Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 547: Everyone must accept their fate in the Red Name Village! The treasure is not just the p

Hu Qing appeared in an alley in the town with Eve in his arms. Eve was a big boss.

For this kind of boss who wanted to destroy humans and turn all humans into monsters at any time, Hu Qing felt that killing her was too easy for the other party.

Therefore, this Hongming Village was the best place to go. It would be the biggest punishment for her to live here like an ordinary person forever.

"What is this place? What is your purpose in bringing me here?" Eve looked at the bustling townspeople around her, among whom there were even many people with monster blood, which made her face full of confusion.

Those monsters were actually selling things like ordinary people, and even bargaining with ordinary people.

Obviously, they could crush ordinary people with their strength, but they were arguing with their mouths.

This is really embarrassing.

Hu Qing smiled and said to Eve: "I found a job for you, so that you won't starve to death here, don't thank me."

Eve heard this and cursed Hu Qing in her heart.

Did she say she wanted to work here? It's even more impossible to stay here.

As long as there is a chance, she will escape immediately and never let the other party find her.

Not long after walking, Hu Qing took Eve to Lucifer's bar.

As soon as Eve entered the bar, her face obviously changed.

She sensed two very scary auras in the bar.

It is daytime now, and there are naturally no customers in the bar, and the door is still half closed.

Lucifer sat in the corner drinking as usual, looking drunk. Naturally, the wine would not make an archangel like Lucifer drunk, but his heart was drunk.

This also shows that he gradually accepted his fate and did not respond when he saw Hu Qing coming in.

Gabriel was cleaning the bar carefully, and he was obviously very satisfied with his current life. He finally didn't have to worry about his brother Lucifer thinking about making trouble all day.

"Mr. Hu, welcome." Gabriel greeted Hu Qing warmly when he saw him coming.

Hu Qing didn't say anything more and said directly: "Gabriel, her name is Eve. When I met her, she was working as a bartender in a restaurant. I think your bar should be in need of a beautiful waitress. She should be good."

"Wow!" Gabriel made an exaggerated expression: "Eve, the mother of monsters? Mr. Hu, well done, we really need waitresses here. I heard that the sea siren is also very beautiful and has done a lot of bad things. The netherworld demon Hecate is still alive..."

"..."Hu Qing felt that his mind was full of black lines when he heard Gabriel's words. This angel's thinking was a little abnormal. He could only say: "Gabriel, then Eve will be handed over to your bar. Remember to pay her salary on time, don't owe her salary, don't do flesh trade, don't do..."

Hu Qing told Gabriel all the restrictions that would be 404.

"We don't need waitresses." Lucifer's drunken voice sounded in the corner.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "Lucifer, it's too late, Gabriel has agreed."

Gabriel also said, "That's right, Lulu, I have agreed."

Lucifer heard the two people singing the same tune and said angrily, "No, you forgot that I am the boss, I didn't agree."

Hu Qing teased, "Lucifer, you are naturally the boss of this bar, I said it's a good idea for you to open a bar here."

"Shit!~" Lucifer seemed to be stimulated by this, and he picked up the wine and drank it angrily, and didn't say anything. How could he open a bar? How could it be possible...

Eve was completely shocked at this time. She finally knew who the two terrifying guys in the bar were. It turned out to be the legendary Gabriel and Lucifer.

Didn't they say that Lucifer broke the seal and prepared to destroy the world? Why did the other party open a bar on this road?

This made her unable to react for a while, her brain was a little down, and she didn't even notice that Hu Qing had left.

After Hu Qing left, Gabriel asked Eve a sensitive question: "Eve, what did you do to be arrested by Mr. Hu? You must have done something serious, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have attracted Mr. Hu's attention."

"..." Eve stared at Gabriel without saying a word. She felt that this place was weird everywhere.

Gabriel smiled and said, "Eve, don't be embarrassed. Maybe you are awesome outside and a terrifying legend, but it's the same here. Look at Lulu, he is the king of hell. He wants to destroy the world, causing volcanic eruptions and earthquakes everywhere. Now you can only drink here?"

"Shit!~" Lucifer cursed, and a bottle of wine hit Gabriel.

Gabriel dodged it with a tilt of his head, and continued: "There is a dark elf prince outside who wants to control a group of magic robots to destroy the world, and there are also evil vampires. Oh, and there is also Vivian, who wants to control dark creatures to destroy humans. Well, she is really beautiful. Now these people are living ordinary lives here obediently."

"..." Eve still said stubbornly after hearing this; "No, that's them, I will never stay here!"

"Oh, no!" Gabriel explained: "Eve, you don't seem to understand yet, you can't leave here at all, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

Eve frowned, didn't believe it at all, and turned into a shadow and left the bar.

