MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 975: The dust settles

This originally three-stage competition ended in this way, exceeding everyone's expectations.

In everyone's eyes, the final stage will be the strongest battle between the Alien Guild and the top guilds of the three camps. Although there is a high possibility that the Alien Guild will win, it is also a thrilling battle.

However, the reality is that this is indeed a thrilling battle, but it does not end without the third stage.

Xinghuo almost swept other guilds out of the game in a violent way, and didn't give them the chance of the third stage at all.

But this game is also very exciting, the two stages show the strength and foundation of the top guild at this stage.

Each guild shows its abilities and has its own background and cards. Many ordinary players have opened their eyes, and many methods and things have appeared in the public for the first time.

For example, hidden special methods and machinery, such as powerful and very powerful guild props, such as extremely domineering combination of skills and spells, no matter which one can visualize the victory or defeat of a guild battle.

Xinghuo is one of the best. In the first stage, countless guilds besieged and fought against Xinghuo. Xinghuo demonstrated the power of battleships and Hundred Crossbows. At the same time, many players in other administrative regions knew Li Yao and really saw Li Yao's strength. , Breaking a ship with one arrow, really shocked them, feeling that they and others were playing the same two games.

In the second stage, Xinghuo faced the siege again, this time not only showing strength.

Other guilds also tried their best, whether it was a curse, a demigod, or a terrifying spell surging through the waves, it was shocking.

But Xinghuo survived, and not only that, the Liaoyuan they were not familiar with turned into a warlord, a man who was not familiar with it.

It also allows players to truly realize the role of military merit and military rank, not only to obtain various benefits.

After all, in the eyes of many ordinary players, gaining a higher rank is for benefits, but it is too difficult, and it is not very cost-effective in many players' eyes. However, seeing the power of becoming a warlord has made everyone change this idea. , Also made the game appear a wave of impact on military ranks.

Liaoyuan alone lured more hostile guilds into the stronghold, and then detonated the moving explosives. The coalition forces were basically burned in the explosion, and the guilds intercepting the river bank did not even dare to take action.

Then Xinghuo disappeared with a lot of military exploits. At that time, everyone thought that Xinghuo was very satisfied with this level and would not appear until the end of the game.

It is this kind of conjecture that various guilds have fought crazy battles, especially those alien guilds who are fighting wildly, trying to qualify for the second plane camp.

One day of the war, the number of guilds also dropped sharply. At this time, Xinghuo qualified in an incredible way and revealed another hole card, and Xinghuo's combat units began to snowball.

In the end, it completed the sweep like a plowing sweep, knocking out all the guilds, and they were completely dumbfounded at this time.

But it was too late to wake up, they were already powerless, and the battle ended in this way.

The audience was satisfied, especially ordinary players, who realized the other side of the ancient gods, but they were regretful because they did not see the so-called peak battle.

And Xinghuo, the strength shown in this game also made everyone look at him, not just Li Yao.

The commander of the wise and decisive Peerless Demon Fairy is also eye-catching, and the tenacious will and combat effectiveness of the members of the Starfire have made people in other administrative regions realize that there has been a powerful new star in the Huaxia administrative region. It can even attract many high-end players from other administrative regions to join the emerging guilds.

In comparison, other guilds are not so good. In addition to the limelight, Spark's battle also provokes more enemies, and the future will inevitably be dangerous.

Of course, Li Yao also received many congratulations from old friends, although it was a little bit less than the enemy.

But now is not the time to consider these, Xinghuo has already started the port construction in full swing.

The bigwigs of the three major camps have also left, and the port now seems particularly deserted.

Of course, Spark members have basically gathered here.

Li Yao stood on a high platform, scanned the tens of thousands of Xinghuo members, and said loudly: "We have won this battle. From now on, we Xinghuo has gained another territory."

The members of Xinghuo cheered immediately. This is not only the joy of being out of the territory, but also the joy of Xinghuo's reputation and momentum this time. Those members who did not participate in the war looked enviously at those who participated in the war. I thought silently in my heart that the next selection must be selected.

Li Yao raised his hand, waited for the members to calm down, and continued: "Okay, the glory is over, so there is no need to stop thinking about it. For Xinghuo, this is not the peak, but a brand new starting point. Not much nonsense. Let’s say, now we’re going to perform the rewards. Now we have counted the three people with the most contributions from each It’s just a little change, except for the tank group, healing group, and melee output group. In addition to the top 35 members of the remote export group and the life and professional group, there are five special contribution awards. These five people are not about military merit, but play a key role at critical moments, but they died accidentally. People with little military merit."

Li Yao's words immediately made many disappointed people's eyes sharp. As Li Yao said, many of them played a key role, but they didn't lose much military service because of accidents.

"Xinghuo will not forget anyone who has made a contribution. At the same time, all those who participated in the war will receive corresponding contributions from the guild. Now let our impartial Vice President Li Sister announce the list. Twenty people will go offline and think about it. I want a villa of any style, because we will start construction tomorrow when the craftsmen arrive."

Then Sister Li began to announce the winners.

And Li Yao silently looked at the jubilant crowd below, feeling full of emotions in his heart. Although he had calculated everything, he would know how many accidents happened when he really implemented it, but fortunately, he won.

Li Yao not only thought of the words of the great chief, but also inquired about the construction plan and positioning of this port.

Li Yao arrogantly said that in the future this would be a city of the main city level. The bigwigs did not laugh at Li Yao, but nodded in satisfaction.

They may not be optimistic that Xinghuo will build this place into the main city level. After all, it is too difficult. It does not mean that it is enough to build a good building. The strength of all aspects needs to be matched.

It's just that they don't want this place to follow the ordinary guilds with only functional buildings, which would disappoint them too much.

Therefore, Xinghuo has exchanged materials that have surpassed several percent of military service, and at the same time received a promise that it will prohibit any guild from attacking Xinghuo within a month and let Xinghuo fully build a port...

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