Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 505 Michael ran away as soon as he showed up! The Golden Angels served as security guards!

Faced with Hu Qing's request, how could Zachariah not fulfill it?

The other party did not understand the horror of the archangel at all, and even gave him the opportunity to summon Lord Michael.

Zachariah's figure flashed, and he instantly appeared in front of Adam and grabbed Adam.

He had no way to summon Michael on Dean now, so he had to use this spare tire container.

The two angels holding Adam immediately retreated.

Zachariah tore off Adam's clothes, and a strange rune had already been drawn on Adam's chest.

Hu Qing recognized this rune, which was similar to the one on the black mechanic. This was the rune that summoned the archangel to descend.

"You are dead." Zachariah looked at Hu Qing and the others, decisively cut his palm, pressed his bloody palm on the rune on Adam's chest, and began to chant a spell.

"Stop him!" Dean was anxious when he saw this scene, and rushed forward.

John and Bobby did the same.

The angels next to them would not let them have their wish, and they attacked them one after another.

Dean could still resist for a while, but John and Bobby could not resist at all. They were knocked out in less than three rounds and could only use holy oil to protect themselves.

Sam immediately raised his hand and used the devil's telekinesis to control the two war angels that besieged Dean, and threw them out.

The next moment, a guardian angel attacked him.

Sam hurriedly shouted to Hu Qing: "Hu, stop Zacharias."

But Hu Qing did not move.

This made Sam even more anxious, and he did not understand what Hu was doing.

Hu Qing put on the warrior equipment, put on the armor of the god of war, held the judgment in his hand, and summoned the beast at the same time.

Amisius also began to activate the energy, and the power of thunder and fire rules appeared on his body. As he chanted the spell, a rune condensed in his hand.

The function of the rune is to imprison. He will use it on Michael the moment Michael descends. As long as Michael is trapped for a moment, Hu Qing will have a perfect opportunity to sneak attack while he has no body.

Finally, Zachariah laughed out loud: "Hahaha, you are dead, Lord Michael, come and purify these blasphemous guys."

The next moment, above Adam's head, a bright white light appeared through the roof of the church, rushing towards Adam with a strong energy.

It was Michael who descended.

He also learned the general reason from Zachariah when he was summoned.

There was actually a 10-winged fallen angel who dared to hinder him. This angel who betrayed heaven should be destroyed.

He descended with anger and murderous intent, but before he entered Adam's body, he suddenly found that a rune with a power of imprisonment was covering him.

He was instantly frozen by the imprisonment rune.

"Naive." Michael shouted angrily and broke through the rune prison. The next moment, he felt a terrifying fire attack coming towards him.

He was completely angry.

He was the Archangel Michael, but so many people ignored his majesty.

But when Michael looked up and saw Hu Qing, he subconsciously exclaimed: "Human... is it you?"

Michael's face was still full of disbelief, and Raphael, who had become 10 wings, immediately appeared in his mind.

After seeing Raphael's miserable appearance and knowing that Raphael was ambushed by someone, he knew that he should pay attention to the human he saw in Raphael's memory.

Raphael's power was not weaker than his. Raphael's incarnation would be solved by the other party, and Raphael also ended up like that. If he didn't prepare enough for that human, he might have some trouble.

But he never thought that when Zachariah summoned him down, he saw the sneak attack of this human at first sight.

With the previous experience of Raphael, he made a wrong judgment on Hu Qing. Coupled with his own caution, he immediately felt that there was a problem. This must be a trap set by the other party.

There is no reason why a person who can make Raphael like that can't kill Zachariah, and the other party can even make Zachariah have no chance to summon him.

In other words, the other party is coming for him.

Michael thought of Raphael's end again. Now that he doesn't know the other party's details, it is obviously not the time to confront him.

"Damn human, you actually want to plot against me!" Michael shouted angrily and rushed back decisively. The blazing white light rushed into the sky and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Michael directly chose to give up his descent and returned to the battle in heaven.

He is not Raphael, and he will not do things that he is not sure of.

It seemed that nothing happened in the church. Adam touched his body in a daze and found that he was not controlled.

"No... Impossible..." Zachariah looked at Hu Qing in horror.

A lot of information can be learned from the short moment just now. Lord Michael knew this human, and because he was afraid of this human, Lord Michael gave up coming and ran back to heaven.

Zachariah didn't understand why this happened!

The battle angels and guardian angels also saw it, and they were all shocked, looking at Hu Qing in fear.

Who is this human? Why is Lord Michael afraid of him?

In the heaven where God disappeared, Lord Michael is the most powerful existence in their eyes.

Now Lord Michael ran away as soon as he appeared, what should they do?

