Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 491 The Angels join in! Psychedelic!

The Cascade Mountains were not paid much attention by Seattle residents before, after all, the mountain is not famous.

The most concerned thing is that the outer part of the Cascade Mountains has been transformed into a woodland park.

But now, even if Seattle residents do not want to pay attention to the Cascade Mountains, they have no choice. The black smoke columns rising from the top of the mountain can be seen from as far as downtown Seattle.

A news helicopter hovered over the Cascade Mountains, and the photographer on it had already pointed the camera in the direction where the black smoke columns were floating.

There was a terrifying crack there, and even rolling magma could be seen inside.

This scene was broadcast live on the news so that the whole Seattle people could see it, which made the chaotic city even more chaotic.

This volcano could erupt at any time, and half of Seattle would be destroyed at that time.

In the castle.

Hu Qing also took Kelly and the others to watch the live news.

Kelly frowned and said, "Hu, do you think Lucifer is really that powerful? Can he create such a volcano out of thin air on Mount Cascade?"

Hu Qing frowned and said, "It's not that Lucifer is powerful. He should not have the ability to do it by himself now. The real power is the power that represents the function of destroying the world. God is just bored to death. He has to play these boring games and pretend to be missing and pretend to be a screenwriter to create all kinds of chaos."

This made Kelly's face look even worse.

Lucifer and God were too far away from her before.

Cynthia was surprised and said, "Hu, the old gods have heard that God is missing. Do you mean this is just God's game?"

As an old god, she naturally knows what kind of existence God is. The old gods even have a consensus that if it weren't for the covenant with God, perhaps the decline of the gods would not have happened.

Hu Qing nodded: "That's right, a jerk who was typing away with a notebook, what the hell is missing."

However, this jerk has the greatest functional power in "Supernatural". This functional power cannot be regarded as conventional power, but has some very strange power capabilities.

He remembered that in "Supernatural", God's functions would also be lost, and God would also lose power. If he had the chance, he would catch this guy who was typing away and put him in the Red Name Village.

I just don't know if the Red Name Village can trap the other party.

But one thing is certain, that is, God will definitely not be able to exert his power in this Red Name Village.

This gives him an invincible place.

Outside the castle.

The sound of the aircraft sounded.

After a while, Nutrilite walked in and said respectfully: "Mr. Hu, the aircraft is ready."

"Let's go!" Hu Qing walked out and got on the flying messenger.

This volcano appeared in the Cascade Mountains, and he had to check it out. After all, Seattle was his base camp.

Since it was something man-made, there might be a way to crack it.

The aircraft took off and headed directly to the direction of the Cascade Mountains in Seattle.

But just after the aircraft took off, it received a report from Bobby: "Nutrilite, Mr. Hu, the whereabouts of the Wen brothers were found in a small town under Seattle. They seem to be entangled with some force."

When Hu Qing ordered the people in the mysterious incident investigation department to find Lucifer's traces, he did not forget to have people monitor Dean and Sam.

If Lucifer cannot be found, then Lucifer can only wait for him to find the two brothers according to the plot in "Supernatural".

The person who is entangled with the Wen brothers now may be Lucifer.

"Let's go to the Wen brothers." Hu Qing gave the order directly.

Lucifer, who controls the second ring, must not be able to exert his full power.

If it is really the other party, he must test this world-destroying boss.

However, he also took off the paralysis ring at the same time and replaced it with the resurrection ring.

It is better to be cautious when facing a world-destroying boss like Lucifer.

Soon after, the aircraft stopped in a town called Nisla.

As soon as Hu Qing got off the aircraft, he felt a kind of free energy in the town.

It seemed to be somewhat similar to the angel energy that Amisius had once had, but also somewhat different.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing directly summoned Amisius.

As soon as Amisius came, he looked in the direction of the town and said in surprise: "Lord, there is the breath of angels in the town, they are fighting angels."

Hu Qing nodded.

That's right, it seems that just like in "Supernatural", the angels from heaven have also begun to enter.

"Let someone send the location of Dean and Sam, and ordinary agents should not follow in." Hu Qing instructed Nutrilite.

A moment later, the location of the Wen brothers was sent.

Hu Qing only took Amisius and Nutrilite with him.

Nutrilite is also a Pangu zombie. Because Yu Zhi has been promoted to Red Eye, he has gradually gained the strength of Green Eye. His strength is not weak, and it is not difficult to deal with ordinary angels.

According to the location, Hu Qing took the two to a warehouse. As soon as he walked in, he saw a silver thorn attacking him.

Angel Blade.

Hu Qing recognized this weapon at the first time. As for why a sharp thorn is called Angel Blade, he didn't know.

He reached out and easily grabbed the hand holding the Angel Blade. The Angel Blade also stopped in front of him and could not move forward.

"Hu?" Sam's face was happy when he saw the person coming in clearly.

The person holding the Angel Blade was Sam. I think this angel weapon was taken from an angel.

Hu Qing let go of Sam and looked at the walls around him, which were carved with special runes.

Dean was also carving new runes on a wall.

"Hu!" Dean turned around and greeted Hu Qing when he saw him.

Through this period of investigation, he also dispelled a little vigilance against Hu Qing.

No matter why Hu's statue appeared in hell, at least one thing is certain, the other party has no connection with Lucifer.

The current enemy is Lucifer.

"The spell that drives away angels!" Amisius recognized the wrinkles at a glance.

Hu Qing knew this spell. In "Supernatural", the Wen brothers used this spell several times to drive away some angels.

Although this spell will not harm angels, it will teleport angels away to resolve the crisis.

