Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 494 God's Prank! First Encounter with Lucifer!

In the villa of the vampire Cullen family in the town of Forks.

Alice, Edward, Bella...a family of vampires were also paying attention to the situation of the Cascade volcano and watching the live news.

After all, Jacob took Renesmee to Seattle, so they had to pay attention.

Fortunately, Jacob got through the phone, and in Mr. Hu's castle, there would not be any impact from the volcano.

But when the family saw the sudden appearance of the snow, they all looked at Alice.

Alice had seen a prophecy that Mr. Hu would summon a snowstorm in the future, and the scene described was unbelievable to them.

Can a human really be that terrifying?

Now looking at the snowy mountain, the family was inexplicably glad that they did not offend Mr. Hu at the beginning, but instead had some friendship with him, and Mr. Hu also helped them solve the big troubles of the royal family.

Similarly, the people watching the live news in the entire Seattle area suddenly stared at the live news.

The originally red and hot picture turned into a white and frosty picture.

Before this, no one dared to believe that someone could stop an erupting volcano by himself.

But now, they watched a figure waving a long sword in his hand and summoning a terrifying blizzard, which actually directly sealed the erupting volcano, and the surging magma was also frozen into a thick layer of ice.

Cascade Mountain suddenly turned into a snowy mountain.

If volcanoes make people feel threatened and can destroy everything, then this snowy mountain seems to be a beautiful scenic spot, full of poetic and picturesque scenery.

This kind of transformation seems to be something that only gods can do?

Maybe the golden-haired figure with golden light all over his body is a god?

Shadow Castle.

Clare and several shadow hunters had already planned to leave Seattle, but now they were staring blankly at the snowy mountain in the distance.

In the mysterious investigation department, everyone was also stunned.

Even though Bobby and Abbey already knew that Mr. Hu was terrifying, the scene before them could not be described with the word "horrible".

As for the official mayor of Seattle, they were all trembling.

Is this Mr. Hu?

Is he still human?

What would happen if this method was used in the city? It is comparable to Big Ivan, this is a human Big Ivan.

If the human army encounters this method, no matter how many people and how many weapons there are, they will be frozen into ice in an instant. You know, it can even freeze magma.

On the tallest building in Seattle, several ancient demons behind Lucifer also looked at the snow mountain with incredible faces.

"Who is the other party? How can he do such a thing?"

"Is it some old god?"

"Is there such a thing behind that organization?"

The faces of several ancient demons gradually became ugly. They were sure that if they met the other party, they would probably have no way out.

"It's really unexpected. No wonder that special organization dared to go against me even though they knew it was me, Lucifer. That's it." Lucifer stared at the direction of the snow mountain, and his eyes became a little sharp.

The next moment, his figure leaped up, and 12 angel wings spread out directly on his back.

The angel wings were different from those of ordinary angels. They were pure black, with black flames entwined on them, and carried special rule power fluctuations.

The next moment, Lucifer trembled all over, and turned into his unique red-gold demon smoke column, and flew quickly towards the snow mountain.

Now that the person behind the special organization has been found, it's time for him to do something.

Seeing this, several ancient demons also turned into black smoke columns and chased Lucifer, but unfortunately, Lucifer's speed was too fast, and they were soon left behind.

Above Mount Cascade.

Hu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the frozen volcano.

The power of the ice roar of 223 magic power was obviously beyond his expectations.

The rule power of the ice roar still remained in the ice and snow cover.

This power will not disappear in a short time. Over time, I'm afraid this place will really become a snow mountain.

Then, Hu Qing also flew back into the aircraft. Nutrilite, Dean, and Sam inside all looked at him in silence, unable to speak because of shock.

"Let's go, there's nothing to do here." Hu Qing said to Nutrilite.

"Okay, Mr. Hu." Nutrilite nodded and let the aircraft fly back.

The aircraft flew a distance, and Hu Qing was about to ask the Wen brothers where they were going, when Dean's cell phone rang suddenly.

"It's John!" Dean saw that it was his father's call, and immediately said to Sam, and then pressed the answer button. After a moment, he heard him exclaim with a strange face: "What? Is there such a thing?"

When Dean hung up the phone, Sam asked: "Dean, what happened?"

Dean explained: "Sam, you may not believe it, someone in Bolan City published a novel, and the content of the novel turned out to be our past exorcism experience. Moreover, John said that the book also describes the future methods of dealing with Lucifer, and asked us to rush over immediately."

Sam was shocked to hear this: "WHY? Is this a conspiracy?"

