As usual, Nana's car is still waiting for Wang Yu at the gate of the community.

When he came to the company, Wang Yu punched out his card and sat directly at his desk. Today should be the day he deals with the most people after graduation. As soon as he sat down, he was praised with a smile by the business personnel of the main material suppliers. A morning passed quickly.

"Design Wang, let's have dinner together." a boy of Wang Yu's age invited him.

His name is Wu Ren. He is also a graduate who has just set foot in society. Today, I visited the design company for the first time. According to the company's training for them, he is "starting from the bottom designer". But he didn't know that although Wang Yu was the lowest designer in front of him, he was indeed the apprentice at the highest level of Yefeng.

"Oh, No. I still have a lot of things to deal with. I'll just have dinner in the company at noon." Wang Yu didn't shirk it. He still had a good impression of the Wu people. In addition, he knew that it was very difficult for newly graduated college students to do anything. Wang Yu also had a feeling of mutual support and help. But there are too many things in his hands.

"Then don't bother you. I think we can become friends. The kind outside work." the Wu people also admire Wang Yu's speech.

"Yes! We have a good personality. Go to my house when we have time!" Wang Yu smiled.

"Yes! It will!" of course the Wu people are very happy. You will be happy to make friends and work smoothly. "Then I'll go first today. I'll disturb you later. Ha ha."

"Don't bother about work! If you really want to bother, go to my house sometime. Ha ha." Wang Yu also appreciates the straightforward person, "I won't give you a free ride."

"Well, you're busy! Call me if you have something to do." Wu Ren also got up and prepared to go to the next decoration company.

The Wu people are gone. Of course, there will be successors. "Hello, I'm Yi Wenhua, the salesman of Huangying bathroom." a tall and thin man came up and stretched out his right hand to Wang Yu. Wang Yu shook hands with him: "hello."

"You're Wang Yu, Wang design." Yi Wenhua sat down. "Just now you've been talking to the salesman of Ersuo bathroom. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. What's the matter with you?" Wang Yu asked here again.

"Nothing's wrong. Let's make friends." Yi Wenhua's words don't have the sincerity of the Wu people. "When a friend reminds you, er Suo's bathroom can only be a second-class brand. It's more than one grade worse than Huang Ying in terms of ceramics and technology."

Belittle competitors, so as to improve the height of their own brand. This is a method of business personnel, but it is not a method of high-end business personnel.

"I feel that for a thing, with its brand, its market, its customers and praise, there is no first-class or second-class brand. At most, there is a distinction in sales." Wang Yu doesn't like to belittle others and elevate his own people. So he rejected Yi Wenhua's statement.

"You're wrong. I don't feel as good and creative as you do in design. However, you don't necessarily know the things around the materials." Yi Wenhua still insisted, "Ersuo's production process is unscientific and the return rate is high, so Huangying is different. Second rate brands are second rate after all." he is still slandering competitive brands.

"There is no first-class or second-class brand in my mind. After all, I haven't seen their production process and production technology. However, people are first-class, second-class or even third class, because I can see each of them." Wang Yu said, "sorry, I still have a lot to deal with. I won't entertain you."

The last word "you" accentuated his tone. Of course, Yi Wenhua also heard the meaning, but he didn't understand. He just said two words. How did he feel that he offended the designer. Forget it, I'm just a new bottom designer, and I can't bring much benefit to myself. The big deal is not to maintain it.

"Then you're busy first." even if Yi Wenhua doesn't protect Wang Yu, he can't offend on the surface. Still respectfully said, and then turned to find another designer.

Wang Yu didn't answer him and continued to be busy with the matter at hand. Draw the effect drawing of Dongwei's hall design scheme.

"Nana beauty!" Yi Wenhua ran to Nana's desk.

"Lord Wu has time to come." Lord Wu is Nana's nickname for the Wu people.

"I went to the headquarters for training some time ago, but I wasn't in Qingdao. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to see our great beauty AI for so many days." Yi Wenhua's face is really backward. Mingming was too busy last month because of the business of tingbai decoration company. He hasn't come to maintain the relationship with Yefeng. What else did he say to go for training.

"Ouch, Lord Wu must have been promoted and raised after training." Nana dealt with it while making a picture.

"It's not that good. I'm running errands." Yi Wenhua said bitterly, "the new boy from your company is very proud, and I don't know if he is really good." he glanced at Wang Yu's direction. If he knew that Nana and Wang Yu still have such an unusual relationship, he probably wouldn't have said this in her face.

