Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 522 The Death Lord's army enters the human world! Everyone is stunned!

When Hu Qing came down from upstairs and saw Ma Xiaoling, the first thing he looked at was her legs.

It's really long.

In the past life, there was a word called "Legs Wan Nian", which probably refers to people like Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling also looked at Hu Qing, because Hu Qing was followed by Yu Zhi. She also guessed that this person should be Mr. Hu, but he was too young.

It's really hard to believe that this is the person Xu Fu said could deal with the generals.

"Dad!" When Otelis saw Hu Qing, she ran over happily and said, "That aunt's legs are so long. Otelis will have long legs like her in the future."

It seems that even little girls love beauty and envy those long legs.

Ma Xiaoling couldn't help showing a hint of shyness on her face. She was really embarrassed to have her legs praised by a little girl like this.

Hu Qing stepped forward, sat opposite Ma Xiaoling, and asked: "Miss Ma, tell me, why did you come to me? And why do you know me?"

After Ma Xiaoling confirmed Hu Qing's identity, she also explained: "Mr. Hu, a demon has appeared in Xiangjiang, the zombie king general. You should have heard of his name."

"After the general appeared in Xiangjiang, the zombies in Xiangjiang increased a lot and became chaotic. But the general's power is not something I can deal with."

"During my investigation, I accidentally overheard a conversation between two zombies. I learned that Mr. Hu is the only one who can deal with the generals, so I came to Seattle specifically to ask Mr. Hu to deal with the generals."

"..." Hu Qing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and asked Ma Xiaoling: "Miss Ma, are you sure this wasn't what the general meant for you to hear?"

He can be sure that this is what the general did intentionally. Otherwise, how could there be a general who the zombie said he could deal with?

He has never had any fight with the generals, nor has he been seen by any Pangu zombies.

In other words, the general is fishing, catching his fish.

But what is the purpose of the generals? Could it be related to Nuwa's death?

Ma Xiaoling was stunned when she heard Hu Qing's words: "The general's plan? It shouldn't be, the general was not there at the time."

Hu Qing joked: "Miss Ma, what if I told you that the general still lived in my castle? I know his power better than you do. If he wants to hide it from you, there is no way you will know that he is hiding in the dark." ”

"Ah..." Ma Xiaoling was startled.

She never thought that the general and Mr. Hu knew each other, and that he had lived in Mr. Hu's house.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "Miss Ma, you don't have to be surprised, and you don't have to be afraid of the general. He is actually a good person."

"???" Ma Xiaoling had a wonderful expression when she heard this.

This was the first time she heard someone say that General, the zombie king, was a good person. You must know that in the records of the Ma family, Generals have always been the source of chaos, and many disasters in ancient times were caused by Generals.

That's when.

Hu Qing suddenly felt a vibration. The vibration suddenly appeared and then disappeared suddenly.

Obviously, Ma Xiaoling on the other side didn't notice.

He looked at Yu Zhi next to him again, and there was nothing unusual about Yu Zhi either, and he obviously didn't notice anything either.

It seems that this is something that can only be sensed if the power exceeds a certain level.

There must be something wrong.

Hu Qing was wondering when his cell phone suddenly rang, it was Sam's call.

According to past experience, nothing good would happen if the Wen brothers called him, but these two brothers could always make him clear a wave of monsters.

He immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hu, something big happened, we need your help." Sam's anxious voice sounded: "That bastard Chuck, he is the big bad guy, he is actually controlling my and Dean's lives."

"Everything Dean and I encountered before was actually him typing out plots on a laptop..."

When he said this, Sam was obviously a little angry and annoyed.

It would be the same for anyone.

If he knew that his life was arranged by some guy who was typing randomly on the keyboard, he would want to kill him.

Sam continued angrily: "But there seems to be something wrong with Nachak. He actually complained that the ending he wrote had been changed. He seemed to have lost his mind in anger, and actually opened a huge crack in the ground, which led to hell."

"There are a lot of demons coming out of that hell, and the magic circle we depicted and Cassidio's power won't last long at all."

Hu Qing was shocked when he heard the news.

What the hell is this a joke?

He knew Chuck was God.

In "Supernatural", God angrily opened a crack in the ground leading to hell because Sam and Dean refused to kill each other according to the ending written in his script, allowing the devil to come out and start the end of the world.

It is precisely for this reason that he completely failed in his function as God.

But why does this incident seem to be a little ahead of schedule now? What happened?

Hu Qing asked hurriedly: "Sam, where is the Chuck you are talking about? Where are they?"

This must be asked clearly, after all, God must not be provoked until he is completely disqualified from his functions.

Sam hurriedly explained: "Chuck seemed to have a problem with his body after he opened the crack. A mouthful of blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth, and then he left in a hurry."

"There seem to be a lot of changes..." Hu Qing murmured, and it was not difficult to hear from Sam's words that there was obviously something wrong with this.

But this was a little different from the plot in "The Power of Evil", and he didn't know what happened.

But God left, so he didn't have to worry, he said directly to Sam: "Sam, then send me your location."

The other side.

Sam and Dean were hiding not far away.

