"What's going on in this video? What is the black shadow in the mirror?" Chu Hong looked at Pu Rusi in shock, obviously not believing what was happening in the video.

This scene shocked his cognition.

A black shadow appeared in the mirror and killed the two men.

Pu Rusi smiled and asked: "Chu, have you ever heard of ghosts? There are actually ghosts in this world. The black shadow in the mirror is the ghost, and it killed those two men."

"How could such a thing exist?" Chu Hong shook his head. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he felt that Pu Rusi was joking with him. .

"Chu, I didn't believe it at first." Pu Rusi smiled, and then continued: "But it changed after I heard a ridiculous legend about a mirror auction item at an auction."

"In the legend: There once was a witch named Maria who died in front of a mirror and had her eyes gouged out. After that, her soul turned into a resentful spirit and lived in that mirror. As long as someone called Maria's name, It will come out and kill people.”

"Isn't this a ridiculous story? 'Bloody Maria' is a bad plot used by many American dramas."

"But a rich man I knew didn't believe this story, so he bought a mirror and gave it to his daughter. As a result, his daughter called Maria in front of the mirror, but her parents died on the bed the next day, two Eyes disappear mysteriously."

"Do you think it's magical? I feel the same way, so I got this mirror and conducted an experiment. You can see the results of the experiment. There are really things in this world that are difficult for us to understand."

Speaking of this, Pu Rusi poured himself a glass of wine, walked behind Chu Hong, held his shoulder with one hand and said: "I heard that the five gentlemen of your Tang Sect will meet in the same conference room every time they get together. , discuss how to deal with people like us. If this mirror is placed in the conference room where they are meeting, do you think they will be dead? "

When Chu Hong heard this, he swallowed subconsciously.

If that happens, five people including Tang Song can be killed together, and then not many people in the Tang Sect still have prestige and status. Chu Hong, who has a lot of power in Zhuoliu, will definitely have a chance to rise to power.

If he could control the Seattle Tang Sect alone, then the connections and power represented by the Tang Sect would be his, and it would be nothing even if he agreed to cooperate with Pu Rusi.

"What about the mirror?" Chu Hong asked urgently, the light in his eyes was completely different.

Pu Rusi shook his head and said, "Chu, it's starting to get dark now. I can't guarantee whether the ghost of Don Nian Maria will come out, so I'd better wait until it's daytime tomorrow before going there."

Chu Hong nodded and could only hold back after hearing this.

at night.

Hu Qing took out a bowl of salt water and went to the villa hall.

He took the silver cross with sacred attributes from the girl and put it into the salt water, and used the salt to build a magic diagram around the bowl.

Of course he wanted to make holy water.

There is also some holy water in the inventory that Chloe had previously made by chanting a spell.

But this kind of stuff is just like salt, so be prepared and there is no harm in having more.

The key is that when the holy water is gone, he has to be able to make it himself.

Hu Qing held the bowl of salt water with both hands, and then began to chant the Latin incantation that Chloe had taught before: "Hoc autem factum est per damnationem est auctor temere conditum est, non curamus..."

Unfortunately, after reciting the incantation, the salt water did not react at all.

It's because he didn't pronounce the notes quite right.

It was very difficult to learn English grammar in my previous life. Even if I put in the effort, I could only pass the English grammar exam.

And this Latin is the language of many mysterious legends in the West, and it is more difficult to learn than English.

Fortunately, this is only one mantra, and you can always pronounce it correctly as long as you work hard.

Hu Qing tried again and again, but always failed. After more than 2 hours in a row, when his mouth was almost dry, he finally succeeded once.

The silver cross in the salt water rippled, triggering the magic diagram. As the refined salt that constructed the magic diagram began to melt and dissipate, the ripples that appeared on the cross also condensed in the salt water to resemble the magic diagram.

When the holy water was finished, Hu Qing immediately put it in the inventory and saw the information.

"Exorcist Holy Water (Quality 2): A special pure liquid that has a strong restraint effect on evil creatures and can cause great harm to demons. The power of the effect is affected by the quality of the holy water. The higher the quality, the greater the exorcism effect. powerful.."

The note information is not much different from the one Chloe chanted before.

The only difference is that the one produced by Chloe's incantation is of quality 1, while the one produced by his incantation is of quality 2, which has a stronger exorcism effect.

