus out? That is what they should do after kicking Zeus out.

The two looked at Otelis together.

"Sister Hestia, take these old gods and roll aside." Hades looked at the old woman beside Ones and said coldly: "The number of old Greek gods is already very small, I don't want to kill too many people."

Poseidon obviously agreed with Hades' words. There are indeed not many old Greek gods.

After he became the king of gods, these old gods belonged to his rule. He didn't want his pantheon to be deserted with only a few big fish and small fish.

"Poseidon, Hades, don't even think about it!" Hestia walked forward and frowned at the two brothers who were eyeing them covetously.

"Haha!" Hades smiled, and his eyes turned cold in vain: "Then it's not our fault."

The next moment, Hades and Poseidon rushed towards Otelis together.

The two were not very patient people. In this situation of disparity in strength, they didn't want to talk too much nonsense with each other.

The old gods they brought also surrounded the old gods brought by Ones.

Hades and Poseidon were not weak. As one of the three Greek gods, their power would not be weaker than Ares, whom Hu Qing had met before.

The two were extremely fast and rushed to the front in an instant. They signaled with their eyes and made a division of labor. Hades went to stop Hestia and Poseidon went to catch Oteris.

However, things always change.

The two went their separate ways, and suddenly a figure blocked their way.

It was Amisius and Yu Zhi.

Yu Zhi held the Shura Axe in his hand and chopped at Hades with one axe.

The King's Sword in Amisius's hand, with the flame-gold angel energy, also chopped at Poseidon fiercely.

"Who is it!" Poseidon exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Hades' face also changed.

The two brothers had never taken Amisius and Yu Zhi seriously before. When faced with the attack suddenly, they could only condense a shield in front of them with all their strength to resist.

But at the moment when the energy shield was condensed, Amisius and Yu Zhi's attacks also fell.

Then, Hades and Poseidon's faces changed.

The energy shield they condensed was instantly shattered by the opponent's attack, and a terrifying force pushed them back.

This scene shocked all the old gods brought by Hades and Poseidon.

Even Ones was equally incredible.

Hades and Poseidon were blocked?

These two are just Hu's men, right?

She didn't pay much attention to these two people just now, who knew they were so terrifying.

Hu Qing also roughly knew the strength of Poseidon and Hades through this attack. It was probably similar to Ares who met before. The attack should be between 80-100, and definitely not more than 100.

Hades and Poseidon looked equally unhappy.

"It turns out that Zeus still has this backhand." Hades frowned.

"Damn it, where did he find such men?" Poseidon said with gritted teeth.

This seemed to be beyond their plan, but now there was no choice. It couldn't be that Zeus didn't force them out, and the two of them were blocked instead?

The next moment, Hades and Poseidon began to surge with special energy fluctuations, and the space around them began to distort.

As the distortion began, illusions began to appear around them. Hades' illusion was a cave surrounded by black air, and there seemed to be dense bones on it. Poseidon's illusion was a lake, emitting microwaves.

Soon, the illusion became more and more real, and finally magically merged with the surrounding space.

Seeing this, Cynthia immediately reminded: "This is the God's domain of Hades and Poseidon. In this domain, their power will be amplified."

The God's domain is a fragmented version of the Kingdom of God space, and it also has magical abilities.

In ancient times, when the gods had not yet declined, Hades's divine domain was the endless land of Hades, and Poseidon's divine domain was the sea that could stir up turbulent waves.

But now that the gods have declined, the divine domains of the two seem to have weakened to the extreme, but even so, the two can still enhance their power in their own divine domains.

After the divine domains of Poseidon and Hades appeared, they attacked Yu Zhi and Amisius at the same time.

Hades's divine domain enveloped Yu Zhi, and Poseidon's divine domain also enveloped Amisius.

In an instant, black air appeared around Yu Zhi, trying to affect him, and Amisius lost the ground under his feet, and seemed to be sinking into the lake.

In addition to enhancing the power of the owner, the divine domain can also affect the enemy's strength to a certain extent with the environment and terrain.

