Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 72: Strength is raised to a higher level! It’s actually Jo!

After Hu Qing upgraded his healing skill to level 2, he spent another three days upgrading his fireball skill to level 2.

"Fireball skill: lv2 (cultivation progress 0/400), normal target attack increase: magic +4, current level monster attack increase: magic +9, consume MP15, can be upgraded to LV3 at level 16."

The power of lv2 fireball skill has been improved, the attack increase to normal target has reached magic +4, and the attack increase to monster target has reached magic +9, both of which have increased by 2 compared to lv1.

In the training room.

Hu Qing cast the fireball skill.

A fireball quickly condensed in front of him.

The volume of the Lv2 fireball became larger, the size of a millstone, the flames on the fireball fluttered, and the flames emitted became hotter, with subtle flames bursting.

After the fireball skill was upgraded to level 2, Hu Qing did not continue to practice, but went downstairs to take out a prepared suitcase and put a bunch of water guns in it.

The water gun is naturally filled with holy water.

He had previously negotiated a deal with Lin Qin, the Tang Sect boss, to sell him a water gun for one million US dollars. In addition to practicing healing and fireball techniques, he also took time to make some holy water and prepared twenty water guns.

This can make a small profit of 20 million US dollars.

In his previous life, that would be a small profit of 130 million.

He had already made an appointment with Tang Song last night.

The people from the Tang Sect were almost here.

Sure enough, after a few moments, the sound of a motorcade sounded outside.

Hu Qing walked out and saw Lin Qin and Tang Song walking out of a car.

Zhang Ke and a group of guards got out of other cars, each with a weapon on their waist, and were on high alert.

Tang Song and Lin Qin got out of the car and saw Hu Qing. Tang Song immediately stepped forward respectfully: "Mr. Hu, we are here."

Lin Qin also said respectfully: "Mr. Hu, we meet again."

Hu Qing nodded to the two of them, walked into the villa, took out two boxes, opened them, and handed them to the two of them.

Tang Song and the others immediately took the boxes and looked at the water guns inside with joy.

Even Zhang Ke, who was in charge of the guard, looked over subconsciously.

The last time he saw the ghost, he still remembered it vividly. No matter how good his skills were, he was as weak as a child in front of that kind of thing.

But it was different with this water gun.

He still remembered that Mr. Hu used the water gun to make the ghost burst into flames with two sizzles, and hid in the mirror and dared not come out.

Hu Qing said: "There are 20 here in total, count them."

"No need to count, we believe in Mr. Hu." Lin Qin said immediately.

He counted because his brain was cramping.

Doesn't that mean he doesn't trust Mr. Hu?

Tang Song also said: "Mr. Hu, I will transfer the money to you later, and I will take care of the tax issue."

Hu Qing nodded, and after the transaction with the two, he entered the villa and went to the room to continue practicing the last skill, the basic combat method.

Tang Song and Lin Qin also left with water guns with a happy face.

After this, if others want to use ghosts to deal with them, they at least have something to deal with.

The two of them hurriedly returned to Chinatown with the box, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Who would have thought that the two Tangmen bosses were so concerned about only twenty water guns?

Three days passed in a flash.

Hu Qing also practiced the basic combat method to level 2.

"Basic combat method: lv2 (cultivation progress 0/400), contains fierce moves, a total of 4 moves, the third move can be used at present, and it can be upgraded to lv3 at level 16."

In the training room.

The ebony sword in Hu Qing's hand swung out a series of fierce killing moves, and each sword would be accompanied by the sound of breaking wind.

The third form of the basic combat method is stronger and more powerful than the previous two forms, because the basic combat method can be applied to any weapon.

If the previous two forms can make Hu Qing a weapon master in modern society, then the third form can make him a weapon master.

The most important thing is his speed.

As the basic combat method is performed, his figure moves quickly, faster and faster, almost making people unable to keep up with him in the blink of an eye.

The agility of 14 has made his speed close to 5 times the average agility value of 3.

If the agility attribute increased by the gold necklace and silver bracelet is added, it is more than 5 times.

This speed is absolutely incredible for ordinary people. For example, this speed is not slower than those vampire villains who just appeared in Twilight.

