MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1070: Super hero

In fact, Qin Fengyi has been collecting all kinds of information on the copy so that members can watch videos of other guilds opening up wasteland. He is no stranger to the backyard of the cathedral.

And the players of Xinghuo also understood why Li Yao would force them to clear three five-person copies of the anti-poison suit.

With the continuous failure of land reclamation, the players finally realized what the anti-poison suit was about, and then they turned around and began to open up wasteland. Now a small number of guilds have obtained the suit, and then the main members are equipped with suits with anti-poison potions and antidote potions. In order to open up wasteland normally.

But this is the basis for land reclamation, and only a prerequisite for land reclamation.

The power of the Demon God Projection was beyond their imagination. If the followers of the dungeon were not resurrected from the death of a battle, it is estimated that the top guild would be unable to hold on to cry.

All kinds of crazy **** spider army, let everyone brains. Obviously they can see the Demon Projection, but they just can't touch it. Up to now, only two teams have been in front of the Demon God Projection, but without exception, the boss Nima's is more fierce, and they are all destroyed by two direct moves. .

Li Yao studied his own architectural space while watching other people's wasteland reclamation videos.

As Li Yao decided to produce influence, the images began to flicker.

The sharp-eyed Li Yao saw the huge lord Aizhuo, which was wrapped in huge Zerg armor, the giant beetle, or the heroes and queens of the mantid clan, and even saw the image of the twin emperors, more of a variety The weird zerg, some magical, some sci-fi, all kinds of eyes that make Li Yao see, of course, more ordinary lords.


Li Yao knew that he couldn't catch it with his eyes, no matter how strong his mental power was, he could only rely on luck. If that's the case, it's all luck.

As Li Yao stopped, a figure instantly froze. Originally seeing a slender figure, Li Yao was a little disappointed. Li Yao’s ideal hero is a tall and mighty model, and his army does not lack output and attack. What is needed is the battlefield stirrer, and many zergs enter Li Yao's lock.

The slender hero did not meet his ideal standards at all, but seeing the hero's information, Li Yao was immediately confused.

The Queen of Blades Kerrigan, ruled by the alien zerg race, was an ordinary human being on a living planet in the depths of the universe hundreds of millions of years ago.

This planet pursues the route of technological development, and this planet of life has entered the age of the universe. And has many executive stars, is a huge interstellar empire.

But this cosmic region is not peaceful, and Lord Void, the most powerful dark void power in the universe that controls the void world, also discovered this place.

It's just that he is too powerful, and the tactics used are the same as those used to deal with the world of the ancient gods, that is, throwing the ancient gods.

Ancient gods are actually void creatures, a powerful existence second only to Void Maharajah, and can even be said to be an ancient **** formed by Void Maharaja's split will.

The only way for them to invest in the material plane is to parasitize, just as five ancient gods parasitize into the world of ancient gods, an ancient and powerful ancient **** parasitizes on a planet, and he is the same as an ancient **** in the world of ancient gods. In addition to its own powerful power, it can also evolve the power of the Zerg.

This is the true ruler of the so-called Zerg. This planet is quickly corrupted, the Zerg army is raging quickly, many administrative stars are destroyed, and the empire is on the verge of collapse.

The Holy Light Legion, which specializes in the fight against the Void Army under the Holy Light, knew about this situation, but at that time, the Holy Light Legion was working with the Titan’s Pantheon to deal with the main force of the Void Army, and there was no way to support it, plus the distance, even if it supported. It's too late.

So they chose another powerful race, Protoss, and gave them the power of the Holy Light. This race was originally powerful in technology. The integration of the power of the Holy Light and technology made this race unprecedentedly powerful.

As a result, there was a situation of three races competing for hegemony in this universe, and the human race began to fall behind. However, with its strong learning ability and reproductive ability, the continuous army of mankind, whether it is the Zerg or the Protoss, has suffered a lot, so it no longer underestimates the human race.

Kerrigan is one of the strongest people in the formation of a ghost squad. Although her power is not sin-strong, she has keen action and a thrilling fighting will and intuition. In addition, she is strong. With her soul talent, she is simply the natural king of soldiers.

However, it is a pity that because of the inherent inferiority of human beings, and for political reasons, she was betrayed, and she was infected by the Zerg parasite during a battle.

But she did not lose her will, instead she gained some kind of powerful alien power, coupled with a strong soul talent, she gained the power of magic.

She returned to the human world after nine deaths, but what she greeted was not a heroic treatment, but another They thought she was infected, of course this was an excuse for the face. In fact, the ruler at the time wanted to imprison her, using him as a test subject to study how she obtained this powerful force.

The endless pain and despair experienced by the power of the Middle Age God was completely awakened, and she relied on the last reason to smash out of this base, and then returned to the planet where the Zerg ruled was led by the Zerg.

In the transformation pool, the human Kerrigan disappeared, and the king insect Kerrigan appeared in front of the Zerg. Her heart was like the wings of death in the ancient gods and entered the darkness, with the command of the master Countless Zerg armies wiped out a human and Protoss administrative star, and the two clans entered the most dangerous edge.

The human empire collapsed, and even rebels appeared, and the Protoss was even worse, their capital star was occupied by the Zerg.

The two tribes had no choice but to unite with their final force to fight back. The ancient gods were severely damaged by human extinction weapons and endless holy light, and the Zerg army was plunged into chaos.

At this time, the lost insect king Kerrigan finally recovered Qingming and found herself. She took over the command of the Zerg and stabilized the Zerg.

Then he gave up the plan to annihilate mankind, retreated to the planet where the ancient **** was, and killed the ancient **** in one fell swoop. With the death of the ancient god, the planet also entered into a dry state.

The insect king Kerrigan absorbed the power of the ancient **** and became the new ruler of the Zerg. Later, he became the **** of Naga in one fell swoop. After many years, he disappeared after defeating the dark power of the Void Lord to support here.

In fact, she retired with her lover, and she also gave up her status as a god, willing to change back to an ordinary person, trumpeting all the divine power to restore the vitality of many planets, and staying with her lover for a hundred years.

Of course she didn't know. One hundred and fifty thousand years after her death, Lord Void made a comeback. This universe has been destroyed and turned into nothingness...

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