Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 75 JO: I am just a little fool! Strange ghost!

JO was unable to turn around for a while, and his mind was filled with questions.

She thought it was just an ordinary guy who suddenly took out a water gun and squirted at the resentful spirit twice, which made the resentful spirit howl miserably as it was corroded and flames burst out of its body.

The flames on Will's body quickly turned into flames, and the weird howl became even louder, and finally dissipated because he couldn't bear it.

The corpse is not the origin, so we have to find the true origin again.

Moreover, Hu Qing thought of Dai Si.

When the other party heard that this supernatural incident was related to Will, his expression felt wrong.

He suspected that this guy must know something.

"Hu, who are you?" JO saw Will being knocked away by Hu Qing, his pretty face was full of doubts and questions.

Hu Qing smiled and joked: "JO, let's get to know each other again. I am Hu Qing from Kalinda Supernatural Detective Agency."

"Ah..." JO was embarrassed now and walked out of the pile of rocks in a hurry.

She suddenly felt like a little fool just now, and she even confidently said that the person pretending to be Kalinda's Supernatural Detective Agency would not be exposed.

Who knew that this Hu was from Kalinda Detective Agency.

The key is that the opponent obviously knows how to eliminate demons, otherwise how would he be able to disperse Naville with a water gun.

She even foolishly spread knowledge about ghosts to the other party.

Liu Qingqing gloated: "Mr. Hu, she seems to be angry..."

Hu Qing smiled and caught up with JO as if nothing had happened: "JO, let's find out the true origin of this Weir now."

JO stopped and stared at Hu Qing: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Yeah!" Hu Qing didn't defend himself and nodded simply.

"You..." JO lost his temper when he saw this.

She was also thinking about how the other party would refute him if he defended her, but she didn't know that he would not follow the routine.

Hu Qing said with a smile: "JO, let's go! Find Dai Si, he should know what's going on."

Seeing Hu Qing's calm look, JO got angry and punched him hard in the chest.

"How do you hit someone?" Hu Qing didn't care. She couldn't break his current defense with just her fists.

"Humph, I did it on purpose too!" JO said proudly and left.

Hu Qing followed.

This matter is now in the past.

JO is obviously not a grudge-bearing person.

Back at the Paradise Resort, JO called Dais' number again, but this time, just after the call was connected, Dais's voice came from inside: "Save... Shasha..."

The phone was disconnected immediately.

"Hu, something seems to have happened to Dais." JO frowned and hurried over to the girl at the front desk to ask: "Girl, do you know where Mr. Dais is now?"

The woman pointed upstairs and said, "Mr. Dais has a room for himself at the end of the third floor. He went upstairs just now and should go upstairs again."

JO and Hu Qing ran upstairs immediately.

When we reached the end of the third floor, we heard Dess's cry of pain: "Ah... Will, I was wrong, let me go. I have taken care of your mother and sister for so many years, and I even married your sister..."

boom! ~

Wow! ~

There was another sound of crashing and smashing things.

Hu Qing and JO rushed in immediately and saw Dai Si falling to the ground with his mouth full of blood and rolling out.

"Miss Kalinda, help..." Dais saw the two of them shouting anxiously, as if he had seen a savior.

There was already water in the room.

Navel's figure was in the room, which made Hu Qing certain that Dais must be hiding something.

When Weir saw Hu Qing and JO, he looked at them fiercely, but he could only grin and threaten.

Because it drowned in the sewer, it would vomit a lot of dirty mud when it opened its mouth and could not speak at all.

Hu Qing didn't care. He picked up the water gun and squirted twice. The quality 2 holy water once again corroded Navel and howled miserably. Sparks erupted from his body again and quickly spread into flames.

Wraiths of this level couldn't resist quality 2 holy water, and were instantly burned and dissipated.

JO looked at the water gun in Hu Qing's hand again, his beautiful eyes shining with a strange light.

What is inside this water gun? It has such power.

Moreover, this is obviously much easier to use than her gun. It is lightweight and has no bullet restrictions. The key is that making salt block bullets is really labor-intensive.

Hu Qing noticed JO's gaze and handed her the water gun with a smile: "Don't look at it, I'm giving this to you for self-defense!"

"Is this very precious? Are you really giving it to me?" JO took the water gun and was stunned. This was obviously an unexpected surprise.

Hu Qing nodded and said: "Yeah! It's very precious. No one else can buy the things in it!"

"Sure enough..." JO thought to herself. She and her mother had been exorcising demons and knew many exorcists, but she had never seen anyone use this kind of magic.

"Then I'll give you two more..." Hu Qing magically took out two water guns from the inventory and handed them to JO.

