Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 497: A roar of ice gives 10 million experience points! The army of fallen angels is coming!

Bunaki has many more channels to condense than Crowley.

Hu Qing walked through Bunaki's condensed passage, at least he didn't feel the depressing feeling he felt when he came in with Crowley.

After passing through the passage, Hu Qing immediately entered the Vajra Divine Body and paid attention to his own situation.

The hell environment is not suitable for living people to survive and will corrode them.

He now wants to see how effectively the Vajra God Body is immune to most substances and toxins. After all, the resistance level has reached level 6.

The reason why the hell environment affects and invades living people is that it contains material energy or toxins that are not suitable for humans?

The result surprised Hu Qing.

The resistance ability of the 6-turn Vajra God Body is indeed able to withstand the environment of hell.

Hu Qing looked around at this time and found that he was in a palace.

Bunaki's huge dragon body has also shrunk a lot and can move around in this palace.

"Master, this is your palace. The name of the Death Lord will resound throughout hell." Bunaki stood next to Hu Qing and said respectfully.

Hu Qing looked at the palace but was obviously stunned for a moment, because he was familiar with this palace. Isn't this Crowley's palace?

The first time the other party took him to hell, he appeared here.

But when did this palace become his?

He didn't even know that he had such an apartment in hell.

Could it be that Burnaki drove Crowley away and robbed Crowley's palace?

If this is the case, then a flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple.

Hu Qing didn't see this castle last time, but this time he can take a good look at it.

The castle is very large, and the construction structure is very retro, but the area is very large, and the materials are made of huge stones piled up, and they are very smooth.

Even with modern science and technology, it would be difficult to build such a palace with such a huge boulder, but it would be easier to build it in a hell with supernatural powers.

However, Hu Qing saw a familiar figure not long after walking.

Death waiter.

This guy is one of the 50 little demons in that batch. Because he absorbed the power of those demon lords, he has become as strong as a demon lord after several times.

When he came to hell before, the other party gave himself the name of Death Waiter.

The death waiter showed a look of surprise when he saw Hu Qing, then raised his arms and shouted: "Lord of Death, his magic power is boundless, he is invincible, and he is invincible."

Following the death waiter's shout, the surrounding demons also shouted out.

Then the slogans slowly spread out, and more and more shouts followed.

"Lord of Death, with boundless magic power, he is invincible and invincible."

"Lord of Death, with boundless magic power, he is invincible and invincible."


Soon, Hu Qing heard the deafening slogans.

That slogan seemed to be shouted by countless people at the same time, and the momentum generated was astonishing.

Hu Qing was stunned again when he heard the shouts. His figure jumped up and flew out of the castle. He was even more shocked when he saw the scene outside.

The entire castle was surrounded by demons, and there was even a dense army of demons surrounding the castle. The demonic aura soared into the sky, and demon figures turned into pillars of smoke and rose up everywhere.

This is simply a huge army of demons.

How much experience should this be?

But these demons are now shouting the slogan that the Death Lord is invincible.

Are these all his subordinates?

When did he have so many demon minions?

"Master, this is your army!" Bunaki said as if claiming credit: "Now this area has been captured. One of the seven deadly sins areas already belongs to you. Soon we can attack the other six areas. ”

"I'll be quiet first." Hu Qing didn't turn a corner for a while and flew back to the castle.

He just wanted to be a salty fish, and he never thought about fighting for hegemony in the world.

No matter how powerful the force is in his heart, it is not as important as his own strength.

But now he is inexplicably fighting for hegemony in hell, and he has become one of the princes of hell?

He seemed to understand somewhat what Crowley meant before.

Even Crowley knows about his Death Lord's power in hell, but he, the Death Lord himself, doesn't know about it?

When Hu Qing was surprised, in the other area, a pig-headed demon looked very ugly.

Zhu Ganghye looked into the distance with a rake on his shoulder. That area was his hometown. He was born there, grew up there, was cuckolded by his younger brother there, and was promoted to the Yellow Eye.

But because of the Death Lord, he had to go far away, came to this area, occupied a territory, and finally had subordinates again, becoming a veritable lord.

It happened that at this time he heard the news about the Death Lord again, and there was also an outrageous rumor about the Death Lord, saying that the Death Lord defeated Lucifer.

Are you kidding me?

Who is Lucifer? That was the recognized king of hell. Even Crowley, the new king of hell whom he admired very much, was far inferior to Lucifer.

Now there are rumors that the Death Lord defeated Lucifer, even if he were killed, he would not believe it. The key point is that Lucifer has been missing for a long time. Where can the Death Lord defeat him?

This is obviously the death lord borrowing Lucifer's name to increase his prestige.

Zhu Ganglie thought more and more that it made sense, and could not help but said viciously: "Isn't this Death Lord afraid of really luring Lucifer out? You know, there has never been a rumor about Lucifer's fall in hell."

At this time, a demon lord ran in in a panic: "Great Lord, it's bad, there is a large dark cloud flying towards here in the west, it's very wrong."

"Dark cloud?" Zhu Ganglie showed a trace of doubt, and followed the demon lord to the territory to see what was going on with the so-called strange dark cloud.

When he reached the top of a mountain and saw the fast approaching dark cloud, he was shocked.

He was the Yellow-eyed Lord, and he could see clearly that there were countless fallen angels flying in the air, and the black demon smoke columns on their bodies gathered together to form a dark cloud.

