MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1693: I am vanity

Although the elemental creatures don't have obvious fingers or the like, they don't need it either.

Shadows and twisting elements made his body huge, like a wall.

Outside the body is a layer of rune armor. This armor is physical, but it is not made, but is born with the law.

Normal elemental creatures have armbands, and after death, these rune armbands are usually left behind.

With the strength and the strength of the law of birth, many other components can be added.

At the level of Void Guard and Lord, the huge body will have more rune shoulders, and then at the prince level, it will be a complete set of rune armor.

The Void Prince itself is very resistant to beatings, with high blood and thick defenses. Now there is more rune armor, which makes the Void Prince more resistant to beatings by several orders of magnitude.

And they don't need weapons, their armbands are the most powerful fighting weapons, and they can release some shadow magic.

The warlocks themselves are cloth armor and crispy skin. For the warlocks, they are the best tank shields.

As a result, the practical warlocks will be mainly blue fat ones, who can do a single brush that is not too powerful, and only not too high monsters, plus the control skills and weakening skills of the warlocks, it is one of the few as long as the skill is slightly If you have a better point, you can only brush the upgraded profession by yourself.

And the pure demon summoning warlock will take the blue fat man like Voidwalker as the core, plus the flame imp and the demon guard, to form a simple small team, with similar skills, and if the quality of the pet is guaranteed, it will also be singled out by the general boss. It became possible.

Then there are soy sauce-type warlocks. The basic meeting is mainly for angry guards and beholders. This kind of warlocks are mainly used to form teams and do not need to summon tanks by themselves. They are mainly used to maximize output, plus the control of the warlocks. They are very popular.

Then there are faith-type warlocks and otaku warlocks. They don’t care about other things, they are mainly succubus, and summon the succubus as their closest partner. As for what they can do to summon the succubus, they can only know what they do. Some adult episodes.

The demons that Li Yao summoned are naturally not cultivated and blessed by warlocks, but the blessings of his own hunters are also good, and the demons he contracted are all growth stereotypes and do not need to cultivate his own evil power, which is much simpler.

After the appearance of the void prince, he saluted Li Yao and went to the middle of the venue.

"The master's order is for me to kill an opponent to prove my worth. It's better to come with a strong character. I don't want any waste."

The Void Prince directly turned on the mocking mode, and the strong on the city wall were immediately attracted, clamoring to kill the Void Prince, after all, no one wanted to admit that he was not strong.

"Dakumar, go on, the other party is just a void prince, even if it is strong, but you are a complete warlock, you can summon your pet to fight together."

As the leader here, the orc warlock, coupled with being a powerful warlock, naturally saw the power and extraordinaryness of the void prince at a glance, but he did not care too much, and he would not play easily. He just sent out Outside of himself, the strongest camp-level human warlock.

He did not hesitate to defeat the void prince, but he hoped that his generals would be able to subdue the high-quality void prince opposite. After all, in his opinion, such a powerful void prince is really too much in the hands of a hunter. Wasted, it is impossible to maximize the effect of the void prince.

"Boss, just look at it." The human warlock Dakumar teleported directly under the city wall.

Following his singing, a Void Lord, five flame imps, and an angry guard were summoned.

"But the battle is not small." The Void Prince didn't bother, and he waited for his opponent to summon all the pets he could summon.

The head of the Void Lord, who is a tank, glowed with longing eyes: "It is great to have a Rune King Armor. I can kill you and devour your origin."

"The ignorant subordinates dare to have such an idea. I will let you dissipate in the void today." Prince Void sneered.

"Kill me." Following the order of the human warlock, several summoned creatures launched their attacks.

The Void Lord directly rushed over, and the Wrath Guard even launched a charge. The two first arrived in front of the Void Prince and launched a storm-like attack.

The five flame imps are constantly rubbing the fel fireball, including the warlock himself, and after reaching the casting distance, they begin to release the single spells released by the stance.

The Void Prince didn't evade at all, letting two melee and long-range spells fall on him.

Bang Bang Bang Bang, pop pop...

Various attacks were mixed, and the attacks of Fel Fireball, Warlock's long-range Shadow Bolt and even Chaos Bolt all exploded on the Void Prince.

But after a round of the light flickered, the Void Prince’s blood volume basically did not decrease much, and the long-range fel and shadow attacks could not break the rune armor at all, and could only force a reduction of 1 blood volume. .

Only the Void Lord’s rune armband heavy blow and the Wrath Guardian’s attack where there is no rune armor can cause hundreds of damage, but the hundreds of damage are not counted for the Void Prince at all.

Even though they overestimated the attack of the Void Prince in advance, they were still suppressed at this moment. You must know that the Void Prince has been weakened by the negative buff of the human warlock, and the result is still urinary.

Crackling, facing a group of demons and warlocks, the Void Prince just sneered with his arms and let them attack.

"It's impossible." A trace of panic flashed in the human warlock's eyes, followed by a hot face.

If the Void Prince was contracted by himself, what would happen? He really didn't expect that a complete rune armor would be so powerful.

"There is nothing impossible. Poverty limits your imagination, your bloodline limits your development, and your vision determines your life and death. Humble and blind weak bugs, are you ready to receive the anger from the king?"

A faint dark purple gas glowed from the void prince's body. At this moment, he had communicated with the void and controlled the power of the surrounding void and shadow.

Especially the Void Lord, his body also emits purple gas, but he is not taking the initiative, but the power has begun to lose, and it has gathered on the Void Prince.

"You are actually breaking down my body, **** it." The Void Lord attacked the Void Prince in anger and panic, but it didn't help.

"I said, you, a little lord, will never know how powerful the king is. I am the void, and I represent the void to deprive you of power!"

The Void Prince shot this time, swinging his arm ring and hitting the Void Lord severely.


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