"It seems that the angels in this town are coming for you brothers." Hu Qing smiled and asked, "Sam, shouldn't you brothers be worried about Lucifer at this time? Why are you fighting against the angels again?"

Sam frowned and explained, "Hu, it's hard to explain. After the abandoned factory was separated last time, we went to Chuck's house to find information about Lucifer."

"Wait, Chuck?" Hu Qing was shocked.

I almost forgot that the guy should have contacted the Wen brothers at this time.

Sam nodded: "Yes, although Chuck has no power, he is a prophet and knows a lot of things."

"Prophet shit..." Hu Qing complained in his heart.

This Chuck is the stupid God who hides and typos.

Sam continued, "At Chuck's house, we met a group of angels. They were very annoying and chased us to several places."

"We saw the news about the volcano in Seattle and thought this was your territory, so we came to take a look. Who knew that we were discovered by an angel as soon as we arrived in this town? The group of angels might come all at once."

Hu Qing guessed who these angels were after hearing what Sam said.

They should be Zachariah's group.

After God disappeared, heaven fell into chaos, as if warlords were fighting each other and were unwilling to submit to each other.

However, there was a group of people who still followed the instructions left by God. After Lucifer broke the seal, they wanted to deal with Lucifer.

An important figure in this group of angels was Zachariah.

In "Supernatural", Zachariah found the Wen brothers several times and wanted to cooperate to deal with Lucifer.

However, Zachariah was a little arrogant, and the basis of cooperation was not on an equal footing.

Perhaps Zachariah knew that the two brothers were the vessels of Michael and Lucifer, and he wanted to control the two brothers, so he was driven away by the brothers several times with the angel expelling spell.

Not long after Hu Qing arrived at the abandoned warehouse, there were strange energy fluctuations outside.

"Many angels appeared." Amisius reminded.

The next moment, a guy wearing a black windbreaker and a bald head walked in from the abandoned warehouse. It was Zachariah.

"Winchester, we meet again. I said you have no extra choices..." Zachariah glanced at the scene in the warehouse with a joking look, and when he looked at Hu Qing and the other two, he even joked: "You found allies this time?"

As he said that, he looked at the spells on the walls around him: "It's the same trick again."

"Zachariah, get out of here." Dean wanted to activate the spell to expel angels directly.

Zachariah laughed this time, and the next moment the entire abandoned warehouse shook first, and then cracks appeared on the walls of the warehouse, which just destroyed the spells on the walls and lost their effect.

Dean's face changed instantly.

"After suffering losses, you should be prepared, right? I have already arranged it before you came in." Zachariah said proudly. At the same time, figures came in from outside, all holding angel blades in their hands.

These guys are all angels.

"Except the Wen brothers, the other three guys have been dealt with. If you get involved in something you shouldn't get involved in, you deserve to die." Zachariah sneered at Hu Qing, Amisius, and Nutrilite.

In his eyes, apart from the Wen brothers, there was no need to keep other guys who had no use value.

Hearing Zachariah's words, three angels immediately rushed towards Hu Qing and the other two. They spread out two pairs of angel wings behind them, all of them were four-winged fighting angels.

"Humph!" Seeing this, Amisius flashed out and greeted him, and four pairs of golden angel wings instantly spread out on his back.

At that moment, Zachariah and the angels were all shocked.

"A throne angel? How is that possible?"

"He is a fallen angel."

"It seems different from those fallen angels of Lucifer."

Three flame-golden angel spears had condensed around Amisius, and flew directly towards the three war angels.

Feeling the power of Amisius, the three throne angels retreated in shock.

At this time.

Zachariah's figure appeared in front of him, and a stream of holy light burst out from his body. Four pairs of angel wings also unfolded on his back, and the incandescent energy blocked Amisius's angel spear.

Zachariah is also a throne angel.

The confrontation between the two throne angels made the momentum of the entire abandoned warehouse stagnate.

"Who are you?" Zachariah questioned Amisius.

Dean suddenly walked to a place in the warehouse at this time, pressed his palm down, and a strange energy wave appeared.

Under this energy, a layer of dust was lifted from the ground of the abandoned warehouse, revealing a carved spell pattern, which was the spell pattern that drove away the angels.

Zachariah was stunned: "So there is still a trick."

The next moment, Zachariah and the angels turned into rays of light and were teleported away from here.

Only Amisius remained in the same place.

Dean and Sam looked at Amisius in surprise. This spell pattern had no effect on Hu's angel?

"Dean, there is actually no need to teleport these guys away." Hu Qing said while looking at the spell pattern that drove away the angels.

8-winged angel, this Zachariah is at the same level as Amisius. If they really fight, they can't beat Amisius. There is no need to be afraid.

However, they have teleported away, and there is no way.

Since it is not Lucifer, he should go back to see the volcano.

"Sam, Dean, I have something to do. If you have any news about Lucifer, remember to inform me. Don't be so arrogant, or you will regret it later." Hu Qing told his two brothers and walked out of the abandoned warehouse.

But as soon as he walked out of the abandoned warehouse, he found a dazzling white light in front of him, which made him unable to open his eyes.

In an apartment, a Chinese youth suddenly stood up from the bed and looked at the situation around him in astonishment: "What the hell is this?"

"Hu, what are you doing to make a fuss?" Kelly came out of the bathroom and changed her clothes unscrupulously in front of Hu Qing?

"Kelly, what's going on? I'm not with Dean, Sam and others?" Hu Qing exclaimed subconsciously.

The scene in front of him was obviously wrong.

"The two brothers of the Wen family?" Kelly's face darkened, and she walked up to him and grabbed his collar: "Hu, are you still associating with those two useless brothers? Do you also want to be idle all day like them, and fantasize about being an exorcist?"

"???" Hu Qing!

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