Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 507 The gods gather together! Odin and Apollo team up to commit suicide!

Stars and Stripes Country.

A road stretches endlessly, passing through many small towns.

There are also motels outside these small towns to provide travelers with a rest.

However, there once was a mentally retarded guy in a small town. After inheriting his father's motel, he demolished the motel and built a big hotel, thinking that he could attract people who traveled to him.

But obviously he hadn't thought about the kind of people who would drive long distances.

Therefore, the hotel closed down without any surprise and is now in ruins.

The location of the invitation that Onies received was in this abandoned hotel.

In other words, the world meeting of the old gods was held in this ruined hotel.

far away.

A utility vehicle stopped.

One or two tiny aircraft flew in the direction of the hotel.

Nutrilite looked at the brightly lit picture of the building transmitted back by the tiny aircraft and frowned: "Mr. Hu, something is wrong. According to the data, this hotel is already in ruins. There was a cleanup and relocation plan in the town a month ago. What's wrong with this hotel now?" Will this happen?”

Hu Qing smiled and said: "Nutrilite, some of the abilities of the old gods are always incredible, such as gods who are good at construction."

In Supernatural, this is the rhythm of the Old Gods.

Now in this entire hotel, whether it is the security guard, doorman, waiter, manager, or sweeper, all are old gods.

Suddenly, the image transmitted by the micro-aircraft disappeared and turned into a snowflake state.

Nutrilite frowned and said: "Mr. Hu, there is strong energy interference around the hotel. The instruments are interfered with and there is no way to check the exact situation inside."

"It doesn't matter, these old gods are not a threat." Hu Qing did not take those old gods seriously. The only one he was more afraid of was Lucifer.

There is no need to worry about Lucifer being injured, but if Lucifer has any way to regain his strength, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, he only brought Ametheus, and Nutrilite would not let him follow him.

Fortunately, he knew that Gabriel would come and that the archangel would stop Lucifer. If it didn't work, he could leave.

After a while, Amishius got out of the car, murmured a spell, and cast some kind of magic. In an instant, Amishius's face changed into a handsome blond young man.

Seeing this, Hu Qing also began to chant the same spell as Amishius. This was a simple blinding magic in ancient times, and it was also the first magic outside the system that he learned.

It's not that he can't learn other magic besides learning gaming skills. It was just not necessary before. Gaming skills are stronger than those magic skills he encountered and can be cast instantly.

The skills given by Uncle Da can be learned with one click, but learning other skills will take a lot of time.

This simple blinding magic alone took him a long time.

Hu Qing used this blinding magic to turn himself into a handsome boy, but unfortunately, in the end, he turned into a greasy fat man, and he was an extremely ugly fat man.

Even after learning it for a long time, he still couldn't master this simple blind trick.

However, although this blinding method is the simplest magic, its effect is related to strength.

Those who are weak can be seen through at a glance.

Someone who is strong may not be seen through by anyone.

For example, in "The Power of Evil", Gabriel, the archangel, used a blind trick to pretend to be Loki and sneak into the meeting of the old gods. Except for Parvati, the most powerful concubine of Shiva, none of the old gods could recognize him. out of him.

This is because after the gods declined, Shiva fell, and after Parvati lost her husband, she and Gabriel still had a story that had to be told.

The other gods didn't realize Loki was fake at all.

Hu Qing looked at his image of a greasy fat man through the car window and could only sigh helplessly, and then headed to the hotel in the distance with Amishius.

When Hu Qing and Amishius arrived at the hotel gate, they were stopped by two black men in security uniforms.

These are two old gods.

Hu Qing could clearly sense that the divine power fluctuations in the two people's bodies were not very strong.

"You two, please show your invitations." One of the security guards said.

Hu Qing directly handed the invitation card given by Onies to the other party. It had a special sign from Parvati and also indicated who was being invited.

"He's from the town of gods..." After confirming that it was correct, a black security guard stepped aside and let Hu Qing and Amishius in.

Hu Qingcai walked into the hotel with Amishius, and suddenly he heard a cursing voice coming from the door: "I'm going to fuck your mother, why would you choose such a shabby place to hold a meeting? I came here to discuss coal business, so why are you still here?" Didn’t walk around much.”

Hu Qing looked back subconsciously when he heard this.

Because this is Chinese, and it is an authentic spoken language from the Northeast.

I saw a Chinese man wearing a suit and tie, holding a cigar between his fingers, walking in.

Hu Qing felt a divine power from the other party, but this divine power seemed to be different from other old gods. In fact, the Chinese man's divine power was stronger than most old gods.