Gabriel shook his head and followed her out. This was an employee of his bar, and he had to be responsible.

A moment later, Eve had appeared at the entrance of the town, and then hit the barrier hard.

Gabriel chased after Eve, who was covering her head, and said, "Everyone who comes in has to go through this, but you really can't get out."

"I don't believe it." Eve was annoyed and ran to several other places, but the result was the same. She ran into the barrier directly and had no way to leave.

Gabriel followed her all the time, and then said, "Eve, you should recognize the facts now and work in the bar with peace of mind, right? We can discuss what kind of work clothes you like. You have such a good figure, and those customers will be attracted to you."

Eve heard this and said with annoyance on her face: "Gabriel, then how did you get locked up?"

"Me?" Gabriel smiled and pointed at himself, and said proudly: "I'm different from you."

As he said, he walked through the barrier and walked outside, then rushed back, then walked out again, and put it back again.

"..." Eve was stunned, and tried to reach out again, but was blocked by the barrier again. She couldn't help but curse like Lucifer: "shit!~"


After Hu Qing helped Eve to get the job, he no longer cared about her, and went straight to a deserted place, and then summoned Bunaki again, asking Bunaki to open the hell passage and enter the hell again.

Soon, he and Bunaki were outside the barrier where the pure souls gathered again.

Amethius and Yu Zhi had been guarding the periphery.

Hu Qing walked in directly with several summons, and saw another pure soul in a moment. When his palm touched it, he got a prompt again:

"Experience beads found, do you want to absorb?"

Hu Qing felt that this prompt was redundant, of course he absorbed it. In an instant, the pure soul turned into the purest energy and entered his body.

An experience prompt also appeared again, this time it was 70,000 experience.

This is the ancient times, the center of the battlefield of ancient gods, ancient demons, ancient spirits... .

The strength of those who fell here is obviously not weak, and the experience is very high.

After absorbing several in a row, the experience exceeded 70,000.

This made Hu Qing confused. He originally thought that the ones who died here were God, Odin, the ancient gods and demons of Zeus' era...

But now it seems that it is not the case, because these guys have been dead for so long, and the remaining energy has such high experience.

How much experience would these beings have when they were alive?

Although there are ancient demons in hell now, these ancient demons refer to the demons of Satan before Lucifer, which are obviously different from those here.

Those ancient demons in hell are too weak.

The more experience Hu Qing absorbed, the more pure souls he saw as he moved forward. In a short time, he absorbed 10 million experience.

But this is just entering some areas of the barrier, and it is unknown how many pure souls there are.

After all, the energy of these pure souls plus most of the monsters in succession can make Cassidio a god.

Excluding those purgatory monsters, these pure energies should also be surprisingly large.

But this also made Hu Qing more confused. The more there are, it seems as if he saw a brilliant civilization of the gods.

This era of the gods is not the era of Zeus and Odin, but more glorious and prosperous.

This can be seen from the pure souls transformed by the residual energy.

He now has a very comprehensive understanding of supernatural powers and myths and legends, and there seems to be no trace of them.

This is not right, it seems that an era has died.

Hu Qing did not care about this for the time being, and absorbed the pure energy to his heart's content.

[Experience +70,000]

[Experience +11,000]

[Experience +8,000]

Continuing forward, more and more pure souls appeared in front of Hu Qing, almost densely packed.

Hu Qing moved quickly and directly released it. He chose to absorb it when he heard the prompt. The speed of experience increase was like a tide.

"This blood!" Yu Zhi's voice suddenly sounded.

They came to the edge of a bloody pool.

The pool was actually full of blood.

Those ancient gods and demons who fell in the battlefield of the gods... They were powerful, and the residual energy could transform their phantoms. It was not strange that they left blood, right?

However, the blood carried a special evil energy, which obviously had no effect on the zombies.

Yu Zhi did not hesitate, and opened his mouth directly to the blood, madly absorbing the blood into his body. At the same time, the energy bar of Yu Zhi's little head portrait in Hu Qing's mind was also growing rapidly.

Soon, the group made a new discovery. Several crystals appeared in front of them, some black and some transparent.

Hu Qing picked them up and saw the notes respectively.

"Special demon energy core: This is a special energy core, which is the product left after the death of a powerful demon in the last era. It can be absorbed by demons to improve their strength."

"Special angel energy core: This is a special energy new river, which is the product left after the death of a powerful angel in the last era. It can be absorbed by angels to improve their strength."

Seeing this, Hu Qing's eyes lit up. It seems that this place is not only pure souls, but also many good things.

In "Supernatural", Cassidio only summoned and absorbed the pure souls here through special tools, and obviously did not dig up all the treasures here.

Otherwise, Cassidio might not have been a god for just a short period of time before the energy in his body went haywire.

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