This scene made Poseidon and Hades smile, but the smile froze the next moment, and they widened their eyes in horror. A storm scale horse appeared under Yu Zhi's crotch, and he also entered the mutation of Pangu Zombie, and his strength suddenly increased a lot. The moment the storm scale horse appeared, the black smoke was instantly blown away, and Yu Zhi also lifted the Shura Axe and slashed directly at Hades.

When Hades was proud, this scene caught him off guard. He hastily gathered strength to resist, but found that Yu Zhi's strength was far beyond before. He was directly chopped on the chest by an axe, and flew backwards and fell to the ground. Even the condensed divine domain dissipated in an instant.

Poseidon was not too lucky. When Amisius was about to fall into the lake, 8 golden angel wings instantly unfolded behind Amisius, and the flame-gold energy instantly burst out, condensing into dense energy arrows and flying towards Poseidon.

"Angels? No, not those guys in heaven!" Poseidon was horrified, resisting the dense arrows with a face full of doubt.

Amisius had already stepped forward and slashed him with a sword, directly slashing him into the lake. Then, a flame-gold angel spear condensed along the sword of the king and was thrown into the lake by Amisius at an incredible speed.

Boom! ~

The terrifying golden energy burst out instantly, directly impacting the surface of the lake.

Poseidon's divine domain also dissipated in an instant, and the whole person rolled to the ground. When he reacted, he looked at Amisius holding the sword in front of him in disbelief.

The brothers were defeated together, and their faces were extremely ugly.

This was not the ending they planned.

Hades said with an ugly face: "Zeus, you are powerful, we are defeated, and now we can come out."

Poseidon also said: "Zeus, are you not coming out? We fell into your hands again. I have to admit that the two men you found are very strong."

Unfortunately, Zeus still did not respond to them for a long time.

They felt humiliated. Zeus was not even interested in seeing their brothers?

At this time, a taunt sounded in Hades and Poseidon's ears: "I have to say, you two are really much dumber than Zeus. You still don't understand the situation. At least Zeus is still very clear-headed after being beaten."

Hades and Poseidon looked at Hu Qing who spoke at the same time, and then something incredible happened to them. Amisius and Yu Zhi retreated behind Hu Qing at the same time and said respectfully.



Hades and Poseidon widened their eyes at the same time. The two who defeated them were not Zeus's men, but the men of the human in front of them?

A human?

Then, they noticed what the other party had just said. Zeus was beaten...

Zeus was beaten?

This sentence kept popping up in the minds of the two people. It seemed that they reacted this time. They had made a mistake in the enemy from the beginning. There was indeed a conspiracy, but it was not done by Zeus, but everything designed by the human in front of them.

Moreover, they knew more clearly that if two such strong guys were so respectful, then this human being was even more terrifying.

"Do you see the pits and holes around? Choose one!" Hu Qing pointed at the pits dug by Nutrilite and said, "This place is also beautiful, and burying you old gods is not an insult to you."

This made Hades and Poseidon jump in the corner of their eyes.

When they came, they naturally saw those pits and holes, but they didn't care at all. Who would have thought that they were dug out to bury them?

If the other party said this at the beginning, they would definitely think that the other party was crazy and didn't know their identity.

But obviously, the two of them only felt a chill in their backs and their hearts were pounding. This could really happen.

Hades and Poseidon almost didn't hesitate, and turned around and fled at the same time, just like Apollo before, without daring to hesitate.

"Humph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly, and at that moment he put on the warrior equipment, holding the staff of judgment, and at the same time entered the state of the diamond body and flew up, instantly sweeping towards Hades and Poseidon.

Before the two escaped far, Hu Qing caught up with them, and then two assassination swords were slashed at them respectively.

Hades and Poseidon felt the terrifying attack coming, and subconsciously turned around to resist, but the power of the assassination sword directly pierced through their chests, and they didn't even have the ability to resist.

The two widened their eyes in despair, and couldn't believe that this would be their end.

In the era of the decline of the gods, the power of the old gods weakened, but no one told them that humans could be so strong?

Poseidon and Hades turned into bodies and fell to the ground, with two balls of light floating on their bodies.

In the distance, Apollo, who was still hiding in the dark to see if there was still a chance, saw this scene, and felt his scalp tingling, and fled away frantically in fear.

When did this world become so dangerous? Even gods like them don't have a sense of security?

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