Isn't this the Kitchen God from China?

In "The Power of Evil", at the world meeting of gods, the only Chinese god who appeared was the Kitchen God.

Hu Qing didn't expect that the Kitchen God was surprisingly powerful.

However, he soon turned his attention to the subordinate following the Kitchen God, who was also a Chinese. What surprised Hu Qing was that he could not see through the power of the Kitchen God's follower.

This shouldn't be.

Could it be that the Kitchen God's follower is stronger than the Kitchen God?

Moreover, did the Kitchen God bring such a follower at the meeting of the gods in "Supernatural"?

But at this time, Hu Qing was surprised to find that the Kitchen God's subordinate also looked at him, and showed a weird expression.

Hu Qing frowned, what does this mean?

Before he could figure it out, the sound of an elephant sounded.

A huge giant appeared at the door of the hotel, and then the size of the giant gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a fat man with a scimitar in his hand.

This is the Indian elephant god, known for his great power. After the elephant god, there are several old Indian gods wearing scarves and special Khmer hats, who should be the elephant god's subordinates.

Hu Qing remembered that this elephant god should be the only old god who died at the hands of the Wen brothers during the entire meeting. The others all died at the hands of Lucifer.

Hu Qing took Amisius to look into the hotel lobby and actually saw an old acquaintance.

Odin was sitting at the front desk with a glass of wine in his hand, and the shadow followed him.

This guy actually came to attend the meeting of the gods. It seems that after the last time Mr. World, who was transformed by Dark Loki, was killed by Jiang Chen, the war between the old gods and the new gods that he directed and acted in could not continue.

Next to him, a blond man came out with two hot blond girls.

"Apollo, come and have a drink!" Odin looked at the blond man and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Odin, I didn't expect you to have this elegance. I heard that your dominant position has been replaced by someone." Apollo did not refuse and walked over with a smile.

Originally, when the meeting of the gods was held, Odin, as the king of the Nordic gods, had a dominant position.

But this time, when Odin arrived, his leading position was cancelled and replaced by a god of light named Balder.

This god of light was not well-known before, but some accident seemed to have given him a very powerful force, and now he seems to be pursuing Parvati.

Parvati also seemed to want to completely control the old gods of the world, so she brought Balder to her side and replaced Odin's seat.

Odin didn't care about Apollo's words at all: "It's just a seat, there's nothing to worry about. The gods are declining and their power is beginning to weaken again."

"If we can't find a new way out, we old gods will sooner or later disappear in the ocean of history."

"I heard that your Greek pantheon has a son of hope, a crown of divine power with special rules? Can it make the old gods glorious again?"

Apollo frowned and said, "Yes, but there is a strong force behind the new god king. Hades and Poseidon were defeated by each other."

"Maybe we can cooperate." Odin said with a smile: "There are so many old gods here, maybe we can find some power to do the right thing."

This is his purpose.

Since the war between the old gods and the new gods can no longer be played, he must find a new target, and this target is the son of hope in the Greek pantheon prophecy.

"I heard that the people from the town of gods will also come." Apollo's eyes lit up slightly, with a hint of eagerness to try.

Compared with Hades and Poseidon, Odin is famous, but much stronger.

If we can gather enough forces at this meeting of gods, even if the father of the little god king is powerful, there is still a chance, right?

"They have come in." Odin took a sip of the wine glass and looked in the direction of Hu Qing and Amisius.

Since he has set a goal, he will naturally make preparations. One of the security guards at the door has been controlled by him.

Apollo also looked at Hu Qing and Amisius and said, "Let me take care of these two guys. I suffered a big setback last time."

Just at this time, a handsome man in a suit came out. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of all the old gods around.

He is the new upstart among the old gods, one of the leaders of this world gods meeting, the god of light Balder.

"The news came that the Winchester brothers are approaching here." Balder looked at the old gods around and said, "Everyone, get ready."

The expressions of the old gods immediately became solemn.

Since they were going to join forces to deal with Lucifer, they must first prevent Lucifer from getting a suitable container. Winchester must be controlled. At the same time, the two brothers are also temptations, and they can use the blood of the container to attract Lucifer.

"Before I take action, behave normally and go back to your rooms." Balder gave an order.

The old gods around also moved immediately and walked upstairs to the hotel.

Odin said coldly: "While they are dealing with the two brothers, we can also take the opportunity to control the two people sent by the God Town."

Apollo nodded: "In this way, we at least have two ears and eyes to mix with the little god king to get information, which will be of great use to us."

Odin and Apollo briefly discussed and walked towards the position of Hu Qing and Amisius.

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