Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 545 Everyone wants to become the new God!

Hu Qing used teleportation to leave hell, returned to Jiajia Building, and took out his cell phone to contact Nutrilite.

If Eve appears, then the series of troubles she caused must also appear, and the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department will definitely be able to discover it.

In the original plot of "Evil Force", Cassio's pure soul obtained through this incident and absorbing most of the monsters in Purgatory can become the new God. Then even if he only absorbs those pure energy, his power will definitely increase a lot.

Maybe he can directly have the power to fight against the generals, the human king, Nuwa, Yaochi and others.

How could you miss this opportunity?

Hu Qing was about to make a call when Nutrilite's number was called first.

After pressing the answer button, Nutrilite's anxious voice came over: "Mr. Hu, I'm really sorry for disturbing you again, but there have been some inexplicable monsters recently, and we have no way to deal with them. There is a captain who is out to handle this case. The other party was transformed by Mr. Yu Zhi and died in the end. "

"Tell me what's going on." Hu Qing asked immediately. In fact, from Nutrilite's words and the information he had, he could probably determine that Eve was responsible.

Yu Zhi is already a red-eyed zombie, and the power of those transformed by him can also be increased to the level of green eyes.

What case can’t a detective captain with green eyes solve? What monster could kill him? Then there is only Eve, the mother of monsters.

Nutrilite's voice also came over: "Mr. Hu, there have been a lot of inexplicable monsters appearing recently. They are killing people everywhere. We and the people from the Exorcist Guild went out to deal with them, and we found that these monsters were originally humans."

"We have also asked Ms. Ellen, and she is very sure that these monsters were forcibly changed into monsters by the outside world. The guy behind this is not only very powerful, but also definitely has a big conspiracy."

Needless to say, this is definitely Eve.

"Nutrilite, monitor the Wen brothers for me." Hu Qing ordered directly.

Nutrilite immediately said: "Mr. Hu, our people have already fully monitored the Wen brothers. We have discovered that the two brothers are investigating this matter before. They seem to know the specific reasons, but we have not contacted them for the time being."

"Good job. Send an aircraft to the castle to pick me up." Hu Qing ordered with satisfaction. The mysterious investigation department was obviously getting better and better, and its role was becoming more and more important. He didn't need to worry about many things.

Hu Qing put down his phone and teleported back to the castle. Soon, Nutrilite and the aircraft arrived.

As soon as Hu Qing got on the aircraft, he reported: "Mr. Hu, the two brothers went to the town of Toyali. We also found some abnormal information in that town, and now the satellite has been firmly locked there."

While talking, the screen of the aircraft also displayed a satellite surveillance picture of a small town.

"Find the locations of all restaurants in the town." Hu Qing ordered directly.

According to the plot of "Evil", Eve is in a restaurant in a small town, and there are many customers gathered in the restaurant.

These customers are either monsters summoned by Eve from purgatory, or humans transformed into monsters by her.

Without any further instructions from Nutrilite, the detectives on the side were already in action, locking in the location of the small town bar.

Soon, the aircraft approached the town.

However, Hu Qing did not let the aircraft enter the town, but monitored it from a distance in the town. Since he was going to be the oriole, he asked Crowley and Cassidio to use the Wen brothers to finish the work, and then he took the opportunity to get involved.

Toyari Town is a small town in the northern part of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. It is located in a remote area and has a backward economy. Generally, few people pass through this town.

Therefore, this town has become extremely weird, and even if something happens, it will not be noticed by the outside world.

A classic car drove quickly, entered the town, and stopped at one place.

The Wen brothers got out of the car. They had already investigated clearly. The recent incident of virus infection and turning into monsters was caused by Eve, the mother of monsters.

Now Eve is hatching a terrible plan and they must stop each other.

They investigated the news and found that Eve was in this small town.

After looking around, the two brothers cautiously entered the town. What they had to do now was to first capture a monster and interrogate Eve's location.

But just as the Wen brothers entered the town, two figures appeared in a place outside the town, looking at the Wen brothers entering the town.

These two people are Crowley and Cassidio.

Demons and angels got together and reached an agreement. Now they are collaborators, and they plan to equally share the pure souls condensed from the energy of the ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient spirits in Purgatory after the incident is over. .

Crowley smiled and said, "Let the Wen brothers die. Eve will definitely want to eat them."

"These two brothers shouldn't know that their trusted friend is plotting against them, right?"

"Angels are really hypocritical and terrible."

Cassidio heard this and said angrily: "Shut up, as long as we can achieve the goal, everything is worth it, and I believe their brothers will handle it."

The most important thing is that as long as he has the power of God, he can change everything he hates now. He feels that the world should not be like this.

