Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 515: First meeting with King Kong! The handsome guy's uppercut, right hook and slam dun

In the town.

Hu Qing was also very surprised to receive the news from Nutrilite. There is actually a Skull Island Handsome Boy in this world?

Think about it, if the violent monsters have appeared, it is not impossible for the Skull Island Handsome Boy to appear.

However, the tonnage of the Skull Island Handsome Boy is only a few levels higher than George with the middle finger.

Moreover, the appearance of the Skull Island Handsome Boy means that another violent fat guy may also exist, as well as other monsters in the God of Monsters universe.

Unfortunately, there is only one time for the Light of Temptation, and there is Bunaki and the beast, so there is no need to waste it.

However, as one of the friendly allies of mankind, the Skull Island Handsome Boy should be guided by the Mysterious Event Investigation Department instead of being guided by the Emperor Organization.

Isn't it better to control it under your own hands?

Nutrilite said: "Mr. Hu, when I came, the people from the S Department had already set off for that island. Should we take any action?"

"Nutrilite, prepare the aircraft!" Hu Qing directly ordered Nutrilite.

"Yes, Mr. Hu." Nutrilite nodded and took out his phone to make arrangements.

Soon, three aircraft landed in the castle, carrying many members of the mysterious incident investigation department.

Hu Qing and Nutrilite boarded one of the aircraft. After giving the order, the three aircraft took off and quickly headed in one direction, and soon entered a sea area.

On the vast sea, a warship was moving quickly towards an unknown area.

In the warship command center, you can see the logo of the S department inside.

This is a warship controlled by the S department.

A man was looking at the satellite map, and someone came in to report: "Mr. Root, the headquarters has sent the latest route and asked us to get there as quickly as possible."

"Got it, order full speed." Root nodded and gave the order.

His eyes were fixed on the skull-shaped island transmitted by the satellite, and his eyes showed a fanatical look. The code to save the world may be on this island.

People's curiosity always leads people to the unknown.

And the S department has always been very enthusiastic about exploring the unknown.

Their initial goal was to explore the world on the other side of the light gate. They firmly believed that as long as they mastered the world on the other side of the light gate, they could become the savior and the leader of mankind.

Later, in order to gain power to support Claire's genetic experiment, a giant beast disaster occurred.

Now, the S department has become more determined. The earth is now experiencing frequent disasters and various monsters have appeared. They believe that only another world can save mankind.

The premise is that they must have enough power, otherwise there will definitely be guys who hinder them.

Unfortunately, the genetic technology they got from Claire's brother and sister had errors. The brother and sister kept a hand, and the technology was not complete.

They had no way to copy the giant beast made by Claire's brother and sister.

Now that Claire's brother and sister are dead, they can't even know what the brother and sister have concealed.

And this time, the information about the skull-shaped island left by a scientist's father seems to allow their giant beast gene research to go further.

This also made them spare no effort to find this island, and now they finally got something.

"Control Dr. Bill, and keep an eye on Dr. Nashan and his group." Ruth gave another order.

Bill was the doctor who provided the information. He had always wanted to prove that there was a giant beast on the Skull Island, especially after the New York giant beast disaster and the Los Angeles giant snake disaster. He wanted to prove it even more, and they just happened to be used to control him.

As for Dr. Shan, she was a Chinese woman who was annoying, but she had a special relationship with him. She brought a group of people with her, and they couldn't refuse. It was a real trouble.

But they didn't want to reveal that it was the S department that controlled this operation, so they could only let the other party follow.

The warship moved forward quickly and soon arrived at the dangerous fog area stipulated by various countries.

It was difficult for satellites to capture the specific scenes in this area. There were many pirates hiding and hunting merchant ships. It has always been an area that people who make a living on the sea avoid.

But when a warship passed by, it was the pirates who should be panicking. Those who got the news had already fled.

However, the warship controlled by the S department did not find it. I don't know when they were caught up by three aircraft. The three aircraft had special concealment technology, and the warship didn't find it at all.

