"I didn't borrow it. I bought it myself." Wang Yu smiled. "I didn't tell the second old man. I'm afraid you'll talk about me. I'm so old that I'll take good care of myself."

My father and mother are even more surprised now. My son has only worked for half a year. Now college students are the most worthless labor force! Son, where did you get the money to buy this five or six hundred thousand car?

"Did you buy it?" Dad Yu has a good knowledge of the car. Just now he took a look at the shape and knew that the car was definitely not produced in Chang'an. It came from abroad: "how much is it?"

Wang Yu sat upright.

"Well, I have to report my achievements in the past six months to the second old man first. Cough." Wang Yu cleared his throat: "in view of the children's efforts, he met an expert to show the way. His son did the two biggest projects over there this year. Therefore, he made less than eight figures."

This is amazing. Yu's father and mother are stunned.

Half a year, small profit, less than eight figures! That's eight digits, but it's ten million! Yu's father and mother have worked hard for most of their lives and haven't made seven figures!

"Don't scare your mother." although mother Yu counts money in the bank every day, it's not her own money. "Don't joke with her mother."

Dad Yu looked at his son. It really didn't seem like a joke. It's strange to say that the car was borrowed. Who lent the car to others during the Chinese new year? It's just a busy time.

"My son has grown up." father Yu was happy from his heart: "have a drink!"

Yu's mother saw that Yu's father said so. It seems that her son is true and didn't lie. It's true that you can achieve a person by looking at an opportunity.

"Son," father Yu said earnestly, "your parents really don't want you to be a rich man or something. Ordinary and light days are the best."

"Dad, I really what you mean." Wang Yu smiled. "It's not that you can't live a plain life if you have money. Can't you make a plain life better?"

"Son, mother is happy for your success. If you have money, you should be a person with ideals and dreams." mother Yu looks at her son as if he has matured a lot. I was comforted.

"Just listen to your mother." father Yu patted his son on the shoulder. This shoulder seems to have been more generous than his own, and can bear things better than himself.

"Don't worry! Don't worry, I'll give you a toast!" Wang Yu will be happy as long as his parents are at ease.

Mother Yu looked at her son and seemed to want to say something.

"Mom? What's the matter?" Wang Yu found out: "what else does my son have to do? My son will go all out."

"Well, son, have you talked about the object?" it seems that this is the most concerned problem of parents. "You are an adult and can rely on yourself. When will you bring my daughter-in-law back?"

"..." Wang Yu had a hunch that this topic was the most difficult to deal with in the new year: "you are so unsure of your son. Your son is handsome and self-motivated. Can you find a daughter-in-law? Don't worry!"

Wang Yu can't forget Wenwen. For a moment, he really doesn't know how to face the problem of marriage.

"Mom is not in a hurry." Yu's mother covered up: "I just ask, just ask. We have nothing else to worry about when we are such a big child."

"You're in a hurry." father Yu complained, "what's the matter? He's promising now. Let him buy a house by himself and find it by himself. You save the money I bought the fund for my son to buy a house. Now you don't need it."

The family of three had a happy meal together for a year. The mother was worried that Wang Yu had been out alone all the time. The parents really wanted to go home

Just when the three of the family were having a good chat, Wang Yu's mobile phone rang.

"Mom, you're drinking with my father now." Wang Yu stood up and said, "I'll answer the phone."

Wang Yu picked up his cell phone and looked at the number: ha ha, Da Chao called. It seems that he knows I'm back! Boy, I guess we have to make arrangements for a drink now.

"Shit, you don't tell your buddy when you come back!" when you answered the phone, there came an excited voice: "where is it! Don't set the time, just now! I'll go to Weige's house to catch him now!"

It seems that these brothers can't wait.

"Dachao, I've just got home and I'm drinking with my father." Wang Yu explained, "no, you can't come to my house. I've just come back. I can't help but accompany my family."

"Come on, don't pull it! Isn't brother Wei just home?" Dachao didn't want to: "if you don't come out, I'll go to your house to catch you. I'll ask for leave from my uncle and aunt!"

It seems that I can't control the boy. Wang Yu hung up and went back to the restaurant.

"Dad, mom. It's estimated that Da Chao will come home to find me later..." Wang Yu was a little embarrassed: "they have to call me out to play."

Yu's father and mother are very democratic. His son has eaten and drank with him when he comes back. His friends haven't seen him for a year. It's normal to be eager to play with him.

"Go and have fun. Go and relax when it's time to relax." Yu's father motioned for leave.

Although Yu's mother was reluctant, she also approved: "don't go home too late. Don't drive after drinking."

