MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1702: 6-arm Naga

"Master won't be kidding me." The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress obviously didn't believe it, and controlling the explosion was not impossible. The key point was that she did not see Li Yao had any control devices.

Li Yao smiled: "What's the joke, you can take a good look, explode to me."

In the shallow water below, several naga looked at the big bomb, and they looked at the air mockingly. This attack was so weak.

However, the big bomb, which was still calm just now, suddenly exploded a fireball in the water following Li Yao's blast.

In the water, unless you are very close to the big bomb, otherwise the fireball can hardly damage the naga.

Naga are deep-water creatures, and they can live freely in the deep sea where the pressure is exploding, and the explosion of water can't cause them any real harm.

Even the broken metal fragments at best brought them some small wounds.

But as the big bomb burst, some almost transparent steel needles spread like a rainstorm.

Puff puff……

The surrounding naga's body was penetrated by the steel needle in an instant, and the naga did not feel any pain, but they soon discovered that they had become extremely dull.

Then, when the naga were barely conscious, the pinholes expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon turned into wounds, and the blood immediately stained the water surface.

And these naga still didn't feel any pain, they just felt the wound was numb, and their bodies were stiff, but their vitality was constantly passing by, and they soon died in a daze.

The surrounding Naga left in terror, and the horrible corpse floated in the water, looking very strange.

"What the **** is this?" The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress looked numb.

She didn't know how many fights she had experienced, but this weird way of death really made people feel hairy.

"It's very simple, the nail piercing needle, with the high-grade concentrated dragon poison with strong corrosion and anesthesia. Although the cost is a bit expensive, I lack everything now, but it is not bad. The effect is good. I should have enough materials. We have fought this battle." Li Yao nodded in satisfaction.

The three of them returned to the original mountain peak. The Black Dragon Queen gave it a try and licked the toxin on the needle with his tongue. As a result, the Black Dragon Queen’s tongue became stiff, and she was speechless for a while.

Being able to speak is a bit disadvantageous: "It's such a powerful paralytic toxin, I knew it was a corrosive effect and I didn't feel it."

Li Yao smiled: "Corrosion is produced after seeing blood. If there is no corresponding medicine and special healing spells, it is really very troublesome."

"Sure enough, it's overbearing enough, and when combined, it can indeed play a role in restraining the Naga underwater." Only then did the black dragon empress feel the numbness of her tongue disappear.

To know what physique she is, she is close to the physique of a demi-god-level dragon, and her various resistances are not generally high, and she can also produce good results. For those with poor physique, it is tough.

The blue dragon and queen frowned slightly: "What I care about is how you control the remote control, why the bomb will explode as you like, can you make the bomb explode by sound, this is too incredible."

"Is this a problem? I remember you two watched me make this big bomb. You should be able to guess that it is." A small red bug appeared in Li Yao's hand.

The red bug is very small, but the belly is red, as if it contains huge energy.

"It turned out to be a self-explosive." The black dragon dragon queen suddenly understood, no wonder Li Yao could explode the big bomb as he pleased. It was basically a self-explosive that he controlled.

"It seems that it will take a little longer. You guys try to help with some processes that can help."

The general big bomb is simple to make, but this kind of complex is more troublesome.

Li Yao also began to make such big bombs. The Blue Dragon Queen was uninterested in attacking him, but the Black Dragon Queen was full of enthusiasm, using her own alchemy methods to purify the flying dragon venom to make the venom stronger.

Li Yao was very patient, opened a favorite live broadcast and quickly started making his homemade big bomb. These big bombs can only explode under Li Yao's control.

After spending a day, Li Yao finished all the materials and stocked up a large number of big bombs.

Li Yao wanted to take down the ruins of the city with the least cost, and then went into the middle arcane tower to look for the quicksand scepter fragments.

Li Yaofei was in midair, and the mountain peak had become a huge ammunition warehouse, piles of big bombs piled up.

Li Yao summoned a hundred flying dragons, each of which carried a big bomb.

In the beginning it was just an ordinary bomb, and the target of the bombing was also a place that was not soaked by sea water.

The flying dragon flew very high, completely outside the attack range of the naga, the big bomb fell, and it detonated as long as there was a naga nearby.

And there is no big Naga bomb around but it falls on the ground, and Li Yao doesn't care.

Suddenly, the naga were bombarded, and the roaring sound spread throughout the ruins.

Many player teams took the opportunity to pick up the bargain, but this is not what Li Yao cares are all elites. They are not afraid of fighting, but such easy sacrifices make it hard for them to accept.

So with the explosion, they continued to move towards the sea.

Countless elite Naga regular troops were forced away by a hundred flying dragons. It was a joke. This is why Naga, as the overlord of the sea, is extremely powerful, and even the lord of the water element retreats, but it is always stagnant and the coastline will not go deep.

The air force is a very important factor. Without an air force, this is the most deadly shortcoming of the Naga Army.

And there are many big bombs on the ground that haven't exploded, and the naga are also frightened. They dare not touch them, and they dare not approach them.

As long as someone approaches the bomb, it will explode, which is terrible to the extreme.

But what the naga did not expect was that they would pay a heavier price when they entered the shallow water.

If it's an ordinary bomb, they can survive if lucky.

But in the water, as long as it is stabbed by a poisonous needle, it will basically die, and it will be extremely ugly.

"Who on earth is against our naga, dare to come out and see?" A six-armed female naga dressed in aristocratic robe, shouted into the distance with majesty.

Li Yaofei approached their sights and said lightly: "Get out of the arcane tower in the shallow water area, I can let you go, and our well water will not violate the river."

The six-armed naga is already a very advanced naga, belonging to the aristocratic class. It is obviously the leader here. She has a frost on her face: "Killing me so many soldiers, let us give up the arcane tower, this Is it your sincerity?"

Li Yao nodded: "Yes, this is my sincerity. If there hadn't been the fight just now, would Liu Bian Naga like you give me a chance to speak in person?"...

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