"Proud?" Nana raised her head and looked at Yi Wenhua's disdain for Wang Yu. "Others have proud capital. You have capital, you are also proud of him. What are you doing to protect others? Stay away. I'm busy."

"..." Yi Wenhua was speechless. This is an offense. I haven't been to Yefeng for a month. Just came to offend a new and an old couple. What bad luck is this? I'd better go home quickly. Don't offend all the people in Yefeng one day, and offend all his parents. Then he will drink the northwest wind next month.

Yefeng front desk. Han Xiao is absentmindedly playing with his mobile phone. Psychological mess: doesn't he have my cell phone number? Didn't he recognize me? Or he doesn't care at all? Or did he just ignore me?

Why didn't this woman think that she dialed with her private number yesterday? A sleepy person can also hear his parents' voices. How can you hear her voice.

"Hello, which office is manager Du in?" a beautiful girl appeared at the front desk. Somehow, the girl exudes a naughty smell.

"Hmm?" Han smiled and looked at the girl. "Mr. Du is on the third floor. Who are you?"

"I'm here for an interview, thank you, sister!" the girl's lively male looked up, which was regarded as a representative of thanks. Then walk to the stairs.

"That little sister was so cute just now." Han Xiao thought that girl was very popular.

Third floor, cuckoo's office.

"I believe I can bring every customer to the company!" it was the lively girl just now who was assuring Du Juan.

"Then what do you take to make me believe your guarantee?" Du Juan, as a shareholder and manager of the personnel department, certainly requires that every staff member recruited is an excellent and useful person.

"This..." the girl tilted her head a little and gave the answer: "with my smile!"

This smile is so beautiful. This smile is pure and makes people feel that it should not belong to this complex society of human beings. This smile really gives the cuckoo a unique sense of trust. Of course, Du Juan also believes that this smile will also bring customers a sense of trust. Because in this smile, you can clearly see the sincere heart.

"You have been accepted. I believe you will make every owner our customer!" Du Juan smiled at the girl. "Go to the office on the first floor. Manager Dai is the director of your business department, and he will arrange your work."

"Thank you, Mr. Du! I will cheer!" the girl smiled happily.

"Come on, I hope you can adapt to your job as soon as possible." Du Juan expressed her blessing.

The first floor office area of Yefeng is very large. It's completely open. The desks of more than 30 designers on the left and more than 20 salesmen on the right. A girl like a lively little angel stood in the middle passage. Shouted to the people in the room, "my name is Tan Xiaoxuan! Please take care of me!"

The sound is beautiful, crisp, sweet and penetrating

All the people stopped their work and looked up at the girl who made the sound. Tan Xiaoxuan. This is the girl who just tried in the cuckoo office.

Angelic face, devil figure. Captured the hearts of almost all the men present.

Angel like smile, silver bell like voice. It was recognized by almost all the women present.

"Hello everyone?" Tan Xiaoxuan scratched his hair a little embarrassed. "Did you scare everyone? Sorry to disturb you." then he spit out his tongue.

Of course, you don't mind the interruption of a beautiful girl. Everyone smiled friendly and gave an answer. Tan Xiaoxuan was relieved to see everyone's smile.

"Little girl!" only one person said that Wang Yu was very angry.

"Brother Yu!" his mouth grew up and his glasses widened. At this time, Tan Xiaoxuan almost fainted all his colleagues, both men and women. This girl is so cute.

"It's really you! I knew I'd see you again!" Tan Xiaoxuan rushed up and hugged Wang Yu, regardless of everyone's surprised eyes.

"Ha ha, little girl. Still so naughty." Wang Yu patted Tan Xiaoxuan on the head.

"Is she?" several nearby colleagues looked at Wang Yu with questioning eyes. Of course, there were not only questioning eyes, but also Nana's jealous eyes and Han Xiao's more special eyes.

"Little girl is my best sister." Wang Yu, who is only one day older than Tan Xiaoxuan, happily introduced her to her colleagues.

Wang Yu and Tan Xiaoxuan met six years ago. That year, they were all children of fourteen or five.

At that time, Wang Yu was studying in a closed noble school. That summer, it rained at night. Wang Yu, who studied by himself in the evening, did not meet in the dormitory with his classmates, but walked alone in the misty rain. Because Wang Yu likes the freshness after the rain.

