After Abike's investment, Nidoya Town is surrounded by construction sites, and even roads are built outward.

As long as the money is in place, infrastructure is fast. It is rumored that China's infrastructure can build a huge hospital in 10 days.

Therefore, Nidoya Town has already had a preliminary urban scale.

Naturally, with Abike as the richest man, many people have taken a fancy to this place, especially some small businessmen who come here to look for opportunities.

In the original location of the town, various shops have appeared one after another, and the value of real estate has increased by an unknown amount.

The most eye-catching thing is that the town has added a performance company, and a large performance hall has been built in the center of the town.

This performance company is very popular, and many people in Seattle come to watch it. The actors here are very good at acrobatics, they can spray water, spit fire, and perform magic disappearance... There are all kinds of specialties.

At this time.

The most popular performance at night is being performed on the big stage of the town performance company: the beauty dismemberment technique.

The actress Wei Wei'an who performed is really beautiful and has a lot of male fans after a few performances.

On the stage.

Blood Queen Vivian was put in a magic box and pushed out.

Prince Aluda was wearing a magic suit and carrying a long sword on his back. He would stab the sword into the magic box and saw it into three pieces.

Of course, he would pull out the sword in the end, and the box would be closed together, and then Wei Wei An would walk out of the box intact.

Isn't this magic amazing? Just to make the magic more realistic, the bleeding effect and the bloody effect of the long sword would be increased.

Anyway, Vivian, the blood queen, would not die even if she was cut into pieces.

Prince Aluda pushed Wei Wei An to the center of the stage, and then said to the audience below: "It's time for the most anticipated beauty dismemberment performance..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a wave of energy, and suddenly two landing sounds sounded beside him, followed by a burst of exclamations from the audience.

Prince Aluda looked over and saw that bastard surnamed Hu and a guy with 12 pairs of wings on his back appeared.

Seeing this scene, he obviously understood what was going on. A new unlucky guy has arrived.

It's just that the identity of this unlucky guy seems to be surprising. There seems to be only one person with 12 pairs of black angel wings. Considering the recent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and rumors of Lucifer's destruction of the world in the supernatural world.

The identity of this unlucky guy seems to be confirmed.

But this is his company. When he was performing at the critical moment, this bastard surnamed Hu brought this unlucky guy here. Isn't it ruining his place?

Blood Queen Vivian also looked at Hu Qing angrily. If it weren't for this unromantic guy, would she need to be dismembered again and again in this ghost place to fill her stomach?

Hu Qing was also stunned when he looked around.

There was a deviation in the transmission. This was the result of Lucifer exerting his power to resist and impacting the instant movement space barrier.

I'm afraid that the instant movement needs to be upgraded to LV3 to avoid this problem.

Fortunately, the deviation is not large and it is still in the Red Name Village.

The audience below exclaimed:

"They seem to appear suddenly!"

"Yes, they appeared out of thin air!"

"That person has 12 black wings on his back!"


When Prince Aluda heard this, he immediately shouted to the audience: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? This time, in addition to the beauty dismemberment performance, there is also a live-action performance."

"The residents of the town should have recognized that this Mr. Hu is the owner of the castle, Mr. Hu. This time he performed for free."

The residents of the town knew Mr. Hu, and they knew that Mr. Hu was a real magician. Seeing that Mr. Hu, a magician, performed for them, they all applauded.

Those who didn't know Hu Qing also thought it was a live-action performance, and they also applauded, and the applause became more and more intense.

Prince Aluda was relieved when he saw this.

"Damn, where is this place?" Lucifer also felt something was wrong. Seeing a group of ordinary people looking at him like a monkey, energy surged all over his body, and black flames burned on the 12 angel wings.

As his angel wings vibrated, a sea of ​​black fire spread directly to the audience below.

He wanted to wipe out all these unreasonable ordinary people.

The black flames rushed past, and really scared the audience. They subconsciously blocked with their hands or squatted to avoid it, but the sea of ​​fire passed through without causing any harm to them.

Prince Aluda immediately shouted again: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? This is our additional fire show. Don't worry, the fire is produced by professional magic props and does not harm people at all."

Hearing this, the originally nervous audience recovered and applauded enthusiastically.

"What a wonderful performance. The magic performed by the prince on stage always surprises people."

"Balda, you were scared just now, I was very calm the whole time."

"Bass, what are you talking about? Aren't you the one who is screaming the whole time?"


"???" Lucifer looked at his hands in disbelief when he saw that he had not destroyed these ordinary people: "Damn it, what's going on? How can my power as Lucifer not even destroy a group of ordinary people? I want to destroy the world!"

Hu Qing's voice sounded: "Lucifer, don't waste your energy. Your power is useless here. You can't hurt anyone."

