Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 501 Loki's Threat! Archangel Raphael!

Not long after, the whole earth went crazy, with countless birds and beasts flying and running around in the forest.

The beasts in the deep mountain caves were roaring and running around, trying to find the prey that made the sound.

Under the effect of Thousand Miles Sound Transmission, not only humans can hear it, but also birds and beasts can hear it, so there are abnormal scenes of birds and beasts in many places.

Naturally, humans on the earth are the most shocked.

In the Internet age, it didn't take long for one thing to be confirmed, that is, everyone heard that sound at the same time.

This is absolutely shocking, and it can be said to be a mystery of the world.

But no one can find out where the sound comes from, and no one knows what existence did it.

Some people even think that this is God playing a prank on humans.

Naturally, God wants to show that he is also very awesome now!

In the castle.

Hu Qing had already put the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission into the inventory. He had known the effect of the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission from the news and various posts on the Internet.

Although this thing can't increase his strength, the effect seems to be amazing.

After knowing the effect, he didn't care about it anymore.

Let everyone be shocked and investigate. No one can know what happened.

When Hu Qing went downstairs, he met the little girl Mia.

The little girl seemed a little unhappy. When she saw Hu Qing, she reluctantly smiled and said hello: "Teacher."

"What's wrong? Unhappy?" Hu Qing asked in confusion.

Mia grabbed her two little hands nervously and said: "Otelis and Renesmee have grown taller again. They are much taller than Mig. Mig has never grown up..."

"Uh!" Hu Qing was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't enlighten the little girl about this.

His daughter and Renesmee had special reasons and grew very fast.

Although Mig had the blood of a demon psychic, her growth rate was normal. She could only watch her height being gradually pulled apart.

In the next few days, Hu Qing took turns to hang out with several girls.

He mainly wanted to brush the God Source with the Goddess Spirit. Cynthia was tormented by him a lot, and even the mother of the child, Onies, was forced to brush the God Source by him several times.

However, the two banshees, Kalinda and Kelly, occupied him for a longer time, and even the two banshees had habitually joined forces to squeeze him.

In the words of the two banshees, unless they were made pregnant, they would continue to join forces until they squeezed him dry.

However, there was no way to brush the goddess spirit, and he suddenly remembered Loki in the illusion.

The environment in the illusion was the same as always.

The dim main color, the retro building style, and the weird altar.

However, as soon as he came in, he heard the sound of quarreling.

"Asshole, you have to understand that I came here first, and that was for me."

"You are just a chicken, you can't even keep up with the rhythm of escaping, and you were caught and trapped here."

"You ran away, but you are not here now?"


The two noisy voices were naturally the prank Loki at the beginning and the cunning Loki at the end.

After using the life crystal of Cunning Loki, he had not taken care of Cunning Loki. Now, because of the pressure of the two banshees, he could not brush the goddess spirit for a long time, so he thought of these two Loki.

Killing the gods will also explode the God Source Crystal, and one God Source Crystal can be exchanged for 100 God Source.

Cunning Loki saw Hu Qing.

Hatred immediately appeared in his eyes, and he rushed straight towards Hu Qing.

Mischievous Loki subconsciously covered his eyes when he saw this scene. Isn't this looking for death?

Hu Qing smiled at the prank Loki who rushed over, and directly used a Fiery Sword Technique with his bare hands. Even without equipment, it was just his own attack + the additional attack of the Fiery Sword Technique, which reached more than 180, which was not something that Cunning Loki could resist.

The Fiery Fire with the power of rules directly pierced through the chest of Cunning Loki.

"You... I..." Cunning Loki was killed in seconds just after he started, and he was obviously a little confused.

The body of the cunning Loki fell to the ground, and a ball of light unexpectedly floated up.

Hu Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

This Loki who entered the illusion is really a BOSS, and he can explode things every time.

Hu Qing immediately put the light into the inventory.

"God Source Crystal: This is a special energy crystal, which is the item left after the death of the god. After using it, you can get 100 God Source."

So, what you think will come true.

This made his eyes look at the mischievous Loki with a sharp look.

100 God Source, even if you brush it on two goddesses, it will take a long time.

"Um, is it my turn next?" Mischievous Loki obviously has experience and spoke first.

"It's good that you know." Hu Qing smiled and said.

"Well, wait a minute." Mischievous Loki hurriedly said, "You seem to have promised me that you would give me some delicious food every time you kill me. There is nothing here. Also, when you don't come to kill me, I am so bored that I can count my toes. If possible, prepare some things to relieve my boredom. When you don't come to kill me, I won't be too bored. Otherwise, I will commit suicide out of boredom, and you won't be able to kill me."

"???" Hu Qing was stunned. There is also an operation where the boss threatens the player to commit suicide?

But did he promise such a thing? It seems that he promised.

Thinking of this, he didn't plan to regret it. He left the illusion as soon as he thought about it, prepared a lot of food and entered the illusion, and brought some things to pass the time.

Prankster Loki was about to burst into tears looking at the excitement of those delicious foods.

Who can understand how he feels? In this place with nothing, day by day, I don't even know how long I have been there. I'm going to collapse, okay?

Especially since the other party hasn't come to kill him for a long time, he expects the other party to come every day.

The longer time goes by, the more he hopes that the other party will kill him. At least he can enjoy every meal before death. Anyway, he will be alive again soon. Killing him once in exchange for a delicious meal is a good deal, isn't it?

After watching Loki's prank after finishing each meal, Hu Qing also let him get his wish with a burst of fire.