This speed plus the basic combat method, the threat is increased to another level.

Hu Qing stopped, put away his sword, and then quit practicing.

This time there is an additional fire resistance ring, and the fireball technique, basic combat method, and healing technique are all upgraded to level 2, which directly improves his strength to a higher level.

Ten days passed, and everything seemed to be flat these days, with no supernatural events happening.

After all three skills were upgraded to level 2, Hu Qing had nothing to do except extreme training and gaining some experience from Kelly.

In 10 days, his experience reached level 12, 3300/10000.

And a week ago, Kalinda's supernatural detective agency opened.

Kalinda didn't know how to fool Kelly, and actually let Kelly be the sucker and spend money to advertise for her.

So, there were several cases just after the opening.

But Kalinda took the case with great interest, and finally found out that it was not a supernatural event at all.

There was a case where the client was suspicious and scared himself.

In Kalinda's detective agency, Kalinda wore a sports T-shirt and tight jeans. This outfit is convenient for exercise. You can't continue to wear high heels and skirts when investigating a case.

Kalinda twisted her hot waist and came to Hu Qing and said, "Hu, there were two cases yesterday. We will each take charge of one. I hope it won't be another oolong case."

Hu Qing nodded.

He did not refuse to be a partner with Kalinda, and he also hoped that there would be a supernatural case that would come to him so that he could gain experience.

But from the previous cases, this supernatural case is not something that can be encountered casually.

"Kalinda, this case is to go to a seaside resort, and the other is to investigate at a school. Which one do you choose?"

"I'll go to school. I can't swim."

"Okay, then I'll go to the beach."

Hu Qing and Kalinda left the detective agency and went straight to the seaside resort.

He had no objection to coming to the beach. After all, at a glance, there were bikinis of all sizes, beautiful scenery and charming spring.

Hu Qing stopped the car on the beach and took out the case information to read.

The employer was the owner of the Paradise Beach Resort, which had always had good business.

But the business was affected in the past half month. Tourists found a child soaking in the sea water, but the child disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the past three days, the child even pulled the legs of tourists in the water, and it was even reported in the news.

The police came to see it, but they did not find any information, but the business was affected.

So, the boss saw an advertisement for a supernatural detective agency on the Internet and took a chance to entrust the case.

Hu Qing looked at the information and was about to call the employer when he heard exclamations from all around.

"Oh my god, someone is drowning!"

"Quick... who will help her..."

"Is the rumor true? Her legs were grabbed?"


Hu Qing looked over subconsciously and saw a blonde woman in a blue bikini struggling in the water. She wanted to swim back to the shore, but seemed to be held back by something.

Hu Qing got very close and rushed out without hesitation, diving into the sea.

His speed was very fast, so fast that it was unbelievable. There were a few white men who wanted to be heroes and save the beauty, and they were about to jump into the sea. Hu Qing had already quickly approached the blonde woman.

This caused those white men to be stunned.


"He is a swimming champion?"

"NO... the world champion is not as fast as him..."


Hu Qing quickly approached the blonde woman and found that she was a big beauty. Moreover, he was very familiar with this blonde beauty. In a flash, a name emerged in his mind: Jo.

She is the girlfriend of Dean, the two evil men of the Wen family. She is one of the heroines of the evil force, and also the most miserable one.

There are no women allowed in the world of the Wen family.

They have a natural curse against women, and their female protagonists all died in tragic ways.

Jo was born in an exorcist family, and she and her mother have been engaged in the exorcism business. She is a perfect match for Dean and the most popular female protagonist. Naturally, she died the most tragically.

She faced several three-headed dogs of hell, and when she was about to be eaten, she chose to self-destruct miserably.

When it was heard that JO was offline, many viewers wanted to put two mines in the director's house, so that the director would also self-destruct.

Hu Qing never thought that he would meet her here, which means that there is really a supernatural event here.

At this time, he also clearly found that there was a shadow in the sea water grabbing JO's leg.

Hu Qing's ebony sword appeared in his hand in an instant, and he stabbed at the shadow and pierced the other party directly.

The shadow was attacked and dissipated in an instant, but he did not gain experience.

Is this a ghost?

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