"Impossible!" Lucifer didn't believe it, and directly condensed a black flame with the power of rules and blasted it towards Hu Qing.

Hu Qing didn't even think about hiding, and the energy collapsed when it fell on him.

Prince Aluda was sweating when he heard what the two said. Are they going to destroy the place to the end?

He could only say to the audience again: "Surprised? Unexpected? This is role-playing. This gentleman plays the legendary fallen angel Lucifer. Look at his wings. They are real, right? They are carefully made props."

Lucifer had long been unhappy with the dark elf next to him who was talking nonsense, and stared at him directly.

Prince Aluda saw this and glared back.

Outside, he was afraid of you, Lucifer, but here he was Prince Aluda, a well-known performer and chairman of a performance company. Who was afraid of who?

Lucifer saw that a little dark elf dared to glare at him like this, and his murderous aura became stronger immediately.

Hu Qing had naturally seen that this was a stage, and he was very strange to see Prince Aluda and the Blood Queen's unique look.

So, he walked forward and directly put his arm around Lucifer's shoulder, as if they were very close, and said at the same time: "Lucifer, accept your fate!"

Lucifer was already confused at this time.

Because when Hu Qing put his arm around his shoulder, he wanted to resist, but he found that his power had no effect at all, and the other party's power could actually clamp him firmly.

Lucifer couldn't believe it.

He is the king of hell.

He wants to destroy the world.

Why is this situation happening now?

"Excuse me, the performance is over, and I'm also advertising!" Hu Qing said, pointing at Lucifer and said: "This is Mr. Lux, he will invest in a bar in the town, the name of the bar is "Lux", and everyone is welcome to patronize it when the time comes."

After that, Hu Qing directly pulled Lucifer to the back of the stage.

Lucifer wanted to resist, which was too humiliating, but it was obviously ineffective to resist.

Hu Qing asked with a smile: "Lucifer, how are you going to decorate the bar?"

"Damn it, you are the one who wants to open a bar!" Lucifer's angry voice was still ringing in the background.

"Huh!~" Prince Aluda was relieved.

The two evil stars finally left, and then he smiled and said to the audience: "Okay, the additional performance is over, and now the beauty dismemberment performance officially begins."

Aluda walked to Vivian's side, but heard the Blood Queen whispered: "Maybe we will never get out of here."

This made Aluda stunned.

Yes, Lucifer was imprisoned, so what are they?

After being pulled out of the performance stage by Hu Qing and appearing in the town, Lucifer shook the 12 wings on his back and flew into the sky, with an extremely fast speed.

He didn't want to stay in this weird place for a moment.

Who is this bastard? He actually brought him to such a place.

Hu Qing didn't care about Lucifer. At this time, there were relatively few people on the streets of the town, and no one could notice Lucifer's speed.

"Shit! Bastard!" Lucifer's angry curses soon rang out from the sky, and he was seen stumbling down from the sky in a mess. With the speed he just hit the barrier, the result can be imagined.

Lucifer fell to the ground in a mess, and the 12 angel wings on his back were retracted into his body. His face was extremely gloomy. He looked at Hu Qing and asked: "What's going on?"

"That's it." Hu Qing waved his hand and said: "Your power can't hurt anyone here, and you can't leave here, so congratulations on obtaining permanent residency here."

"Lucifer, anyway, the advertisement has been put up just now, just open a bar here with peace of mind, I can give you a bar for free, I'm nice to you?"

Lucifer's face was extremely angry: "Asshole, who wants your bar? My duty is to destroy the world."

Hu Qing smiled and said: "Don't destroy the world, someone else will do it soon, as if no one will destroy the world without you, just open a bar with peace of mind!"

"I said, I can't open a bar!" Lucifer was extremely annoyed, thinking that this bastard didn't understand what he said, and immediately condensed another energy to bombard Hu Qing in anger.

But obviously, this energy did not cause any harm to Hu Qing.

Hu Qing also took out his mobile phone and called Abik.

"Mr. Hu, what can I do for you?" Abik's voice came over.

Hu Qing directly ordered: "Decorate a bar in the most prosperous place in the town, named Lux, remember to decorate it in a dark style, preferably with some hell elements, I want to give it to a friend, and he will open a bar in the town in the future."

On the other side, Abik immediately responded respectfully after hearing Hu Qing's request: "Okay, Mr. Hu, I will arrange it right away."

It's just a bar, this is a small matter. Abik is more concerned about who the other party is, and he actually asked Mr. Hu to personally arrange for him to build a bar for the other party.

This person must be from a big family, and he must have a good relationship with the other party.

Abik was thinking about it, and heard an angry and annoyed voice from the other end of the phone.

"Asshole, I said I won't open a bar!"

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