Hu Qing was surprised when he saw the prompt in his mind.

It is impossible for a ghost cave space to appear under a hospital for no reason. There must be a reason for the appearance of such a space, and it must be formed by the influence of some kind of force.

The reason for the formation of this ghost cave was not introduced in "The Exorcist". Now seeing this system prompt, Hu Qing guessed that the reason for the formation of this ghost cave might be related to the other side of the crack channel.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing directly chose to open the crack channel.

[The crack channel is open! Do you choose to enter? ]

"Yes!" Hu Qing made a choice again.

The next moment, a suction force appeared around him, just like the feeling when the system opened Odin's kingdom space and forced him in.

After a while, the suction force disappeared, and the scene in front of him had changed.

There was a river next to it.

The river was very strange. The shore and the river were full of a kind of red flowers.

Those flowers gathered together, as if this river was made of blood.

However, the surroundings were empty, Hu Qing could not feel any breath of life, not even a ghost.

This space is very large.

Hu Qing walked forward and soon saw a huge rock covered with cracks. The rock was as tall as a building, and people looked very small under it.

Moreover, the rock was engraved with dense runes, but because of the cracks, the runes on the rock were obviously invalid.

But when Hu Qing saw the three words engraved on the rock, he showed surprise in his eyes.

Three-life stone!

"???" Hu Qing was shocked.

Are you kidding?

Three-life stone is something in the underworld.

Although the Chinese underworld is also a place where the dead go, it is completely different from the Western hell.

The Western hell is disordered, but the Chinese underworld is orderly. It is rumored that it is managed by the underworld and guarded by Ksitigarbha.

According to legend, the Three-Life Stone stands beside the Naihe Bridge, which can illuminate the past and present lives of the deceased. It can witness the joys and sorrows of all living beings. Once you pass the Three-Life Stone, this life is already in the past. Drinking Mengpo Soup will wipe out the past and present lives.

"Impossible? The ghost den under the hospital is connected to this place?" Hu Qing felt a little unbelievable, and hurried forward, and soon passed the boulder.

Behind the boulder, a bridge across the river appeared, but the bridge looked a little shabby, with some unknown vines entwined on it.

Naihe Bridge! ~

The three words on the plaque on the bridge were extremely eye-catching.

Hu Qing had to believe this fact.

This place turned out to be the legendary underworld?

The reason why there was a ghost den under the hospital was because the energy of the underworld space overflowed through the crack?

But there was something wrong with this underworld, it seemed to be in a dilapidated state, the legendary ghost messenger of the underworld was nowhere to be seen, and there was no Black and White Impermanence and Ox-Headed Horse-Face.

Continuing forward, Hu Qing saw different buildings, such as Ghost Gate, Wrongful Death City, Wangxiang Terrace, etc.

This made him more certain about where this place was.

"Hey!~" Hu Qing suddenly looked at a building in the distance, and a special energy came out from there.

This aroused his curiosity, and he immediately entered the Vajra God Body state and flew over there.


The building appeared in front of Hu Qing, and the two words on it seemed to indicate where this place was.

The power that Hu Qing sensed was emanating from Fengdu, and he immediately jumped into it and soon appeared in a hall.

Entering the hall, he saw two figures, and both of them looked very familiar. Then, he recognized that these two people were not Uncle Qiu and Ksitigarbha in "My Date with a Vampire"?

At this time, Ksitigarbha seemed to be trapped in a light shield, which was very wrong.

The Ksitigarbha in "My Date with a Vampire" is somewhat different from the Ksitigarbha known to ordinary people, and is also different from the Ksitigarbha in his previous life in Chinese legends.

The Ksitigarbha in the play is the controller of the human book, representing opportunities, and is also the controller of the underworld.

Uncle Qiu is a good friend of Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou, an exorcist, and a Ksitigarbha agent. In the underworld era without Ksitigarbha, it was Uncle Qiu who reconvened the underworld and barely maintained the underworld.

But this time point is also a bit wrong. Uncle Qiu became the Ksitigarbha agent at this time?

Hu Qing was puzzled.

According to the plot, Ksitigarbha should have been forced to reincarnate as Ma Xiaoling's younger brother at this time. He also had no memory at this time and could not appear here.

"Who?" Uncle Qiu also found Hu Qing after he came in, and turned around and shouted in horror.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "Uncle Qiu, it doesn't matter who I am. I'm curious about what's wrong with this Ksitigarbha. He shouldn't be here."

"You actually know me?" Uncle Qiu was obviously shocked.

He was sure that he had never seen the other person, but he could feel a terrifying power from him.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly, the Ksitigarbha King trapped in the light shield suddenly opened his eyes, and there were streams of black air in his eyes, which looked extremely ferocious.

The Ksitigarbha King even let out a ferocious roar, as if he was a demon.

"Oh no, I can't suppress it anymore." Uncle Qiu was shocked at this time.

The next moment, the light shield was broken, and Ksitigarbha walked out of it. He looked at Uncle Qiu with sinister eyes: "Damn old man, you have trapped me for so long, you should pay the price."

Uncle Qiu was shocked and did not dare to hesitate. He drew the Ksitigarbha Talisman on the palm of his hand and attacked the Ksitigarbha King.

But the Ksitigarbha King was not afraid of the Ksitigarbha Talisman at all. He rushed forward, breaking the energy of the talisman, and then impacted on Uncle Qiu's body, knocking him away.

Uncle Qiu hit the ground and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"There is one more!" King Ksitigarbha's eyes were entangled with demonic energy. He looked at Hu Qing aside and attacked Hu Qing directly.

"Hmph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly. He put on all the warrior equipment with one thought, held the staff of judgment in his hand, and slashed at the Ksitigarbha King with a blazing fire.

