MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1011: New pet

This time Li Yao was a real big gain, and it was not measurable by gold coins.

That is, Xinghuo, other guilds of this normal scale cannot be cultivated, let alone this kind of port city.

The port is relatively large at the beginning, just like the original station of Xinghuo. It is said to be a village, but in fact it is similar to two. It is conceivable that if the expenses were not supported by the stores in the main city of Spark, the finances of Spark would have been paralyzed.

And because of the opening of the port, Spark's entertainment racing plan was temporarily shelved.

Therefore, in the eyes of other guilds, it is a miracle that Spark can develop in this way.

Xinghuo's routine is very simple, just throw money, but other guilds can't learn it.

Many people with real strength even found out Sister Li's strength and background, knowing that Sister Li is rich, and Peerless Demon Ji is also a super rich woman.

However, according to their channels, Xinghuo did not purchase any gold coins.

This is what makes other guilds envy, jealous, and hate. It does not rely on any real funds to develop, and it is also a miracle that two real strongholds develop together.

And as Xinghuo continues to be popular, let alone the shops that Xinghuo cooperates with, there are countless people who want to join Xinghuo.

However, Xinghuo did not accept capital injection at all, and Xinghuo's shares were firmly in the hands of Li Yao and the first batch of veterans.

If other guilds would not develop at all, and Xinghuo would become more and more popular, even though Xinghuo is a dark camp guild.

However, as the two locations of Xinghuo became neutral guilds, players in the neutral camp and the light camp discovered that they could actually find Xinghuo when searching for the guild.

This means that players from other camps can also join Spark.

With the excitement of Xinghuo Station, other guild players who want to join Xinghuo also crazily want to join Xinghuo.

It's just that the number of Xinghuo people has almost been collected, and now no one can care about this.

After all, Xinghuo has to upgrade, prepare for the forty-level mainline copy.

Except that Xinghuo became a lively transit point, the blood moon during the day had also arrived.

The radiation range of Camp Rogge has become an ocean of monsters. Not only is the increase of ordinary monsters, but also those bosses are refreshed all at once, and they actively attack various towns.

This kind of killing speed of defending the city is already fast, and with the blessing of multiple times of experience, that upgrade speed has made countless players crazy.

The Titan ruins were also completely uncovered. The two camps cooperated to directly move the ruins to the ground. As the troops of the two camps joined the attack, the players also launched an attack.

Xinghuo has already been upgraded here. Under Li Yao's prompt, he directly selected a superior terrain and transported some defensive equipment to form a city defense. In the face of violent monster attacks, Xinghuo is incomparable. Cozy.

Makes countless people who saw the upgrade of Spark Guild jealous.

However, Li Yao is directly in the middle of the team, summoning his pets, as well as turrets and arrow towers, while he himself started to make his own pets in the stronghold.

Even Sister Li is also arranging the guild's affairs remotely while rubbing experience here.

Of course, even if Li Yao doesn't attack, his pets and turrets are powerful enough.

Before coming here, Li Yao went to an auction house. As expected by Li Yao, the gray three-hole equipment is very cheap, but the quantity is too small, especially the forty level equipment, the quantity is better. Li Yao costs more than a dozen. A silver coin bought a three-hole equipment, but Li Yao hoped that these equipment would be a little more expensive.

Li Yao's idea is very simple, that is, to make the pet before the main line dungeon begins, and then get a rune language that suits him.

Time passed quietly, until two days later, Li Yao finally made his new pet.

This is a very huge real fort, and Li Yao's small fort is completely two concepts. In terms of area, it is bigger than the spider tank.

It's like a huge super tank, of course, it can't move.

Of course Li Yao knows that it is just the base of the three combinations, and there is no power system.

Although Li Yao can be fine-tuned, adding a power system is not impossible, but it will cause quality degradation.

This is not what Li Yao wants to see. He also wants to get the other two parts to form a super robot that can fly and even be used as a mecha.

When Li Yao put in the mechanical core made of runestone, the pet was finally done.

VX-001 Laser Turret

Rank position: Intermediate race leader

Life: Judging by the life of oneself and the owner.

Armor: High-level metal (immune to low-level physical and magical attacks), 35% pardon of all damage.

Skills: 1. Omni-directional thermal radiation device: Used once every 30 seconds to release a thermal shock wave with a range of 300 yards, causing 2k + master blessing damage, and in the next 5 seconds, causing 10k + master blessing fire damage.

2. Ten consecutive laser guns: frequently used. Aim at an enemy’s direction and shoot for 3 causing 6 consecutive times of 2k+ natural damage blessed by the owner. The firing angle is about a 20-degree cone with unlimited firing range.

3. Wrist recharge: lasts 4 seconds, VX-001 can use P3Wx2 after recharging is completed.

P3Wx2 laser barrage (the correct name is pewpew laser barrage): After starting charging, start to launch the laser barrage in the direction you face, and rotate 120 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise during the launch process, and the firepower covers a 30-degree fan , The extended range is three hundred yards. If hit, it will suffer 80k (ie death) damage per second.

4. Back rocket launcher: 4 seconds before the launch of the rocket launcher, a crosshair will appear at the position of the targeted target. After 4 seconds, launch a rocket from the back to attack the front sight, causing 1500k (death) fire damage in a 3-yard radius.

Life form: mechanical intermediate life form, which can grow and evolve.

Energy filling: Fire gem, epic dust, arcane dust.

Directly signed the contract and looked at the attributes and put it away. This pet was beyond words for Li Yao.

Presumably his three small turrets, these are the real firepower turrets.

"This is the real fort. It would be great if I get another Gatling." Li Yao thought a little greedy.

This pet is basically immobile, and at the expense of mobility, but it also made this guy's firepower explode. The key is that as a pet, this cannon can truly enjoy Li Yao's attribute bonus.

Life is nearly a quarter stronger than that of the Spider Tank, and with the so-called injury pardon, it is almost hard to the extreme.

Li Yao thought of the skills attached to the earrings and suddenly smiled.

Li Yao almost couldn't help but try the power of this pet, but Li Yao still resisted and wanted to use this pet as a wastelander...

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