"However, don't let Hu know about this." Crowley said with a worried face: "If these two brothers call Hu for help, then our plan will be in vain."

Cassidio said: "Don't worry about this problem. I have cast a spell on the two brothers. Before they see Mr. Hu next time, they will not remember this person, let alone ask him for help."

"That's good." Crowley was relieved.

As long as the plan goes well, he can become God, and then he will go to hell to drive Hu away, and then he will be the real king of hell.

Both of them have their own calculations and plans, but they don't know that at this time on a flying vehicle, Nutrilite also said to Hu Qing in surprise: "Mr. Hu, the satellite scan accidentally found two people, and it turned out to be them."

Hu Qing looked, it was Crowley and Cassidio.

Sure enough, just like the original plot, these two guys are planning everything.

Although the plot of "Supernatural" has changed because Lucifer was imprisoned in the Red Name Village, this tangled angel is still trapped in a tangled place and took a wrong path.

Unfortunately, the Winchester brothers were smarter than they thought. Dean ate the phoenix ashes that could restrain Eve, and angered Eve to bite him, so that the phoenix ashes could enter Eve's body through his blood, and directly killed Eve. The clues on Eve's side were cut off.

Now only the Winchester brothers didn't know all this. They quickly caught a monster and tortured it after entering the town. They got the news that Eve was hiding in a restaurant, and then the two brothers went straight to the restaurant.

After Dean and Sam entered the restaurant, they were as cautious as before, sitting at the bar and preparing to pretend to be normal customers.

But the two brothers just sat down, and suddenly saw a weird woman appear at the bar, looking at the brothers jokingly: "Winchester, you really came by yourself."

The next moment, the fake customers of the monsters in the restaurant also stood up and surrounded the two brothers.

The weird woman was Eve. Obviously, this was all her trap.

"Eve!" Sam suddenly felt the terrifying power in Eve's body and recognized the woman's identity.

"Shit!~" Dean showed an expression that this was going to be bad.

"It is said that the Winchester brothers are the nemesis of monsters. It turns out that your blood is not simple either." Eve looked at the two brothers with interest, and licked her lips, revealing a greedy look.

Sam frowned and said: "Eve, you killed so many people, what on earth do you want to do?"

Eve said lightly: "Naturally, it is to turn all humans into monsters, then everyone is the same, there is no difference between monsters and humans."

As she said this, Eve felt more annoyed: "In ancient times, I had the opportunity to eliminate weak humans, but I didn't do it. I am happy to maintain the balance of nature."

"But things don't seem to be as I thought. My children, those monster ancestors were killed one by one in human society, and there are only a few left. Your Winchester family has made a great contribution to this, right?

"So, I accepted the call. For my children, I must do something. "

"And you brothers will be my feast today. "

The monsters around them also started to attack while Eve was talking, and rushed towards the Wen brothers.

The battle in the restaurant broke out.

This also caught the attention of Crowley and Cassidio, who had been waiting for a long time. After all, during the battle, the restaurant was shaken by waves of power, the glass was shattered, and the roof was hit with a terrifying crack.

Crowley said excitedly: "It's started, it's your turn."

Cassidio nodded, and was about to go to the restaurant, but suddenly he looked up in horror and felt a terrifying force appear.

Crowley also looked up and saw a figure emitting golden light appeared in the air and flew towards them quickly.

"Shit! How could Hu be here?" Crowley's face changed drastically in an instant, and he started to curse.

"Damn it!" Cassidio's face was not good either, which was beyond his expectation.

After a while, Hu Qing appeared in front of Crowley and Cassidio, looking at the two of them teasingly: "Crowley, Cassidio, are you two dating here? "

Crowley and the other man looked embarrassed, and Crowley prayed that Hu was not coming for Eve.

But Hu Qing smiled and flew straight to the restaurant.

Crowley gritted his teeth and followed.

Hu couldn't possibly know about the pure souls in Purgatory. As long as they were not exposed, Hu would be a very good thug.

He could only comfort himself in his heart.

Soon, Hu Qing entered the restaurant,

and the battle inside was over.

Like the plot in "Supernatural", the Winchester brothers failed, and Eve was angered by Dean and was about to eat him.

"Hu!" Sam saw Hu Qing, and Cassidyo's secret technique failed, and he thought of Hu Qing.

He was immediately annoyed why he didn't think of asking Hu for help?

Hu Qing looked at Eve and reminded her: "Don't bite him, he has eaten the phoenix ashes and drank his blood, you are dead."

"? ? ? ? "Dean was stunned at that moment.

Is this what a human does?

How did Hu know?

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