MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1191: No solution


"These people are too much, fuck." The guardian angel was furious and was about to summon the legion to smash with them.

Other members of Xinghuo were also very angry, it was too much.

"Boss is not owned by us alone. There is no need to be annoyed. If they like to fight bosses, let them play well. It's the same when we take off guard posts. I'm attacking three times. It is estimated that those archers will disappear. When that time our air force will do nothing. Take down the sentry post and seize control of this sentry. As long as we control this sentry.

"Yes." The two generals also readily agreed.

They had expected Li Yao, the queen's inheritor, and maintained a respectful attitude. Now that they finally saw how powerful Li Yao was, they no longer looked down upon Li Yao. He truly became their leader and was full of confidence.

You know, although everyone seizes the outpost together, the control of the outpost is also a very important matter, which is related to the distribution of benefits after a real victory in the future.

As for a boss, although he has a lot of military merits, it is far worse than a sentry post.

In the sky, although the black dragon queen has the upper hand, it can't quickly eliminate the group of scarlet owls in the sky.

A quarter of an hour later, at the moment when Li Yao wiped out the archer, the air force of Spark and the ten thousand druids of the tauren all turned into storm crows, and they directly began to madly storm the small guard post in the middle of the canyon.

When the others reacted, Xinghuo and the 20,000 tauren army were already stationed in the guard post.

Without the suppression of the Air Force, the outposts would be nothing to worry about, especially in front of the Air Force.

It's not that no one noticed the movements of Xinghuo, but they were not established, and Xinghuo directly planted the battle flag of Xinghuo and the dark camp on the sentry post.

The other camps that were besieging the leader only fully realized it, but it was too late.

At this moment, the boss's blood volume has already reached half blood. The main reason is that the scene is too chaotic. There are too many people who want to **** the boss. Not to mention the players and NPCs in the main camp of different towns, even the people of the same camp are also different. Who doesn’t want to kill the boss.

Otherwise, if they work together to prevent each other, this leader will be killed by the fire, and many players who did not want to start Li Yao gave up the boss, and there is no psychological pressure. confusion.

"You scumbags, despicable and shameless, actually contain me from occupying my sentry post. That being the case, I will fight to become a monster and kill you all."


The blood-bearer let out a sky-shaking roar, and the blood-colored owls that were fighting with the black dragon and dragon queen all changed their **** light, and gathered into the blood-bearer's body from all directions.

In the eyes of countless people who couldn't believe it, the blood-bearer who was originally only about two yards swelled rapidly, and quickly became a giant with a height of at least 15 yards.

He completely turned into a monster, with long strange hair growing out of his body like a werewolf, and his eyes became blood red, like two blood lanterns.

His hands became sharp claws, and each claw was like a huge blade.


The bloodbearer screamed, then his hands slammed into the ground. A lot of cracks appeared on the ground. Accompanied by the shock wave, all players and NPC legions around him flew out. The shock wave was based on the bloodbearer. In the center, all forty yards shook off, without exception.


A large number of long-range attacks fell on the blood-bearer. He was half-blooded originally, but now he has less blood.

The bloodbearer jumped tens of yards in height, and then landed in the crowd.

This time the shock wave was better than just now, a large amount of mud and rocks splashed and countless figures flew across.

The bloodbearer shook his claws suddenly, and several figures were inserted into each of the two claws.


Following the dazzling blade shadows, these people were directly cut into pieces, and countless flesh and blood splashed.

In the panic and unbelievable stock raising, those blood energies madly gathered towards the huge blood-bearer. The blood-bearer's blood volume increased wildly, and soon became full value, and after turning into a monster, His blood volume is better than before, at least more than three times longer.

"Fuck, it's time for him, everyone shouldn't trip each other up, work together to activate the skills, whoever kills who grabs the fallen thing is the one who has the ability."

Everyone began to work together to attack the blood-bearer, and the efficiency was much higher than before. Without stumbling on each other, the blood volume of the boss was like a blood burst.

After all, there were so many people, and working together, he couldn't stand the siege of the crowd no matter how fierce he was.

However, the boss's skills are too rogue. Whenever the blood volume is below half of the blood, it will directly kill others into blood fog. These blood fog can replenish his blood volume in a large amount, which is very scary.

Repeatedly, the boss didn't know how many people had been slaughtered, and another half an hour passed. When the boss' blood volume returned to full value again, everyone was desperate.

This Nima is really abnormal. How to kill such a monster, and the other battlefields are basically over.

Without the archer, no matter how strong the other regiments were, they would not be worried about being crushed by the crowd.

Those who are freed from seeing the boss so fiercely are also thankful that they have just been entangled and have not joined the battlefield, otherwise it will be difficult to get out now.

In fact, many people have quietly retreated. The result is that they are recorded as a state of escape. All the military merits of this battle will be avoided, and bad records will be left.

So it's not that there are no escapes, but very few, and now there are sufferings one by one.

"Liaoyuan, please take action."

"Liaoyuan Great God can't see the dead without saving."

"General Liaoyuan, please do it."

"That's right, otherwise we have been dragging here, I'm afraid it's not very good."

Everyone asked Li Yao to take action. Even the NPCs of several other camps asked Li Yao to take action. They had tried their best, but there was no way.

Even the NPC of the second plane has to admit that it can't be helped, but now there is no way. If it has been trapped, it will take too much time.

The Mistwalker shook his head slightly, and Tongtong said: "Now they think of us, if they can kill, they would have snatched it long ago, and deserve it."

Li Yao shook his head: "Why don't you kill the boss? This is a good opportunity."

However, Li Yao would not easily agree, saying to the generals of other camps: "Then the ownership of this sentry post is no longer in doubt."

"No, the neutral camp recognizes that the ownership of the outpost belongs to the dark camp." General Amazon said.

The general of the bright camp also nodded and admitted. Although the general of the second plane was not reconciled, he had to nod hard to admit under the direct eyes of the other two generals.

"That's very good." Li Yao said: "Let them put the legion away, back off, and watch me kill this guy."...


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