"Don't pester me anymore!" a crisp and sweet girl's voice penetrated the night sky.

"Well, take five thousand yuan. I'll leave right away. It's not much. Just take it as compensation for me." the boy's voice is a scoundrel.

"You are shameless." although the girl's voice was full of fear, it was still firm.

"Oh, then you've been in love with me and wasted so much time. If you say it's over, it's over. Give me some spiritual compensation. It's shameless? Then I don't want it! My face has no money to work." the boy is really a scoundrel. "Give me money quickly. How can I chase Shi can without money?"

"You..." the girl's voice trembled. "I didn't care about you at all! Who would fall in love with such a person as you! Please don't pester me... Count me, please..."

There was helplessness, fear, disgust and pleading in the girl's voice... And Wang Yu just heard it. He especially hated those who bullied the weak. What's more, there was a cry in the girl's voice.

Protect the weak. Wang Yu didn't feel how righteous he was. He just wanted to protect the weak in his heart. Wang Yu naturally went to the place where he made a sound.

Wang Yu saw the girl's lovely face with tears and the look of a disdainful boy.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" Wang Yu went directly to the boy.

"Who the fuck are you, fuck off!" the boy may be an old fool. After watching too many movies, he pulled his clothes back and waited for his eyes.

"I'm your father." while Wang Yu spoke, his fist was on the boy's small face.

"Ah!" the boy covered his face and looked at Wang Yu, "you have the guts to tell me who you are!"

"I've told you!" Wang Yu's fist hit the boy's face again. "I'm your father!"


"Oh, don't hit me!" the boy's begging voice fluctuated in Wang Yu's fist.

The girl looked at Wang Yu's background and stopped her tears. The eyes are full of gratitude and worship

"It's all right. Don't cry." Wang Yu looked at the girl and said, "if someone bullies you, go to class 12, grade 1, senior high school to find me."

The girl looked at the boy who ran away and at Wang Yu.

"Brother, what's your name? Thank you!" the girl said seriously:

"Wang Yu." Wang Yu smiled at the girl, "I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"Thank you, brother Yu. No, I'll just go back by myself." the girl broke into tears and smiled.

"Er... Then go back quickly. Remember, senior one? Class 12." it's time for Wang Yu to go back to his dormitory.

"Brother Yu, I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow. I'm Tan Xiaoxuan, class 6, senior one!" the girl said and ran away.

That was the first time Wang Yu and Tan Xiaoxuan met. The next day, Tan Xiaoxuan really ran to find Wang Yu. He must invite him to dinner and thank him. The two soon became familiar. He called her little girl and she called him brother Yu. Because the little girl often gets entangled with the boys, Wang Yu reviews his Sanda lessons at school.

Once, however, Wang Yu accidentally shot too much. The school not only recorded the punishment for him, but also found out all the people involved, including Tan Xiaoxuan. Tan Xiaoxuan's parents don't care why. She must transfer to another school, just as her father fell out of work in Shenzhen. All Tan Xiaoxuan left.

"Bye, brother Yu."

This is the only request Tan Xiaoxuan gave her parents before she left. She wants to say goodbye to her brother who has been taking care of her.

"Goodbye, take care of yourself." Wang Yu's goodbye obviously means forever.

"I mean goodbye! We will meet again in the future!" Tan Xiaoxuan shouted and ran away.

bye? Goodbye means two things. One is to see again, the other is not to see again.

But Wang Yu thinks they are the second kind. But Tan Xiaoxuan's voice "we will definitely meet again in the future!" made Wang Yu feel that maybe we might see each other again in the future. However, the hope is really too small.

After all, Shenzhen is far from Qingdao, and I don't have the idea of living in the south. At least not then.

"I knew I would see you again, brother Yu!" Tan Xiaoxuan felt that he had not been spoiled for a long time and rubbed his little head in Wang Yu's arms.

"Well, little girl, this is in the company." Wang Yufu said in Tan Xiaoxuan's ear, "colleagues in the company look at you. Everyone likes mature people."

That really works. Tan Xiaoxuan rubbed it up. Grin at Wang Yu.

"Hello, I'm sorry. I'm a little excited to see brother Yu. Forgive me." the little girl is not afraid of life. After a while, her interpersonal relationship is better than Wang Yu. Whether designers or salesmen, whether men or women, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, they all like this elf very much.

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