MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1637: force

What happens to a lich who cannot release powerful spells in the face of a powerful man, no longer needs a detailed description.

The Snake Girl has the royal bloodline of two powerful races in the Abyss. It is the only one that fuses the two powerful bloodlines, and can survive and become a strong Devil Snake Girl. She has become the lord of the abyss plane.

Even when the Lich was in its heyday, it was not necessarily the opponent of the Snake Girl. What's more, now, like a dead dog, he was dragged by the Snake Girl's hair to Li Yao's front.

When Li Yao came up, the ghost ship was basically under Li Yao's control, and with the guards constantly coming up, within a quarter of an hour, the undead on board had been surrounded by the ghost ship in prison.

These are all wise undead. They have already died once, and now they don't have the consciousness to continue fighting to death. They don't see the boss one by one, most of them surrendered directly.

Li Yao ignored the clamor of the lich being dragged to the ground, but was dragged under his hands like a dead dog.

Most of these wise undead were banshees, and some weak witches were responsible for the control of the battleship. With thousands of wise skeletal warriors, there were tens of thousands of prisoners on board.

Although the number is small, they are all leaders of the undead army below, and more than half of the leaders stay on the ship.

"You are very smart. You actually know the truth that people who know the current affairs are handsome." Li Yao waved his hand in the cell and opened the door of the cell.

Going directly in, the Snake Girl dragged the Lich Snake Snake to follow naturally, and Chenfeng hesitated for a while and followed.

Surrounded by the undead, Li Yao directly sat on a chair, and then he looked at the lich like a dead dog.

"Help me quickly, such a good opportunity, don't kill him and save me, my skeleton warriors, you are not affected by the restriction, kill him." The Lich screamed frantically.

The soul fire in the eyes of the skeleton warriors flashed, and the weapons in their hands were tightened and released. If they were just ordinary warriors, they would definitely execute their orders without fear of death.

But the current situation is that killing Li Yao is useful. The army is gathering outside. They can't run under the prohibition. Their magic forces are completely spent. Even if they kill Li Yao, they will still die.

If they were willing to fight to death, when Li Yao's two pets rushed down, they would not land without a fight, nor would they take the initiative to walk to the old house and wait for it to happen.

However, a few liches and ghouls slew Li Yao at lightning speed, and the snake girl's hair was like a steel needle.

Puff puff……

More than a dozen undead who wanted to rescue the Lich were killed immediately. The one who led the undead around was that the purple hair absorbed the soul fire of those undead corpses like a snake, and completely dissipated in the world.

The souls of the surrounding undead flashed, but no one dared to move rashly anymore.

"Is there anyone else." Li Yao glanced at the undead, before continuing to look at the Lich: "It seems that your prestige is not very good, there are only a dozen loyal subordinates."

"Damn, don't be proud, without my soul box, even if you kill my body, I will still be able to regenerate, and I will definitely let you return it a hundredfold." The Lich still yelled.

Li Yao smiled and said, "You are really naive. I still have control over your millions of elite troops. What can you do by yourself? What's more, you don't have this opportunity anymore."

"My lord, the Lich Commander is not a thing. He not only treats the two kings twice, but also kills us. He doesn't take us seriously. He wants to devour the soul and kills us directly. We are not brave, but I don't want to fight for this kind of garbage." A vampire said cautiously.

Li Yao waved his hand: "It's really treacherous and cruel, I won't talk nonsense with you, where is the soul box?"

"Hey, you are delusional, my soul box is in an extremely safe place, you will never find it, I will come back, then you, and you traitors, will be killed by me." The Lich Commander was crazy. Said.

"Don’t blame me for being unkind, sir, don’t believe his words. If the Lich really wants to return to the soul box, suicide is easy. He is still reluctant to commit suicide. There is only one reason, and that is his soul. The box must be on the ship. He didn't dare to commit suicide, and he was so cunning, how could he put the soul box elsewhere." A Lich general couldn't help but said, "Moreover, he kept our soul box in the captain's room."

Li Yao nodded: "Not bad, you will be the captain of the ghost ship from now on."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir." The Lich general suddenly saluted, and other senior undeads were relieved to see that Li Yao had appointed the Li Yao general as the captain.

It turns out that this person still needs to use them, that's easy to say, as long as it is still useful, then he can continue to live.

Suddenly no dead souls knelt on one knee, expressing his attitude.

Then Li Yao appointed the most powerful undead he had seen as officers of their respective races, and then he looked at the dumbfounded Lich Commander.

"I will ask you one last time, where is the soul box? If you dare to talk nonsense, you will undoubtedly die. When the time comes to find your soul box on the ship, I will thwart your bones and ashes. I will never break my word." Li Yao said coldly.

The Lich Commander's eyes were full of dead ashes, and his men took refuge in the new master in front of them. As an undead, he naturally knows why his men are so happy.

They can all feel the surging death energy in Li Yao's soul. This kind of aura is clearly the aura that can only be emitted by the undead king. Naturally, they don't know that although Li Yao can change the form of a lich, at most it is a warlord level, or even worse. The Lich Commander's breath is strong, and what they feel is more of the breath of Death's Scythe.

The undead have lost a lot of senses, but they are extremely sensitive to breath. They have resistance to surrendering to living beings, but they don't feel shameful when surrendering to a powerful undead monarch. This is the case in the undead world, where the strong are respected.

"I Are you sure you won't kill me?" The Lich Commander said sullenly.

"Your life and death are of no importance to me." Li Yao said indifferently.

"How do I believe you."

"Do you have any other choice." Li Yao stood up impatiently after speaking, "I said, your life and death are of no importance to me. Give the last sentence a chance. If you don't say it, you can die. Anyway, the ship is already. It's mine. There are many magic masters in our kingdom, and sooner or later they will be sealed by your soul box."

The Lich Commander was completely wilted, and he could only tell the place of his soul box. It turned out to be hidden in a secret cell under a certain cell, and various seals were imposed, plus the prohibition to cover the breath, it was relatively safe.

He was so cunning that he wouldn't put the soul box in other places, and he was the safest in front of him.

When Li Yao put the soul box away, the snake girl also released the lich, and the restriction was lifted.

Li Yao’s guards followed the Liches and soon took control of the use of the ghost ship, and the surrendered generals also reconquered the Windrunner’s Tower army...

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