Hu Qing had watched TV series in his previous life and knew about the grudge between the Pangu clan and fate, but he never understood why the Pangu clan was called Pangu.

After all, the name Pangu has huge symbolic meaning in Chinese myths and legends.

That is a great God who created the world.

Now he finally understands.

The Pangu clan was transformed by Pangu.

There is also Pangu in this world. It was Pangu who used his powerful power to injure Destiny and split the chaos of Destiny's world-destruction. Destiny did not completely succeed in destroying the world, and left the Pangu clan with his own essence and blood.

The Pangu clan also created a new civilization, and many myths and legends of this era are also related to the Pangu clan.

Fuxi, Our Lady of Yaochi, Nuwa, the generals, and even Tongtian, Yuanshi, and Laozi in front of them were all members of the Pangu clan.

Hu Qing did not forget his purpose: "You three, I want to know your final trump card against fate. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I hope you can trust me."

"Of course, if you don't trust me, I can use my own methods to get this trump card from you."

This is already half threatening.

Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian looked at each other, and finally nodded together, took out a blood-colored jade pendant, and threw it to Hu Qing.

Since it is certain that this human being has nothing to do with destiny and is so powerful, there is no need for them to guard this thing.

As long as the opponent is human and as long as Destiny still wants to destroy the world, then the two sides will fight, and it doesn't matter if they hand over the last trump card against Destiny to the other party.

Lao Tzu said: "This is also the jade transformed by the essence and blood of the Great God Pangu. It contains a special blood seal to imprison it. After it is activated, the destiny can be imprisoned in a body."

"Destiny has always been afraid of that body, and we have used it to manipulate that body. It is true and false. Only by using this blood seal to imprison can everything be true."

This is a bit convoluted.

Hu Qing could understand.

That body is Our Lady of Yaochi.

The destiny is targeting Our Lady of Yaochi. She wants to become one with Our Lady of Yaochi, so she has been seducing Our Lady of Yaochi for this reason.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi also wants to introduce destiny into her body, so as to confine and control destiny and gain the power of destiny.

Both sides have their own goals and always think that they can dominate everything. In fact, it is the three old guys from the Pangu tribe who are plotting.

If there was no protagonist aura in the TV series, Kuang Guohua and Ma Xiaoling would have been killed long ago, and in the end it would be the Pangu clan who used this blood seal to imprison and clean up everything.

Hu Qing got what he wanted and didn't stay too much. He left the space and returned to the Pangu Holy Land.

Everyone in Pangu Holy Land looked at him with ugly expressions, but no one dared to stop him.

Hu Qing arrived outside, left in a flash, and returned to the castle.

But just after he came back, he suddenly felt a special feeling. As soon as he thought, as ripples appeared, the clone-the warrior who had gone to heaven appeared next to him.

"What's going on?" Hu Qing asked doubtfully.

The clone-warrior explained: "There is something very interesting in heaven, with a kind of incomplete space rules. It seems that that thing is connected to many secondary spaces."

Hu Qing became a little interested when he heard this, and said to the clone warrior: "Go and have a look."

The clone warrior nodded when he heard this, waved his hand and opened an angel door.

Hu Qing walked towards the Angel Gate.

It was also his first time to enter heaven. Compared to hell, heaven did have a more comfortable feeling.

The clone-warrior took him to a special secret room space, where there was a ball that looked like a globe.

"That's it." The clone-mage said.

Hu Qing stepped forward and reached out to touch the ball. Through the incomplete space ability of the cosmic disk absorbed in his body, he immediately discovered that there was another incomplete force of time and space rules inside the globe-like ball.

Moreover, this incomplete rule seems to be consistent with the way he absorbed the cosmic light disk.

Is this the incomplete other half?

Hu Qing was a little unbelievable. Then, he was attracted by another picture. There were pictures inside the globe, which were different worlds.

By absorbing the power of the incomplete space-time rules of the Yuguang Disk, he can sense those worlds.

He might know what these worlds are.

In "The Power of Evil", God created many parallel worlds. Many of these parallel worlds were transformed by God based on real-life comics and movies, as well as his ability to write scripts.

The most famous one is naturally a zombie world. The Wen brothers entered this world and chopped down zombies.

Thinking about it now, God relied on the power of these incomplete rules of time and space to create those parallel worlds.

However, compared to the world created with incomplete space-time rules, the quality of those parallel worlds is not as good as this main world. Even a ton of power in the main world will be stronger in those parallel worlds.

[It is discovered that the power of incomplete time and space rules can be refined. Should it be absorbed and refined? 】

Hu Qing received this prompt and decisively chose to refine. In an instant, the globe-like ball penetrated into his body, and then the system prompt appeared again:

[The incomplete rules of time and space are being refined, and the incomplete rules are being fused! 】

Hu Qing got the hint again.

At the same time, he also found that the incomplete space-time rule power in his body was actually merging with the incomplete space-time rule power in the sphere.

In other words, this is really the same space-time rule power that is separated.

Who would have thought that the incomplete space-time rule power in the hands of God and Pangu clan is actually the same?

Now this rule power can only be used by him.

As time goes by, the incomplete space-time rule power merges quickly.

I don’t know how long it took, and I saw Hu Qing’s figure disappear on the spot. When he appeared again, he was already in a desolate world. He floated in the air, feeling that the power in his body soared to an unknown degree in this world.

This is exactly one of the parallel worlds.

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