It seems that the quality of this holy water is also related to the strength of the person who chants the curse.

However, this quality 2 holy water was much more effective than quality 1, but there was no monster for him to test, which made him glance at the girl subconsciously.

Exorcism holy water can not only deal with demons, but also other monsters.

The girl seemed to sense something and looked up at Hu Qing: "Mr. Hu, what are you looking at me for?"

"Because you are beautiful." Hu Qing responded casually.

"Really?" The girl's eyes lit up, and a hint of shyness appeared on her pretty face.

"Really." Hu Qing responded, and then took out a bowl of salt water again and continued to make holy water.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to really experiment with girls.

Therefore, he can only wait until some unlucky monster comes to his door for him to experiment on.

However, after succeeding once, Hu Qing began to fail in chanting the spell again. It was obviously good luck just now.

After one night of trying, Hu Qing succeeded again, producing a bowl of quality 2 holy water.

the next day.

Hu Qing continued extreme training when he got up. In 10 hours during the day, he gained another 300 experience points, reaching level 9 with 603/2300 experience points.

At this speed, it only takes another week to reach level 10.

Just after he finished practicing, Tang Song called: "Mr. Hu, my succession dinner is about to start. I will send someone to pick you up and come to Tangmen headquarters."

"Okay, you look at the arrangements." Hu Qing originally wanted to drive there by himself, but he did not refuse Tang Song's kindness. He knew that the other party wanted to do everything.

The Tang Sect headquarters is located in the General Business Building in the northwest of Chinatown.

Most Chinese businessmen in Seattle are members of this business association, and most of them are members of Tangmen Qingliu.

Karamatsu is already dressed in formal attire and is very solemn. He is the protagonist tonight. As one of the five gentlemen of the Tang Sect, he also represents one of the faces of the Tang Sect. He cannot be as casual as before.

Tang Song summoned a subordinate and ordered: "Wang Kai, go to Mr. Hu's villa and pick him up. Remember to be respectful and don't make Mr. Hu unhappy."

"Okay, boss." Wang Kai responded respectfully and walked towards the underground parking lot.

Just when Wang Kai entered the underground parking lot, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing behind him.

But before he could react, a stick hit him on the head, causing him to faint.

Chu Hong led the people out and sneered: "I even sent Wang Kai to pick him up personally. Tang Song really attaches great importance to the man named Hu. This also shows that he really helped Tang Song a lot. This is really a damn guy."

After saying that, Chu Hong said to the person behind him: "Go pick up this guy named Hu for Wang Kai, and then find a place to deal with him. Prepare more people and bring weapons. This guy seems to be good at fighting."

The man nodded, immediately got into a car, and drove out of the parking lot.

"Have you put the mirror yet?" Chu Hong asked another subordinate.

The subordinate nodded immediately: "It has been put away and the mirror in the office has been replaced. No one will suspect it."

"Very good, let's wait until all five people gather in the conference room and then take action." Chu Hong's face showed a strong murderous look.

Karamatsu and the four gentlemen would never believe that just saying "Maria" could kill them in that mirror, right?

After tonight, without these people, the Tang Sect will soon be his.

In the villa, Hu Qing took a shower and changed into passable clothes. After all, he was going to attend Kara Song's succession party.

Not long after going downstairs, a car stopped outside the villa.

The driver came down and said inside: "Is Mr. Hu here? I'm here to pick you up."

Hu Qing came out and asked, "Are you sent by Tang Song?"

The driver opened the back seat door respectfully: "Yes, Mr. Hu, Boss Tang asked me to take you to the Tangmen headquarters."

Hu Qing nodded and got into the back seat.

The driver then returned to the driving seat and glanced at Hu Qing behind him from the rearview mirror. He didn't expect to pick up the person so easily. Now he took the person to the ambush place. No matter how hard he tried, he would be dead. .

Thinking of this, the driver couldn't help but reveal a hint of joking, secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "The fish has been baited, be prepared."

"Sir, his smile is weird, and he sent a message saying that you are a fish and have taken the bait." The girl saw the scene clearly from the passenger seat, turned around and reported to Hu Qing.

The sci-fi competition has started. Thank you for your votes!

Also thank you to ‘Hao Xiang888’ and ‘Banana No Jin 2.5 Yuan’ for their tips!

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