Unfortunately, Prankster Loki didn't explode anything.

However, this time, I exploded a divine source crystal and got another 100 divine sources. After using it, the divine source of the Vajra Divine Body also increased a lot.

Vajra Body: Sixth Revolution (215/1000)

Obviously, there is still a long way to go before upgrading to 7 turns.

In the days that followed, it seemed that because Lucifer was injured again, the outside world continued to remain quiet, and earthquakes and volcanoes still did not appear again.

Hu Qing also entered the practice room one after another to practice "Magic Shield" and "Holy Word".

"Group Healing Technique" has the least effect on him for the time being and can be placed at the end.

In the following period, Hu Qing upgraded "Magic Shield" to LV2 in a special training room.

"Magic Shield LV2 (0/4800): Advanced skill of the mage. It consumes 100 MP to condense a golden energy shield around the body. In one minute, it can reduce the enemy's damage by 40%. Level 45 can increase LV3."

The magic shield upgraded to LV2 can reduce enemy damage by 40%. In other words, wearing the magic shield directly reduces the enemy's strength by 40%.

When Hu Qing was thinking about continuing to practice "Holy Word", Nutrilite's phone call came in.

After pressing the answer button, Nutrilite's reporting voice rang out: "Mr. Hu, people from the Exorcist Guild recently reported that there are some abnormal energies appearing everywhere."

"Furthermore, I found that the Wen brothers are present in places where abnormal energy occurs. Our energy analysis team analyzed the energy residue and determined that it may be related to angels."

The energy analysis team is a new department established by the Mysterious Event Investigation Department and specializes in analyzing the energy of various types of creatures.

Angels, demons, monsters, and even human magicians like Hu Qing, the energy of each creature is different, with different specialities. For example, the energy of demons contains sulfur. The Wen brothers often use this to do their work. A little analysis to see if the devil is causing trouble.

The Wen brothers can do it, and it will not be difficult for the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department to recruit several experts in energy research.

Especially in this world where the technology tree is crooked and biased towards supernatural powers.

That's how the Energy Analysis Group was born.

Hu Qing thought about the plot of "Evil Force" and added the information about Angel and the Wen brothers, and he probably knew what was going on.

I just don’t know which archangel entered the scene.

In "Supernatural," the guy behind Zacharias should have come out by this time.

Zechariah's faction is one of the most powerful warlords in heaven. They also believe in the orders left by God. After Lucifer appeared, they have been carrying out the task of destroying Lucifer.

The leader of this faction is Michael.

When Lucifer was targeting Sam's body, Archangel Michael was also targeting Dean's body. Michael, like Lucifer, must have Dean's body as a container in order to unleash the greatest power of the Archangel.

In order to defeat Lucifer, he also asked Zacharias to use many conspiracies and tricks to force Dean, and even found Dean and Sam's illegitimate brother as a backup in case of emergencies.

Also, Archangel Raphael, the leader of another one of the most powerful warlords, may also join in at any time.

However, Raphael and Michael are different.

Raphael didn't want Michael to succeed in possessing him, and even had an ambiguous attitude toward Lucifer.

Because he came to the conclusion that there were various signs that God was not missing but dead. Therefore, it might be time for heaven to need a new God to perform his functions.

He obviously wanted to be this god and told the Wen brothers the news.

This is another guy who was fooled around by God who was typing on the keyboard randomly.

"Let the aircraft come over and take me to the latest location where energy is discovered." Hu Qing ordered Nutrilite and hung up the phone. No matter which archangel it was, he would go and meet for a while.

To be honest, angels are easier to deal with than demons. Whether it is the spell to drive away angels or the holy oil, angels are helpless.

Coupled with the rules set by God, angels are more restrictive and have not found a suitable body. The power of the two archangels, Michael and Raphael, will be even weaker than the weak Lucifer.

At least in "Supernatural", the two brothers didn't have as much trouble dealing with Raphael as they did with Lucifer.

After the aircraft arrived, Hu Qing got on the aircraft directly, and Nutrilite immediately sent people off, and soon they arrived at a gas station.

"Mr. Hu, the latest discovery of angel energy is here." Nutrilite said to Hu Qing as soon as he got off the aircraft.

Hu Qing frowned and looked around. There was something wrong with the atmosphere. The air seemed to be stagnant, which made people very uncomfortable.

It seemed that for this reason there was no one around at all.

"Who?" Nutrilite looked into the gas station.

A black man came out.

Hu Qing had already spotted this black man.

This was just an ordinary black man.

But the black man seemed to say to Hu Qing and the others in a warning tone: "No matter who you are, leave here while there is still time, otherwise you will regret it."

Nutrilite frowned and said: "Sir, I should say this. Now that we FBI have taken over here, we think something will happen here, and you are also very suspicious."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and two agents stepped forward to subdue the black man.

The black man did not panic at all and let the agents control him.

"Mr. Hu, there is something wrong with this guy." Nutrilite frowned.

Hu Qing knew why the black man was wrong, and he remembered.

Isn't this black man the mechanic in "Supernatural"? That is, the carrier chosen by Raphael.

Looking at this guy, it is obvious that he has reached an agreement with Raphael and can summon Raphael at any time.

Maybe he felt that he was going to be the carrier of the Archangel, so he was a little arrogant, that's why he looked like this.

In other words, this gas station is the one where Raphael fought the devil?

Just at this moment, black smoke columns with strong energy suddenly appeared!

The black mechanic also looked at Hu Qing and the others teasingly at this time.

He said that these people will be later.

Now it's time to pay the price.

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