Finally, when the fog covered the surroundings, a shocking fog storm wall blocked the way ahead.

In the warship, Root was shocked by the footage he had taken. The storm wall rose to the sky, and even his warship seemed a little small.

The key point was that the storm seemed to be affected by something, and it kept gathering in the same place and would not spread.

"Mr. Root, this is it." Dr. Bill looked at the scene in front of him eagerly. As long as he passed through this storm barrier, there would be the island inside.

Root immediately gave an order: "Full speed and full speed, pass through the storm barrier."

At this time, a report sounded: "Mr. Root, the warship may not be able to move forward. The HRT5 detector detected dense obstacles under the storm barrier, which may be reefs. Moreover, the range of the reefs is too large and the tolerance is uncertain. The warship may hit the reef if it moves forward directly."

Root frowned. This was obviously not good news, but the island was hiding the code for salvation, and he could never give up.

His eyes became fanatical again: "This won't be a problem for us. Notify all combat helicopters to prepare, let Colonel Packard take people on board, and go directly through the storm."

When setting off, the headquarters had already prepared a response to this situation. The prepared combat helicopters were the most advanced, and the weak positions of the storm wall had been calculated through satellite weather heat maps.

They can completely pass through the storm wall through those positions!

Following Root's order, the soldiers on the entire warship began to move.

"Quick, speed up." A hideous black man shouted frantically.

He was Colonel Packard, the commander of this operation.

In a room, a beautiful Chinese doctor was looking at some graphic materials on the computer, which were ancient carvings of some giant beasts.

It is rumored that there was a period in ancient times when a special kind of gods appeared. They were all terrifying giant beasts, worshipped by countless people, and offered to the gods.

The carving she looked at was the pattern of the ancients worshiping the giant beast gods.

A captain came in and said, "Dr. Shan, we will take a combat helicopter through the storm. If you don't have the courage, you can stay on the warship."

"Captain Conrad, this is not difficult for me. In addition to being a scientist, I am also an adventurer." Professor Shan put away her laptop and said nonchalantly.

She is a member of the Imperial Organization. The organization used its connections to get her up here, not to let her take a vacation. Moreover, she vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the official in charge on the warship, and she had to find out.

"Dr. Shan, it's up to you!" Conrad waved his hand and said that he was no longer a military officer, but now he was just an escort.

Soon, the combat helicopters on the warship took off one after another and flew directly to a position on the storm wall.

Three hidden aircraft flew over the sky.

In one of the aircraft, Nutrilite said, "Mr. Hu, the people in the S department are very well prepared."

"Follow us in, there will be a good show soon." Hu Qing smiled.

Still well prepared?

When they met that handsome guy, they were destroyed in an instant.

Nutrilite was curious about what Mr. Hu was talking about, and immediately gave an order.

The aircraft followed through the storm barrier, but in order not to be discovered, they chose a higher position. After passing through the storm barrier, what appeared in front of them was a place like a paradise.

The island inside the storm barrier has an unimaginable primitive ecological environment.

Moreover, looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the entire island is in the shape of a skull.

The people from the S department and Professor Shan and his party also passed through the storm and saw the scene of Skull Island.

"It's beautiful." Professor Shan was attracted by the scenery at first sight.

"Prepare for action." Colonel Packard's order sounded on all combat helicopters.

Then, one soldier after another took out bombs from the helicopter and began to throw them down.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Violent explosions accompanied by flames sounded one after another.

On the aircraft.

Nutrilite looked at the scene in confusion: "Mr. Hu, there are no enemies but they are throwing bombs randomly. Are they trying to attract something out through the explosion? If so, their purpose is very clear. What is here... then... what is that?"

Nutrilite exclaimed before he finished speaking. On the screen, a huge figure suddenly appeared not far from the combat helicopters of the S department.

The figure was like a mountain. It raised its palm and pulled up a tree more than 20 meters high like grass.

"Handsome King Kong!" Hu Qing.

