Two police officers stepped forward and detained the man who was handcuffed by Kelly.

Kelly walked up to Hu Qing in surprise: "Mr. Hu, I didn't expect you to have such skills."

"Some kung fu I have practiced before!" Hu Qing responded with a smile, but curiously asked: "Miss Kelly, what did this guy commit?"

Kelly explained: "A wanted murderer and another accomplice robbed and killed a family. The two of them were on the run after being wanted. We finally caught one today. Mr. Hu helped us catch him. Come back with us to make a record." !”

"Miss Kelly, didn't you and a few police officers catch this person? I was just passing by. This has nothing to do with me." Hu Qing shook his head hurriedly and slipped out of the alley as he spoke.

Didn’t you hear that the other party had companions that he hadn’t caught?

He didn't want to get into this kind of trouble for no reason.

If the other party's comrades want to retaliate against him, even if the other party cannot defeat him, this is the free Star-Spangled Kingdom, and guns are not allowed.

When Kelly saw Hu Qing leaving, she wanted to stop him because of business matters, but after looking at several colleagues next to her, she still didn't speak.

When the police officers saw Hu Qing leaving, they did not stop him and seemed to ignore Hu Qing.

After all, catching this wanted murderer is a great achievement. If outsiders help, the credit will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, this massacre case was a big deal, and if one person was arrested, it would definitely attract some reporters to interview him.

These reporters are more enthusiastic about civilian heroes than they are. By then, there may be news about "several police officers chasing the wanted criminals to escape, and finally the wanted criminals were subdued by passerby heroes!" ’

Then they will become a foil background.

Hu Qing walked out of the alley and left directly.

If this happens suddenly, just treat it as an episode.

The next day, Hu Qing still went out to exercise. After upgrading, he obviously felt that his physical strength was stronger. Before, exercising continuously for 4 hours was the limit. After upgrading, he had 10 more health points to consume, and he exercised continuously for 5 hours a day. It will take an hour to reach the limit and start losing blood like crazy.

At the end of today's training, 6 experience points are added every hour, 30 experience points in 5 hours, and the experience bar in the status bar becomes: Level 3 30/300.

Hu Qing returned to the apartment after regaining her strength.

I took a shower, changed into clothes, and turned on the computer.

In addition to exercising, he also checked out a lot of information about Western mysterious legends on the Internet. It never hurts to learn more about it. It might be useful if he encounters something weird again one day.


When Hu Qing was browsing the Internet, he accidentally browsed a post and was attracted by this post.

This post described information about several monsters, one of which was the Wendigo monster he encountered in the mine. The post said that this kind of monster that could not be killed by bullets actually had a big weakness, that is, it was afraid of fire.

This post also describes information about ghosts, ghouls, and vampires and how to deal with them. For example, ghosts can be eliminated by burning the source. The source of ghosts is mostly the corpse itself, or the object that caused their death.

It's as if the author has personally experienced these monsters and killed them.

There are many replies under this information post, but most of them are ridiculing or praising the author for the well-written story in the information.

Obviously, no one who saw the post took it seriously and did not believe in these supernatural monsters.

But for Hu Qing, who has personally experienced the Wendigo Mountain Monster, his thoughts are different. Maybe this is really the author's personal experience?

If so, then the person who posted this post is a bit awesome.

Hu Qing looked at the author ID of this post: Sam Winchester.

This name made Hu Qing stunned for a moment, because in his previous life, he had watched an American TV series called "The Power of Evil" with one of his ex-girlfriends who loved watching American TV series. The protagonists of that TV series were two brothers, and the younger brother was named this. The key to that TV series was It's about two brothers dealing with various supernatural events.

What a coincidence, right?

Thinking of the Wendigo monster he encountered, Hu Qing suddenly had an incredible idea. He tried to send a private message to Sam Winchester, wanting to verify his conjecture. He didn't know if the other party would reply.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and a call came in, and it turned out to be Mr. Guo.

Is it possible that we need to consult him again for Feng Shui? Or is the Wendigo appearing in the mines again?

If another Wendigo appeared, he would be looking forward to it.

He is stronger now, and he also has life essence and ebony sword. With the paralysis ring, I believe he can easily defeat the Wendigo monster.

After answering the call, Hu Qing asked on the phone: "Mr. Guo, what's wrong? Is there another monster in the mine?"

Guo Gang smiled and said: "Director Hu, I have asked someone to investigate the mine for a few days. There are no problems. I am already planning to start work."

"Today I am going to introduce a business to Director Hu. I have a friend named Phil who runs a luxury motel."

"There have been supernatural incidents at his place these days, and it seems to be because of a woman. I didn't ask for details, but the police went to investigate and found nothing, so I recommended Director Hu. If Director Hu helped solve the problem, the other party was willing to pay 30,000 US dollars. "

"30,000 US dollars is quite a lot!" Hu Qing thought for a moment and agreed: "Mr. Guo, give me the address. If it's not far away, I'll go there tonight."

Now, in his inventory, he has the compass left by his second uncle Hu Bayi, as well as life essence, silver bracelet, ebony sword, and paralysis ring. These things make him really eager to try it.

"Director Hu, let me send you the address." Guo Gang hung up the phone and then sent a message to Hu Qing and sent the address.

Hu Qing looked at the address, and it was indeed not far away. It was in an area next to Chinatown and could be reached through Woodland Park.

Opening a luxury motel next to Woodland Park isn't something you can afford.

As night fell, Hu Qing hailed a taxi and set off.

The driver was a young black man, and the noisy DJ radio was playing rap music in the car. Hu Qing said that he couldn't appreciate it at all, but the driver shook his head and seemed to be very happy.

When entering Woodland Park, there was a sudden rustling sound on the car broadcast, and the DJ was also intermittently, and finally it was completely rustling.

The driver stretched out his hand to adjust it, and when he found it was useless, he cursed: "There will be no signal in Woodland Park. I must have used the user's money to hold that dirty party!"

Just after I finished cursing, I saw a blond beauty in front of me with a hot figure and very big breasts standing in front of an old car and holding out her hand to stop the car. Her clothes were also a bit old-fashioned. They were not the current fashion, but they were popular. The spicy figure is not affected by this at all.

"Mr. Driver, my car suddenly broke down. Can I give you a lift? I'll get off at the Phil Motel in front." The blonde beauty looked at the black driver with a smile, and bent down intentionally or unintentionally.

The driver's eyes were obviously wandering, and he swallowed subconsciously, and then said in a very gentlemanly manner: "Beauty, get in the car, we are also going to Phil Motel."

Hu Qing frowned slightly. The simple honey trap seemed to make the driver forget that he was a passenger.

However, most black people in the Star-Spangled Country also have this kind of virtue.

It was late at night and he didn't bother to say much.

"Thank you, sir..." The blonde beauty was not polite and opened the car door directly and got in the car. When she saw Hu Qing in the car, she said apologetically: "Sir, I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

This actually made Hu Qing feel a little better, and he responded: "You're welcome."

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