Indeed, such a thing is too weird for the two of them. It may be someone's conspiracy, but they must go there to deal with Lucifer.

Hu Qing probably knew what was going on when he heard this.

In "Supernatural", this is God, the guy who bangs the keyboard randomly, making trouble.

Many things about the Winchester brothers are novel plots typed out by God, and God also regards this novel as the new gospel.

It was not done, but the gospel in the Bible. The Bible includes the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Jesus, the Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of Judas, etc.

The Winchester brothers' book will be called the Winchester Gospel by God.

In "Supernatural", this novel event is a prank by God. The only useful thing is that it provides a clue to the Winchester brothers, that is, the clue of the COLT gun, saying that this gun fell into Crowley's hands and can be used to deal with Lucifer.

Naturally, this is also God's trick on the brothers. The COLT gun can't deal with Lucifer, but it introduces Crowley, the unlucky king of hell, into the plot.

For this COLT gun, the Winchester brothers also chased Crowley frantically.

But now, the Winchester brothers have seen Crowley a long time ago, and the COLT gun is still in his inventory.

Before, this gun was handed over to the mysterious incident investigation department, hoping that Nutrilite could use it to research supernatural technology weapons.

Unfortunately, the special rune power on COLT cannot be imitated by current technology, and it was sent back by Nutrilite without any progress.

This made him alert.

If the COLT gun was arranged in Crowley's hands, would he attract God's attention?

"Hu, send us back to the town of Nisla, our car is there." Dean also asked Hu Qing at this time. Their brothers' exorcism tools and exorcism records were in that car. Without that car, many of their abilities would be restricted.

Hu Qing nodded and also told Nutrilite: "Go to the town of Nisla."

The aircraft flew quickly towards the town of Nisla and stopped in the town soon.

After the Wen brothers got on the car, they said goodbye to Hu Qing and left.

Hu Qing thought about it and went to an open space and took out a box.

There was also the last Judas silver coin in the box, which could summon Crowley again.

He was naturally planning to give the COLT gun to Crowley, so that when the Wen brothers were led by God, the COLT gun would not be in Crowley's hands and cause deviation, which would draw God's attention.

He didn't want to be noticed by God, the guy who was typing randomly.

Thinking of this, he took the box and began to summon Crowley. After a while, scarlet smoke began to appear on the box, accompanied by the formation of an energy vortex, and a scarlet smoke column also rushed out from it, condensing Crowley's figure.

When Crowley saw the Judas silver coin in Hu Qing's hand, his face showed a bitter look: "Hu, I knew it was you, you bastard, the remaining Judas silver coins were actually with you all the time."

But no matter how annoyed he was, what could he, the King of Hell, do? He couldn't beat him? His previous palace was occupied by the opponent's men.

Damn the Lord of Death.

He felt that he had dug a hole for himself.

If Hu hadn't been sent to hell that time, and if he hadn't called the other party the Lord of Death, maybe there wouldn't be the damn slogan "Lord of Death, boundless magic, invincible, invincible" in hell.

Looking at the annoyed Crowley, Hu Qing teased: "Crowley, if I tell you that I just got this Judas silver coin, would you believe it? As soon as I got this Judas silver coin, I thought of you as my friend."

Crowley wanted to complain when he heard this. He was a fool who would believe this nonsense, so he immediately smiled and said to Hu Qing: "Hu, of course I believe you, we are friends, right? You must give me this Judas silver coin, right?"

"Crowley, you are so smart!" Hu Qing smiled jokingly and threw the Judas silver coin in his hand to Crowley.

"???" Crowley was still a little bit unbelievable when he received the Judas silver coin.

Really just give it to him like this?

It wasn't like this the last few times. The other party didn't make a deal to kill him?

Why did I suddenly feel something was wrong? Did he have the urge to return the Judas silver coin to Hu?

"Crowley, Lucifer seems to have set his sights on you, and I'll give you another thing!" Hu Qing said, and took out the colt gun from the inventory and threw it to Crowley.

Crowley was even more confused this time?

What happened to Hu? He was a little confused when he was suddenly so nice to him.

But he got the Judas silver coin for nothing, and he was reluctant to give it back. It was rumored that the COLT gun could deal with Lucifer, so it was also a good thing.

Just when Crowley was extremely entangled, a terrifying energy wave suddenly appeared in the sky.

This power made Crowley's face change instantly.

Hu Qing also subconsciously raised his head, and saw a red-gold smoke column flying quickly and falling here.

A moment later, a figure appeared in front of Hu Qing and Crowley.

When he saw this figure, Hu Qing saw the familiar face, and his heart suddenly twitched.


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