In the villa.

Hu Qing exercised to the extreme on the exercise equipment, and the successive experience tips that appeared in his mind always made people feel happy.

Thor, the three-headed hell dog, wandered around the hall boredly, wandering in front of him from time to time, and then squatting down to watch him exercise.

After a few hours of training in the morning, Hu Qing gained 160 experience points, reaching level 13 with 7070/15000 experience points.

After stopping to rest, I went upstairs to take a shower, and when I came down, I heard the sound of cars outside.

A guest has arrived.

"Mr. Hu!" Tang Song's shout came in.

Hu Qing walked out, and Thor's body shook and turned into a little Chihuahua again.

When they arrived at the yard, Hu Qing was surprised to find that there was not only Tang Song, but also Aibike.

Why are these two guys here together?

"Mr. Hu, I'm here to disturb you." Tang Song greeted Hu Qing respectfully.

"Mr. Hu, is this your pet? What a cute Chihuahua." Aibike looked at Thor next to Hu Qing in surprise, and even squatted down to tease it.

Thor glanced at Aibike with disdain and refused to shake him.

"Uh!" Aibike felt hurt inexplicably. Was he despised by the dog?

"Why did you two come to my place together?" Hu Qing asked. If these two guys came together, there must be something going on.

"Mr. Hu, the two of us are here to ask for your help." Karamatsu explained: "There is a Quest Port in Seattle. It was originally a private port run by the Sidefold family. The business has been very good and is worth 10 billion U.S. dollars. Market value.”

"But I don't know what happened recently. The Steffel family is actually selling off this port."

"Mr. Abby wanted to take over this port, but it was difficult for him to raise 10 billion U.S. dollars in working capital at once, so he approached our Tangmen to cooperate. Having such a private port would be of great benefit to us Chinese merchants. We So I agreed to cooperate with Mr. Abby."

Aibik nodded: "That's right, even those at the top of Forbes can't come up with 10 billion US dollars of liquidity in a short time, so I asked Tang Sect to cooperate."

Of course, the main reason why he sought cooperation with the Tang Sect was because of Mr. Hu in front of him. Who made Mr. Hu have a good relationship with the Tang Sect?

"Then you came to see me?" Hu Qing asked.

Tang Song said sheepishly: "Mr. Hu, a port with such a good profit is going to be sold off. We are worried that something strange will happen and the Sideful family will have to sell it off, so we want you to go and take a look. ”

Hu Qing finally understood.

If someone has a good thing that makes money, and suddenly wants to sell it, everyone will suspect something is wrong.

Tang Men and Aibike wanted to buy the port and were worried about any supernatural events, so they came to see it.

When Guo Gang bought the mine, it was not for this reason that he almost got cheated, which also led him to kill his first monster: the Wendigo.

If it weren't for the supernatural incident, given the status and power of Tangmen and Aibik in Seattle, they would definitely be able to solve it.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to have a look." Hu Qing did not refuse the two's request.

It was just a small thing for him.

He was really hoping for a supernatural event, just so he could gain experience.

Hu Qing walked to his car. As soon as the door opened, Thor got in by himself.

Before the car drove out some distance, the ghost girl also appeared in the back seat.

Today she changed her clothes again, a pink dress and short skirt, which made her look youthful and pretty.

"Mr. Hu, where are we going now?" Liu Qingqing asked as soon as she appeared.

Hu Qing explained: "When you go to a port, just treat it as feng shui."

"Looking at Feng Shui?" Liu Qingqing's eyes lit up.

She feels like she can do it.

She has read a lot of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique".

There are many ports in Seattle, and the officially largest Port of Seattle is known as the second largest container port in the Stars and Stripes.

Naturally, there are also many private ports, which is due to the special capital society.

Hu Qing remembered the country in his previous life. Such large trading ports were all in the hands of the state. The only private port owner was in debt and fled abroad with tens of billions of dollars in debt.

And this time, the port that Tangmen and Aibike want to capture is undoubtedly the largest among Seattle's private ports.

Although this kind of private port cannot be compared with the Port of Seattle, it is precisely because it is private that it has the greatest effect.