This strike of raging fire did not trigger the critical strike attribute of the Rod of Judgment.

However, his current attack power has reached 350.

The heat and light emitted by the judgment condensed by the fire illuminated the entire space extremely brightly, and it also carried terrifying power.

When faced with this force, Ksitigarbha looked panicked. He simply did not believe that such a terrifying force could appear in this dilapidated and abandoned underworld.

Even Uncle Qiu on the side felt a sense of suffocation when he felt this power, with an expression of disbelief.

Such a powerful force seems to be able to destroy the world.

Almost instantly, the fire penetrated Ksitigarbha's body, and the energy rushed through, destroying and collapsing the buildings behind him instantly.

Ksitigarbha looked down at his torn chest, with a look of reluctance on his face: "Why...why..."

"You are not Ksitigarbha!" Hu Qing was also sure of one thing at this time. When the opponent attacked, a name appeared on the opponent's body: [Remnant Soul of Ksitigarbha - Demon].

【Experience +55000】

An experience reminder also appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

As the real Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha, as the controller of the human book, the human book is in the soul of the opponent. He is not afraid even if he encounters generals, and cannot be defeated by his blazing fire.

Moreover, we can guess something from the name. This Ksitigarbha is just a remnant soul and is now possessed by a demon.

Uncle Qiu got up with a pale face, and was a little horrified when he saw Ksitigarbha killed instantly. He knew very well how strong this clone of Ksitigarbha was. After the opponent was attacked by the demonic energy, even if he had the Ksitigarbha left by Ksitigarbha The talisman can do nothing to stop the opponent,

Now the opponent was wiped out by this sudden person with one blow.

At this moment, the body of the killed Ksitigarbha suddenly shone brightly, the black energy disappeared, a golden light emerged from his body, and his eyes returned to clarity.

"Uncle Qiu!" Ksitigarbha looked at Uncle Qiu.

"Have you recovered?" Uncle Qiu asked in surprise.

But King Ksitigarbha shook his head and said: "It's just a residual soul clone left as a confusion. It has been wiped out just now, and it can't last long now."

As he spoke, Ksitigarbha looked at the ruined hell around him again, and sighed: "It seems that after my reincarnation, the clone left behind did not maintain the hell. This caused the hell to be ruined and the dead souls could not reincarnate normally. , the huge resentment caused the demon that should have disappeared to appear again, and even my remaining soul clone was invaded by the demon. "

"So, hell must be rebuilt, otherwise there will be more and more demons outside, absorbing the resentment of the undead, becoming stronger and stronger, and finally out of control."

Hu Qing was very surprised when he heard this. Demons are a unique product in "Conquering Demons", but how the demons were born was not explained in the play.

Now this means that Ksitigarbha in "I Have a Date with a Zombie" was forced to reincarnate, causing the underworld to be ruined, leaving the undead with nowhere to go, and finally causing the emergence of demons?

The causal relationship between these two dramas is really wonderful.

At this time, Ksitigarbha's remnant soul looked at Hu Qing and asked: "Sir, are you interested in becoming a Ksitigarbha agent? I can feel that there is no evil in you. You should be able to contact the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk."

It was the first time that Hu Qing heard about the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and asked: "What is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk?"

Ksitigarbha explained: "There are three books in this world: heaven, earth, and man. The heavenly book records the fate of everyone in every detail. It cannot be changed or changed. It is now in the hands of a terrifying existence."

"The Book of the Earth can control all things and change the world. Even if you write a novel plot on it, the same thing will happen in reality, but it cannot change everything recorded in the Book of the Sky. No one knows the traces of the Book of the Earth now."

"But although the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth are powerful, they cannot change human free will, nor can they make people who are not destined to fall in love."

"As for the human book, it represents an opportunity. Now it is in the soul of my body. It is precisely because of the existence of the human book that someone can conquer the sky. It depends on whether anyone can seize this opportunity. "

Hu Qing is naturally aware of this. The three books of heaven, earth and man are the biggest line in "I Have a Date with a Zombie".

Ksitigarbha said at this time: "However, in addition to the three books of heaven, earth and man, there is another treasure, the six-path reincarnation disk. This six-path reincarnation disk can accommodate all the dead and build the underworld so that the souls of the dead can go through it. Several lives of calamity.”

"Furthermore, once the soul of the deceased enters the underworld, even the three books of heaven, earth, and man cannot affect it under the six paths of reincarnation. However, the human books can communicate with the six paths of reincarnation, control this area of ​​​​the underworld, and become Ksitigarbha. "

After hearing this, Hu Qing had to admit that the underworld was indeed more perfect than hell. It had the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which could give souls the opportunity to reincarnate.

This was probably why the Chinese people could inherit for more than 5,000 years and become the only ancient civilization left.

In the West, like God's hell, the most likely thing for the dead souls to enter was to be devoured or transformed into ghosts, and it was impossible for them to become heroes for several lifetimes.

Because of the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, those former heroes who died had the opportunity to reincarnate again. They were heroes in one lifetime, and even if they drank Meng Po soup in the next lifetime, they would be heroes again.

Perhaps the Great Emperor Tang Taizong and the Great Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang were the same person, and perhaps the unparalleled Xiang Yu and the mountain-shaking Li Yuanba might also be the same person.

If the Six Paths of Reincarnation continued like this, the Chinese civilization would be cut off, but the fire of civilization could still be continued for thousands of years.

At this time, Ksitigarbha looked at Hu Qing again and asked, "So, are you willing to be Ksitigarbha's agent?"


Since there is such a thing as the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, there is no reason not to have it in his hands. With the treasure in front of him, it is his character not to take it?

So, Hu Qing asked back: "Why is it just an agent? And can't he become the master of this underworld?"

"..." Ksitigarbha was obviously stunned.

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