Sam, Dean and others were just as shocked when they saw Hu Qing attacking Michael.

Now seeing Michael actually escape, he almost dropped his jaw.

Is Hu already so powerful?

He just deliberately didn't stop Zachariah from summoning, in order to hunt Michael?

Is this something that people dare to think of?

The key is that Michael has appeared and was actually scared away by Hu, which made them unbelievable!

Is this really the archangel they are afraid of?

Hu Qing sighed when he saw Michael slip away, and then looked at Zachariah.

"Who... who are you?" Zachariah saw Hu Qing looking over, his voice was trembling.

"Humph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly, and directly killed Zachariah with a sword technique.

This guy was very annoying in "Supernatural", so don't let him get in the way now.

Then he said to Amisius: "The rest is up to you."

"Yes, Lord!" Amisius nodded, flew up directly, looked at the battle angels and guardian angels, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, there was an energy with the rules of thunder and fire that surrounded the surroundings, preventing these angels from escaping.

Those warrior angels and guardian angels subconsciously tightened their angel blades and looked at Amisius with an ugly face.

Amisius did not waste words and said directly: "Now, either die or surrender to me."

These words shocked the warrior angels and guardian angels. An angel immediately shouted: "You, the angel who blasphemed God, will be punished by God."

"Humph!" Amisius snorted coldly and directly condensed an angel spear to kill the angel.

Most of the angels failed to break through the rules and regulations. They always did things mechanically, regarded God as everything, and were not afraid of life and death.

Just like Cassidio who had just entered the world.

Therefore, Amisius could only choose to kill. After killing more than half of them, one angel finally chose to put down the angel blade and kneel down.

God has been missing for so long, even the archangel Raphael felt that God was dead. There are always some other angels who are not so stupid and have doubts about the rules and regulations of heaven.

With the first angel doing this, there will naturally be a second, a third...

Finally, 21 angels chose to put down their angel blades to show their submission, while the other angels were already unyielding.

For this kind of angel, Amisius did not hesitate and chose to kill them directly.

It didn't matter whether the remaining 21 angels really surrendered or not. Amisius used the power of transformation ability, and everything was the same.

A special rule fluctuation began to appear on Amisius' body.

This rule power flew out and enveloped the 21 angels. Under this rule power, the energy of those angels began to change, and the incandescent energy began to have a trace of flame gold.

The flame gold color became more and more intense, and the snow-white angel wings on their backs began to slowly permeate gold.

This was the change in their energy and angel wings. With these changes, their eyes also began to change, and they looked at Amisius with more respect.

Finally, the 21 angels flew up one after another, and their bodies were surging, and their strength was obviously stronger than before.

The power of the golden angel is obviously stronger than that of the angels of the same level.

These 21 angels completely turned into golden angels.

When the transformation was completed, they all fell to the ground and knelt on one knee in front of Amisius.

"Remember my name, Amisius!" Amisius also fell in front of the golden angels.

"Greetings, Lord Amisius." The golden angels also said in unison.

"Lord!" Amisius then bowed to Hu Qing.

The 21 newly transformed golden angels also looked at Hu Qing and shouted in unison: "Lord!"

"..." Cassidian stood next to the Wen brothers and watched this scene quietly. At this time, he only felt a little scalp numb.

The fallen angel next to Mr. Hu actually has the ability to transform other angels?

That is the ability of archangels. Now other fallen angels have this ability. This is the rule of heaven being subverted.

The Wen brothers didn't understand this, but he knew what it meant. If they continued like this, there would probably be another army of fallen golden angels, and they might cause Lucifer to exist like the army of fallen angels.

Amethius stood up with the 21 angels and stood behind Hu Qing.

Hu Qing also said to the Wen brothers at this time: "Sam, Dean, since everything is fine here, I will leave first. I believe we will meet again soon."

The old gods are already taking action, and the World Gods Conference will be held soon. According to the plot of "Supernatural", the Wen brothers will soon be led by the old gods to the place where the gods' conference will be held.

The old gods don't want Lucifer to get Sam as a container.

So, even if Nutrilite can't find the location of the gods' conference, it's enough to monitor the Wen brothers.

As soon as he got on the aircraft, Hu Qing told Nutrilite about this: "Next, monitor the Wen brothers at all times, and report to me at the first time if there is any situation."

"Yes, Mr. Hu." Nutrilite nodded.

Then, Hu Qing also moved back to the castle in an instant.

With a thought, Amisius was summoned to his side.

After Amisius appeared, he cast a spell to summon the 21 golden angels.

"Make them a few sets of security uniforms and let them work as security guards in the castle for the time being!" Hu Qing said while looking at the 21 golden angels.

"Yes, Lord!" Amisius replied.

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