Cassidio floated in the sky, inputting energy into the magic circle.

After Sam heard what Hu Qing said, he took his cell phone to edit the location and wanted to send it to Hu Qing.

"Sam, are you sure you're looking for Hu?" Dean asked subconsciously: "Crowley said Hu is the king of hell now."

"..." Sam was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Now I can only rely on Hu."

Having said that, he pressed send.

The two brothers sighed. If Hu really was the king of hell, they thought it was too funny to find a king of hell to prevent those demons from coming out of hell.

In the castle.

After Hu Qing hung up the phone, he received Sam's message and checked the location. Because Nutrilite was dealing with the handsome boy on Skull Island, he planned to call Bobby and ask him to send an aircraft over.

Just as he was about to make a call, Bobby's number came first.

Press answer and listen to Bobby Hui's report: "Mr. Hu, the energy satellite just captured a very strong earthquake, and a very strong energy fluctuation was detected. I will send you the location."

Hu Qing received another location, which was the same as the one sent by Sam.

It can be seen that the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department is getting better and better.

"Bobby, send me the aircraft." Hu Qing ordered directly to Bobby.

"Okay, Mr. Hu." Bobby responded respectfully.

Miss Ma and Uncle Six have been watching this scene.

The two of them also knew that something must have happened.

Within a moment, an aircraft landed over the castle.

The Mysterious Incident Investigation Department is already very skilled in sending aircraft to Hu Qing.

When Hu Qing walked out of the castle, the door of the aircraft was already opened, and he got on the aircraft directly.

Ma Xiaoling subconsciously followed Uncle Six. She mainly came to see Mr. Hu. If he left, she would be embarrassed to stay here.

When the two got on the aircraft, they saw people from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department wearing FBI uniforms.

The two of them naturally know what department the FBI is in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, but Mr. Hu actually controls the official department of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom?

Obviously, the two of them don't know that the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department is not comparable to the FBI department. They just use this uniform. After all, the FBI is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Stars and Stripes Country and can save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Hu Qing glanced at the two of them and said nothing more.

But at this moment, a burst of energy quickly approached the castle, and a figure instantly appeared in the aircraft.

This figure shocked Ma Xiaoling and Sixth Uncle. Isn't this the Gabriel that Yu Zhi mentioned before?

"Mr. Hu, I guess you know this, let's take a ride together." Gabriel said angrily: "Lulu is already locked up here, why are there still people who are so persistent in doing bad things and insisting on opening up that broken place in hell? ”

Hu Qing did not refuse Gabriel who came uninvited.

Gabriel may also be needed to seal the rift in hell. In "The Power of Evil", the rift in hell opened by God was sealed by Queen Mother Rowena at her own expense.

Rowena will not interfere at this time.

The aircraft takes off.

It quickly flew towards the location where Sam was sent, and soon arrived in a mountain forest.

"Mr. Hu, there is a very strong energy fluctuation down there, it should be here." An agent reported to Hu Qing respectfully.

"Land down." Hu Qing had long sensed the energy fluctuations below, as well as the aura of angelic power, which belonged to Cassidio.

When the aircraft landed, they saw Cassidio with 8 angel wings spread out on his back. His power has increased again. If the normal plot is followed, Cassio should be God for a while, right?

However, the plot seems to have changed now, and I don't know if this Kadi will appear.

After stepping off the aircraft, the Wen brothers ran over.

"Mr. Hu, Gabriel, you are here too." Sam stepped forward anxiously, then pointed to Cassidio's position and said: "That's where the crack made by Chuck is."

Gabriel's appearance made the Wen brothers feel more at ease. After all, he was an archangel.

At this moment, Cassio obviously lost control. The magic circle was directly broken, and then he saw countless demonic energies rushing out from the columns.

For a time, the area was filled with demonic energy, almost turning the entire area into darkness.

Where has Ma Xiaoling, who followed me, seen such a scene? Opening her mouth in shock, she suddenly realized that her previous efforts to slay demons were a bit fussy.

At this time, a giant black dragon rushed out of the crack, followed by a dense army of demons.

There was actually a pig-headed, yellow-eyed demon in front of the demon army.

"Fuck..." Hu Qing was stunned when he saw this scene. How could it be these guys?

Zhu Ganghye rushed at the front, shouting crazily. In the past, every time he wanted to enter the human world, he would encounter the Death Lord and be scared back.

This time he acted as the vanguard of the Death Lord.

As soon as he came out, he saw Hu Qing in front of him, and he was stunned for a moment.

Other demons also rushed out, and the Death Servant with his army also saw Hu Qing. He immediately knelt down to Hu Qing and shouted: "Lord of Death, boundless magic power, invincible, invincible."

The demons also followed suit and shouted out in unison.

"Lord of Death, boundless magic power, invincible, invincible."

"Lord of Death, boundless magic power, invincible, invincible."

"Lord of Death, boundless magic power, invincible, invincible."


Zhu Ganglie saw this scene and subconsciously shouted: "Lord of Death, boundless magic power, invincible, invincible."

"???" Dean.

"???" Sam.

"???" Ma Xiaoling.

"???" Sixth Uncle.

"???" Gabriel.

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