The people in the S department were happily throwing bombs. Suddenly, the pilot flying in the front widened his eyes and exclaimed. A big tree quickly grew bigger in his eyes at an incredible speed.

Boom! ~

Before the people in the combat helicopter could react, the fighter was instantly hit by the giant tree and exploded into a fireball.

The flames produced by the explosion affected the sight of the combat helicopter behind. The pilot behind recovered his sight and was shocked to see a huge palm coming over.

The combat helicopter flew out like a ball and exploded in the air.

The sudden situation shocked Dr. Shan and her team, and she widened her beautiful eyes.

Those stone carvings were actually real.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, King Kong's golden body seemed like a demon god descending to the world.

When Colonel Packard saw the giant beast over 100 meters long, his face also showed a crazy and hot look: "Perfect, too perfect, isn't it more terrifying than the giant beast made by Claire's brother and sister?"

He must hunt this giant beast, become the hero of the organization, and become the savior of the world.

Obviously, the villain who was determined to confront King Kong in the movie made the same decision as in the movie, but after being absorbed by the S department, he became more fanatical and more determined.

"Fire, fire and kill him." Colonel Packard ordered to fire without hesitation.

The combat helicopter instantly fired a lot of gunfire, using high-caliber special bullets, and madly shot at King Kong.

These bullets were specially developed by the S Department after the New York behemoth disaster. Although they are expensive, after experiments, they can deal with behemoths like the one in New York.

But obviously, the people in the S department underestimated King Kong. In ancient times, the King Kong clan was worshiped as gods, and they could absorb the power of faith and have divine power in their bodies. They were special giant beast gods, not ordinary beasts.

This special bullet did not hurt King Kong at all. Instead, it angered this handsome guy. He waved his arms and ran quickly. In the midst of the earthquake, he threw an uppercut and directly blew up a combat helicopter. Then he threw another right hook and blew up another combat helicopter again.

The speed made the pilot unable to react.

Then, King Kong jumped up again and blew up a fighter with a slam dunk.

This fighting style was like a fighting master, which was completely different from the giant beast that appeared in New York.

The people in the S department were shocked, and panicked voices rang out on the remaining combat helicopters.

And the handsome guy's attack did not end. It grabbed the tail of a helicopter and spun in a circle with the magic of love. In an instant, it collided with another helicopter and exploded.

Two helicopters wanted to escape, but the handsome guy shot out big trees like a rain of arrows, and the dense forest on the ground was its ammunition.

"Parachute, parachute!" Packard could only shout angrily into the intercom.

The people in the S department did not dare to hesitate and parachuted one after another, falling down.

"Damn, bastard." Packard opened the parachute angrily. He never thought that they would suffer a heavy blow at the beginning.

The handsome guy defeated the helicopter of the S department, but its attack was not over. He looked up at the sky and found that there were three things that it had discovered.

On the aircraft, Nutrilite was shocked: "Mr. Hu, it seems to have discovered us. In this position, it has this ability?"

"Open the aircraft!" Hu Qing ordered. For a descendant of a giant beast god, this is nothing.

Some abilities of the descendants of gods are inherited by blood, but this handsome guy is born to use various things as weapons, and he is also a martial artist.

Hu Qing entered the Vajra body state, put on the equipment and flew out of the aircraft.

At this time, the handsome guy had pulled up a tree from the ground, raised it like a javelin, and aimed it in the direction of the aircraft.

But the moment it looked at Hu Qing, the speed of throwing suddenly stopped, and its eyes widened slightly, as if it had discovered something incredible.

Then, it slowly put down the giant tree in its hand, looked at Hu Qing, turned around carefully, and suddenly ran away quickly after a moment.

This scene made Colonel Packard and Dr. Shan, who had already landed on the ground, look at each other in bewilderment.

What happened? That huge bastard seemed to have escaped?

Professor Shan looked up at the sky in confusion, especially the place where King Kong had just looked. What was there?

Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything with her eyesight, which was completely blocked by the fog.

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