Hu Qing followed Aibike and Karamatsu to the car. When they got off the car, they saw a port connected vertically and horizontally with stacked containers.

For people with trypophobia, at first glance it will look like densely packed Lego blocks.

The business at the port is really good, with vehicles coming in and out all the time.

If there hadn't been a problem, no one would have sold this private port.

"Mr. Abby, I didn't expect to see you here." A white man who was directing the loading of a truck ran out.

The truck was marked: Hendry Company.

"It turns out to be Mr. Cockade." Abik obviously knew the white man, and said playfully: "It seems that Mr. Cockade has another good business."

"Haha, it's nothing compared to Mr. Abby's business." Corked obviously didn't want to talk more about his business, so he skipped it.

boom! ~

Suddenly, another coffin-sized box fell to the ground on the other side of the truck. Corker was startled and ran back immediately.

Abby looked at Cockade with disdain on his face: "Anyone who offends Satan will have his soul devoured by the devil sooner or later!"

Karamatsu smiled and asked, "Mr. Ibik, you don't seem to want to see the real guy."

Aibike said with even more disdain; "You guys who are trying to get away with things, to be honest, the Hendry family still relied on you Chinese to accumulate wealth. This guy's grandfather, Cox Hendry, was just a few decades ago." A small rich man with little status in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom."

"However, during a period of time, he went to China and gave himself a Chinese name of 'Jude Kao'."

"I don't know how he did it. When he came back, he brought countless cultural relics from China. You know, those things should have been in the tomb."

"After Judekao came back, he auctioned off the cultural relics and made a fortune. He became a rich man and a new member of the upper class. Gradually, the family also started its own business. After the death of 'Judekao', this It seems that Ke De is still carrying on his grandfather's business."

"I think he will be found by Satan sooner or later."

Aibik firmly believed in his words. After learning about supernatural powers, he was very taboo about these things.

Hu Qing probably understood that the Hendry family's business was tomb robbing, and they started their business by going to China to rob tombs. However, such people should not be dragged into hell by Satan. Even if they were to go to hell, they would probably see Crow. profit.

The incident with Cockade was just an interlude, and Hu Qing entered the port with Aibike and Tang Song.

But at this time, in the truck, after Cork had packed the coffin-sized box, he was deeply relieved. He spent so much money to get something, this thing had a chance to give him the chance to get what his grandfather had been pursuing. s things.

Hu Qing entered the port and took out the compass to check.

All is well with the compass.

There was nothing going on around the port.

"Mr. Hu, the feng shui here is very good." Liu Qingqing looked around and said in surprise: "The wind gathers the water, and the feng shui gathers to welcome wealth. This is a cornucopia of feng shui."

Obviously, there are no supernatural incidents in this port, and the feng shui is still very good, at least so far.

Therefore, Hu Qing also said to Aibike and Tang Song: "You can rest assured that there are no supernatural events here. The feng shui is very good. The other party's intention to sell this port should not be related to this aspect. Naturally, if there are really supernatural events, you can Let me know as soon as possible.”

These words also reassured Karamatsu and Aibike.

The two immediately expressed their intention to invite Hu Qing in the evening, but Hu Qing declined, and then went back to the villa to continue extreme training.

Tang Song and Aibi had no choice but to give up and go back to prepare materials immediately.

Since they were sure that the port was not caused by supernatural causes, they naturally wanted to buy it.

Soon, Tang Songdi arrived at the Tangmen headquarters, but his car just stopped in the parking lot of the Tangmen headquarters, and a figure was already staring at him.

At that moment, the figure rushed towards Karamatsu at an extremely fast speed. The speed was like a wild beast running wildly, which was beyond the reach of humans.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A bodyguard spotted the figure rushing towards him at a high speed, but in the blink of an eye he was hit by the opponent. He flew several meters away, hit the ground, vomited blood, and bounced like a ball. .

"It's you..." Karamatsu was startled when he saw the person coming, but then his eyes showed horror.

Thick hair quickly grew on the opponent's body, his face and arms were everywhere, his eyes turned blue, and his hands visibly turned into a pair of sharp claws.

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