MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1143: Chaos

"It's messed up, it's really messed up, as long as it is strangers, they start to fight each other. These people are crazy for military merit, regardless of whether they are fighting for the same lord or not."

Xiaoya watched the soaring number of people in the live broadcast room. She didn't care about the destruction of all other legions except for a dozen followers. Her live broadcast was on the first official page for the first time.

On the official live broadcast platform, there are only 50 places on the first page, which are generally occupied by popular anchors from various administrative regions. Not to mention her small anchors, it is very difficult for first-line anchors to get on the homepage.

Often the first-line anchors are discussing with their fans. When there are few anchors, they will be online and rush to the homepage for a few hours. Just like her small anchor, who is still working hard to become a second-rate anchor, she didn't even think about herself. One day, she was on the homepage. Although she knew that it might be difficult to come up again after the live broadcast, she was also very excited. Today’s live broadcast can accumulate a large number of fans. For her kind who wants to earn a little more living expenses while going to school The students are already very satisfied.

In fact, the two lords don't care how these players fight. Their purpose is very simple. As long as these adventurers don't attack their army, they will fight for life and death.

"Look, isn't it Griffin City? Why is it soaring into the sky?" The water friend beside Xiaoya said quickly.

Xiaoya hurriedly looked in the direction of Griffon City and immediately turned the camera over: "Look, everyone, Griffon City also seems to be on fire, but the sound here is too noisy to hear from there, but although there is no Blackheart City So hot, but it seems that Griffin City has also been attacked."

A friend of the water hurriedly said: "Is it the black-hearted lord?"

Xiaoya shook her head and said: "It's hard to say, but it's unlikely that Blackheart City will be hit hard. It is estimated that there are enough troops to encircle and wipe out the Griffin Lord's army. If you kill the Griffin Lord, Griffin City I don’t attack. I feel like the force that destroyed Griffin City. I really want to see who is behind the absolute melee tonight. It’s a pity that my mount is too slow. Yes, hey, the informant is back."

The audience also talked about it, all kinds of speculations, some said that the two sides were fighting each other, some said that one of the three major camps intervened, and some said that the Iron Alliance and the Dark Council (the undead camp) were fighting each other. , But no one thought this was caused by the player.

"Lord Lord, it's not good, our city is under attack." The hero who went back to rescue the soldiers was full of anxiety.

Lord Griffin has seen the burning of the city a long time ago, but although he does not have much political wisdom, he is not stupid. He knows that no matter what the situation, he should not panic, otherwise this kind of panic will definitely spread wildly, and he will even be true. It's over.

"Say, what's going on." Lord Griffin's voice sounded very calm.

"I went back to the territory to discuss the use of rockets with the supervisor, but he basically agreed. I launched a surprise attack to kill him, and then took the rocket out of the city. Who would have thought that we would hear the chaos in the territory as soon as we reached the mountainside, so I personally Go back and investigate, a very strange army is attacking our city."

"Strange army?" Lord Griffin frowned: "Say the point."

"Insects, all kinds of insects. I was attacked by more than a dozen mantises that can only stealth, and I almost got entangled. But most of the insects are less than Tier 5, and there are still vampire troops and a small part Mechanical Corps."

"What mess, there are vampires, how come there are mechanical legions, and, not Tier 5 bugs, the ace legions left behind will kill them and discard their armor?" Lord Griffon breathed a sigh of relief. .

"Lord Lord, what you think is too simple, it's like this..." The hero said about the situation.

"The sudden appearance of the army, a large number of air forces, is this attacking the Blackheart Fort army, **** it, have we both been calculated?" The Griffin Lord was annoyed.

"Mixed army and bugs are definitely related to the main plane. Are they also adventurers, but adventurers have such a strong strength. Moreover, the mixed army will not belong to our Iron Alliance or the Dark Council. If it is an army attacking Blackheart City , Then why didn't our city be bombed?"

"No matter, wait a minute, the rocket is coming, let them taste it, I will talk to the **** Blackheart, now he is crazy, and he is not in the mood to talk."

A quarter of an hour later, two thousand tanks came in support, one by one carrying a rocket launcher, or a mortar mechanic quickly arranged the position.

With an order, a wave of rockets illuminated the night sky.

Thousands of shells exploded in the sky. In order to maximize the damage, the gargoyle army flew more densely and lower. A wave of blows at least tens of thousands of gargoyles was destroyed, and the violent explosion immediately made everyone look into the sky.

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield, and the gargoyles dispersed madly, not daring to maintain a dense formation.

"Blackhearted, we should talk about Now your air force is no longer dominant." Lord Griffin said loudly.

The black heart lord's heart was bleeding, and it was true that everyone including him was killed mad. With the help of the gargoyle, they slaughtered the other party's legion wildly, but did not notice the other party's move.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Look at the direction of Gryphon Fort. My Griffon Fort was also attacked. Obviously we have been calculated. Now you have killed a lot of my soldiers, and my augmentation has already arrived. You No longer dominates, how about withdrawing troops now?"

Lord Blackheart snorted coldly: "Who knows if what you are saying is true, although Griffin Castle also has fire, but it is far worse than Blackheart City at that time. I don't know if you ordered the fire to deliberately deceive us."

"Damn, I will burn my own city to lie to you, if you don't believe me, why don't you go and see with me." Griffin Lord gritted his teeth and said, "If I know who calculated me, I will definitely smash him. Ten thousand paragraphs."

"You didn't lie to me. I guess you've been in ambush already. If I followed you, wouldn't I just throw myself into the trap, do I really think I am a fool?" The black-hearted lord sneered: "What about having Tier 6 rockets, As long as my camp is dispersed, do you think those rockets can easily hit the target?"

"Damn it, don't you want to know who is the culprit?" the Griffin Lord roared.

"Of course I want to know, but I also know that if you don't maimed you today, your Griffin Castle will probably go to full-scale war with my Blackheart Castle tomorrow."

Lord Blackheart charged, and the sledgehammer in his hand smashed a mechanical beast into the soil, shouting: "What are you still doing in a daze, let me continue to kill."

"You idiot, I really thought I was afraid of you." Lord Griffon roared: "Our increase in personnel has arrived. It is time to counterattack, kill!"

The war is back...

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