That was an army of fallen angels.

But fallen angels haven't appeared for a long time, and there is only one person in hell who can drive fallen angels.

That is Lucifer!

Only Lucifer can command fallen angels.

Zhu Ganglie watched the fallen angels fly over his territory, and then quickly moved in one direction.

"That direction is the territory of the Lord of Death!" Zhu Ganglie laughed immediately and came to the conclusion: "Haha, it must be that the Lord of Death has advertised that he has defeated Lucifer, and this has really led Lucifer out. Lucifer's anger is not something that the Lord of Death can resist at all."

Zhu Ganglie knew very well what Lucifer represented in hell. The other party had been hiding for so long and suddenly came out. He must be planning something. Now that he was led out by the Lord of Death, the Lord of Death was in trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ganglie couldn't help but smile.

He was so miserable before, all because of the Lord of Death.

Zhu Ganglie did not hesitate at all and followed the army of fallen angels directly. It was also a thing worth celebrating to see the enemy in trouble.

On the other side.

Hu Qing did not forget the purpose of coming to hell.

He had already stood on Bunaki's head and flew out of the palace. It took a lot of time to reach a deep crack.

It can be seen that huge black snakes are surging in the cracks of the abyss, covered with thick scales.

That is the Ered Snake!

Once in the human world, Hu Qing encountered a half-orc organization, and the leader of the other party summoned the Ered Snake, and one of the Ered Snakes even grew three heads.

And now the Ered Snakes in the abyss not only have three heads, but also six heads and nine heads.

This is the abyss where the Ered Snakes live.

After Hu Qing told the Death Servant Demon that he wanted to kill monsters in large numbers, with strong power and close distance, the demons found him a map and reported the location.

I didn't expect that the monsters here were Ered Snakes.

"Let's go! Get rid of them." Hu Qing said and took out the special amulet for summoning the beast.

Bunaki also dived into the abyss after receiving the order.

After a moment, the dense serpents seemed to have discovered Bunaki, and they all raised their heads and hissed at Bunaki in the air, and energy condensed and sprayed towards Bunaki.

Unfortunately, their attacks were ignored by Bunaki.

Bunaki crashed down with a terrifying force, directly knocking all the serpents in that circle flying out and killing them.

For Bunaki's power, the power of these serpents was too weak.

[Experience +6000]

[Experience +6000]

[Experience +9000]

One experience after another appeared in Hu Qing's mind at the same time.

Moreover, he could also see rays of light flying from the corpse of the serpent, quickly drifting towards the special amulet in his hand.

This should be the life energy that the amulet needs to replenish.

The energy replenished by these serpents did not change the value on the amulet.

This shows that the amulet that summons the beast requires a lot of life energy.

However, there are also many evil snakes in the abyss, which should be able to increase the life energy required for the amulet by a large margin.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing let Bunaki fly up, then put on magic equipment, and pointed the Blood Drinking Sword at the crack in the abyss.

The next moment, the Ice Roar was performed.

The entire abyss crack also became cold in an instant, and then snowflakes appeared all over the sky, followed by an overwhelming storm with dense and terrifying ice blades covering the entire abyss.

Under the terrifying power of the Ice Roar, the weaker evil snakes were instantly frozen, and the stronger ones, the 6-head and 9-headed evil snakes resisted the cold current and blizzard of the Ice Roar, but under the subsequent storm ice blades, their bodies were instantly pierced, torn apart, and frozen by the dense ice blades.

All the evil snakes were unable to resist Hu Qing's Ice Roar.

Even the power of the Ice Roar shocked Bunaki, and it felt that it might not be able to resist and would be frozen.

The master is really too powerful.

Then, at the same time, a row of dense experience prompts appeared in Hu Qing's mind. When the experience was frozen, Hu Qing found that this ice roar actually increased his experience by more than 10 million, but the price was that there were no more evil snakes in the abyss.

Similarly, white light quickly emerged from the corpses of those evil snakes and gathered on the special summoner in Hu Qing's hand, but the progress was only 12%.

This not only did not disappoint him, but made him look forward to it. The more life energy required, the stronger the summoned beast should be in theory.

"Let's go back to the palace first, and then see where on the map is suitable for spawning monsters." Hu Qing put away the amulet, said a word, and then used the teleportation to disappear on the spot.

He had left a mark in the palace.

While Hu Qing was spawning monsters, a dark cloud had appeared on the horizon that could be seen from the Palace of the Lord of Death.

The dark cloud was the army of fallen angels.

Lucifer spread the 12 angel wings on his back and looked at the palace from a distance.

He was naturally familiar with the palace, because he was originally the owner of the palace.

An 8-winged fallen angel came to Lucifer and said, "My lord, there are many demonic auras gathered in the palace. It seems that the Lord of Death has many demons under his command."

Lucifer smiled and said, "That also shows that the Lord of Death is quite powerful. I just hope he won't let me down. Now I should go back to my home and take a look."

Lucifer said, and then he shook his 12 angel wings and quickly flew towards the palace. In an instant, he appeared above the palace and shouted, "Lord of Death, come out and see... Hey..."

Lucifer was stunned as soon as he finished speaking, looking at a sculpture standing on the palace in astonishment. There should have been his sculpture there, but now this sculpture must belong to a Lord of Death.

But the appearance of this sculpture...

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