I was asking for leave when the phone rang again. Wang Yu scratched his head, smiled at his parents and went out to answer the phone again.

"I'm crying!" Chen Wei's helpless voice said, "Da Chao will come to my house to catch me. It's estimated that you can't run. Let's not the day after tomorrow, just today."

"I have received the 'wanted'..." Wang Yu said weakly.

"Alas, I miss you anyway." Chen Wei recovered quickly: "today is today. Don't wait for us to catch you. Take the initiative to wait for us at the gate of TSN! It's close to your house anyway!"

Chen Wei then hung up the phone. I can't see that he was forced to be caught, and he took the initiative.

If he doesn't answer these two calls, Wang Yu may still have two days to wait. Anyway, it's not that bad if he doesn't see him for years. But the two phones also stirred his excited little heart.

Wang Yu went back to the house and changed his clothes: "Dad, mom, I'm out!"

"Be careful!" "don't come back too late." with the instructions of his parents, Wang Yu closed the door and ran downstairs.


TSN billiards bar.

The huge neon sign is still as attractive as before.

Wang Yu has been playing here with these guys since high school. He comes here almost every day and wastes two hours. Now it seems that this brand is still so friendly. Not strange at all!

"Squeak -" sharp brake sound. A gray Elantra stopped steadily 20 cm in front of Wang Yu.

Wang Yu doesn't have to guess! Only Xiaochao has such driving skills, dare to joke and play like this! Xiao Chao is not da Chao's brother, but both of them have a super word in their names.

"OK! Still so bold!" the door opened, and a little man in Adidas came out: "brother Yu, do you want to be a brother!"

They gave a hug directly!

"Boy, I'm still playing this game! I'm not afraid to scare me out of some disease?" Wang Yu grabbed Xiao Chao's arm and grabbed it: "boy, the car store is doing well?"

"Ouch!" Xiao Chao was twisted by Wang Yu. "Brother Yu, brother Yu, you still have no solution. I was wrong, wrong, changed!"

Wang Yu loosened Xiaochao's arm: "don't play like this in the future. What if the brake fails."

"What does brother do? Repair the car!" Xiao Chao waved his twisted arm and looked disdainful: "my car can still brake failure? You hit me in the face!"

"Yi, I think you still owe it to clean up!" Wang Yu raised his hand. "Why don't I say you don't listen."

Xiao Chao saw Wang Yu raise his hand and hurriedly dodged: "Cheng Cheng, I listen, I listen!"

The two are making a fuss. A bicycle came at the speed of overtaking the car! People who can ride electric cars beyond this level, they both know - Qizi!

"My grass, don't scrape my car!" watching the bike come to his car and slide obliquely around, Xiao Chao shouted: "strange! Last time you knocked my car's ear off!"

Kiko put his bike up and leaned on Elantra.

"Stingy you! I spent more than 8000 on the car!" Qizi despised Xiaochao and turned to Wang Yu: "grass, I'll really see you once a year in the future!"

Think about the days we spent together. I really miss it.

In the distance, a blue Honda vanguard drove slowly.

"I'm so impressed. It's not as early as a bike." Qizi took out his cigarette and lit it for the two: "he and Ma song can ink like a woman now."

He parked steadily in the parking space.

Chen Wei and Da Chao couldn't wait to run out, and several brothers hugged each other excitedly.

"Why is Ma song so inky!" Dachao grabbed Wang Yu's shoulder and shouted: "let him treat. I have to wait for him that time. I learned from those veteran cadres!"

"You mean to say other people?" Xiaochao despised: "you have enough ink, not as fast as people's bicycles!"

"I picked up brother Wei at that time! When was I late!" Dachao didn't admit his ink: "you asked brother Wei that my aunt was warm and had to let me have a glass of water before I left!"

Among these people, Wang Yu and Chen Wei are abroad and the other is out of town. The others are living a safe and secure life in their own land cards.

Da Chao entered the government by relationship. Xiao Chao opened a car shop for car repair and maintenance. Qizi returned to his former high school as a teacher and shared an office with his former head teacher. Ma song, who is now in the procuratorate, didn't come.

"He was dragged by their old man to accompany him today, which may be really difficult to withdraw." then Da Chao analyzed: "shit, call again."

Da Chao called ma song and the boy hung up directly.

A taxi turned around at the intersection, rushed up and came down with a round body.

"What do you want to fight? You give birth!" Ma song ran over with his stomach that shouldn't be at this age: "shit, some old guys just won't let me go! Brother! You want to kill me!"

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