"..." JO looked at the three pistols in his hands, but for a moment he couldn't turn a corner.

Isn't it very precious?

Why do you feel like you don't care at all when you give it away like this?

"You can come to me again when you have finished using it. I will always provide it to you. It is very dangerous for a girl to be an exorcist. I hope I can help you." Hu Qing naturally didn't care about the holy water. This thing became more and more popular with the spell. Skilled, he can get as much as he wants, but he really hopes to help JO.

If one day there is holy water that can even scare the three-headed dogs of hell, then those brats can be slaughtered and stewed, but I don’t know if they can make up for it.

Hu Qing's words moved JO's inner demon inexplicably. She had no normal interpersonal relationships when she entered the exorcism industry, let alone being cared for like this by a very handsome member of the opposite sex.

This made her look at Hu Qing seem to be a little different.

An anxious voice sounded at this moment: "Miss Kalinda, can you take care of me first?"

Hu Qing and JO then looked at Dai Si. There was still blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"Mr. Dais, tell me, what happened when Navel died? What did you hide?" Hu Qing asked Dais directly.

Weir was defeated by him at the beach, and he immediately came to see Dais, saying that he had nothing to do with him, but no one believed him.

Before, Naville might have just wanted to torture Dais, destroy his business, and finally kill this guy.

Now that I felt threatened by him and JO, I went straight to this guy.

"This..." Dai Si looked embarrassed, which obviously confirmed Hu Qing's guess.

Seeing this, Hu Qing snorted directly: "Mr. Dais, you don't have to say anything, or we don't care. You can think about the consequences yourself."

Dais didn't dare to hide it at this time, and said straight away: "Actually, I was there at the time. I suddenly threw a baseball at Weir and asked him to catch it. He was hit on the head by the ball, so he didn't pay attention to the fall..."

"At that time... I was still young. I was so frightened when I saw him being swept away that I didn't even know how to call for help. I actually picked up the ball and hurried home without daring to tell anyone..."

"If I hadn't dropped that ball...if I had found someone in time, maybe Will wouldn't have died, but I really knew I was wrong. I have been helping Will take care of his mother and sister for so many years. I am very good to his sister. real……"

"Where is that ball?" Hu Qing immediately grasped the key point.

The source of a vengeful spirit that died violently. In addition to the corpse, the weapon that killed them is also the most likely source.

"I buried the ball next to the cemetery in Vale."

"Take us to dig it out.".

"Yes Yes!"

Hu Qing and JO took Dai Si to the tomb in Hai Mian again.

Under the guidance of Dais, a blackened baseball was quickly dug out from a place beside the tomb. There was an uncomfortable smell on the ball.

Seeing this scene, Hu Qing and JO both knew that this should be Weirbenyuan.

Weir's figure condensed again, staring at the three people angrily, but it was shot away one after another, and it could only grin at Hu Qing and JO threateningly.

Dais turned pale with fright when he saw Weir again.

But he thought of his wife and children, and before Hu Qing could make a move, he gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Naville.

"Wil, it was my fault. I shouldn't have run away in fear."

"I have been making up for it, taking good care of your mother and treating her as my own mother."

"I also married your most beloved sister Si Fei. I am very good to her and she loves me very much."

"We also have three children. If you look at the photos, there are our family photos..."

Dais said, handing over the photo.

Surprisingly, Navel stopped grinning and stared blankly at the phone screen, with a trace of clarity returning to his eyes.

"Mother...Si Fei..." Weir spat out less mud when he opened his mouth, and actually muttered it intermittently. Then he looked at Dai Si again: "Dai... Dai Si..."

This surprised both Hu Qing and JO.

Once a ghost turns into a wraith, it is irreversible, which seems a little wrong.

"Isn't it itself so resentful? Is it just that it was forcibly turned into a resentful spirit?" JO suddenly remembered something and explained: "I have read a classic, saying that some dead people who did not have such resentment, if for some reason Things or energy are forcibly turned into wraiths, and these wraiths actually want to be freed. "

"It's just that they don't know this. Someone needs to touch the deepest emotions in their hearts. This seems to be the case in Vail."

This really gave Hu Qing some knowledge. The ghost information he checked did not record this.

JO frowned again and said, "Is it related to the rumor circulating in The Exorcist?"

"What rumors?" Hu Qing asked doubtfully.

JO explained: "I don't know the specifics. It seems that there is an unusual energy. This energy can cause chaos. For example, supernatural events have been happening quite frequently recently."

Hu Qing frowned, this is true.

He had previously wondered that during the time he had traveled through time, monsters appeared one after another, somewhat frequently.

Now it seems that it may be related to what JO said.

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