MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1709: Block the road

Li Yao actually saw the people in the Xinghuo core group, which made Li Yao very strange.

The people in the Xinghuo core group are fighting against each other, just like other teams. It's also very lively that you come and go.

Because it is a team form, unless it is a real team confrontation, it is difficult to cause death, and there are very few casualties on both sides.

But there are also unlucky guys falling to the ground from time to time, and it is quite normal to be killed by accidental powerful attacks.

However, several teams were guarding their respective passages and did not fight hard. Teleportation vortices appeared constantly in the middle square, and monsters continued to flow. A delicate balance appeared on the square temporarily.

Li Yao also saw many closed passages, which obviously allowed the team to pass.

There are not many people on Xinghuo's side. Li Yao expected that Xinghuo is also the same as this so-called blood-clothed guild. The main force fights and fights in the square, while some people lie in ambush far away in the passage, hunting down other opponents, to prevent the main team from being enemies.

After understanding the situation, the mother worm disappeared in the air.

Li Yao opened the friend bar, most of which are gray, indicating that instant calls cannot be made and the distance is too far.

However, many of them are bright, indicating that the distance is relatively close, and the message can be launched in time.

But Li Yao did not rush to contact them, but continued to move forward quickly.

"Get ready, there is a small team in front of us in ambush." ​​Li Yao said quickly as he walked.

"I'm always prepared. This kind of little scene actually makes me feel anticipation and excitement. This is something I haven't encountered in many years."

The black dragon dragon queen seems to be very slow and elegant, but in fact the speed is not slow at all.

"You are very courageous, just a small team actually dare to break into our ambush, really ignorant and fearless."

The escaping mage saw Li Yao and the others rushing directly into this narrow passage, and suddenly sneered.

The turning passage is very narrow and long, at least a few thousand yards away, and the mage's constant flashing is about to reach the other end of the passage.

However, Li Yao didn't care about anything at all, they rushed into the passage and moved quickly through the passage.

"With your wisdom, you can never guess, so you'd better shut up." The blue dragon dragon queen disdain.

"Hehe, it's sad that I don't know it when I die. I'm from the blood-clothed alliance..." The mage stood still and wanted to say his name.

The result was directly interrupted by the succubus, and a red heart was directly attached to the mage's chest: "People are not interested in your name."

The mage looked stupidly at the succubus drooling as if he had lost his soul.

When Li Yao and everyone reached half of the passage, four crossbows and two artillery were pushed out on the other side of the passage.

A player saw the mage stupidly and didn't think much about it, so he pulled him away.

"Come to welcome your doomsday, a few arrogant scattered people also dare to be arrogant. I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick." The leading soldier sneered coldly.

A player with mechanical eyes exclaimed excitedly: "Fire, send them to heaven."

Everyone in Li Yao didn't mean to stagnate at all, they still kept their original speed, and rushed forward unhurriedly.

"Aren't you called Lan Yi? Now that you encounter the blood suit, the task of protecting the team will be left to you." Li Yao began to accumulate energy as he ran, star bow exuding a hazy light.

The Witch Snake's wings stretched out directly alongside the mechanical clone and said, "I'll come with the crossbow and give the cannonball to my blue sister."

"Alright." Lan Yi did not refuse.

Bang bang bang...

The four crossbow arrows made a sharp sound when the crossbow machine was launched. This kind of crossbow machine is like a griffin. It is a new generation of griffin crossbow equipped only in the main city of the bright camp. It is extremely powerful and is used as a city wall defense. The tough.

And the arrows are also special, with powerful armor-breaking special effects, even the strong door shield can't stop the steel arrows, and can shoot through dozens of layers of steel plates like plate armor.

The arrow shot flat and came with a scream.

Li Yao's team is still very confident in their respective strengths. Since they have been handed over to them, the rest of the team will no longer take care of them, but start to think about how to annihilate them in the attack range.

The witch snake girl danced wildly with purple hair, her eyes turned silver.

Brush and brush...

The four steel arrows crossed a weird arc in the course of their speed, and galloped over everyone's heads, and then changed the arc in the sky, and the steel arrows turned into the direction they were shooting.

At the same time, the artillery also made two roars.

Two shells galloped over in mid-air with flame tails. This shell had strong bursting and burning characteristics at a glance, turning the passage into a sea of ​​flames. The high temperature was very detrimental to Li Yao and the others.

At the worst, it can form a sea of ​​flames and block their way. Whether it is blocking the front or the rear, it is greatly detrimental to the enemy.

Two ice dragons flew out of the blue dragon queen's hands. The ice dragons were like real dragons, except that each was only one yard in size.

Two ice dragons respectively greeted a shell ~ The moment the two came into contact, the two ice dragons swallowed the two shells, and then the endless ice gathered to form two huge ice lumps.

Boom, boom...

The two artillery shells still exploded violently, but the explosion in the belly of the ice dragon, coupled with the surrounding ice, did not cause much harm.

The icy debris from the sky fell, and the queen of the blue dragon pushed her palm.

The icy debris in the sky stagnated, and then turned into a handful of ice skates, galloping across the sky to the opposite team.

At the same time, the four steel arrows controlled by the Devil Snake also shot over, galloping with countless ice skates.

Both didn't consume too much, and directly returned the opponent's attack by leveraging on strength.

Li Yao didn't stay idle either, he let go of his finger just before the Blue Dragon Queen used the method.

The arrows with two flames did not fly straight, but directly hit the wall not far away.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...

The arrows bounced continuously on the walls on both sides of the passage, bringing out a little spark.

"Damn, what the **** is this, catapult, the opposite is Liaoyuan, fuck, invincible stop." The leading soldier roared wildly.

Then he saw the scene of the ice skates and steel arrows returning, his face was full of shock.

When the Paladin heard that it was a burning prairie, they directly launched Invincible. Although they did not admit it, they already knew that Li Yao was powerful, and would not be careless at all. Only after Invincible set up his shield did he raise his shield to block the arrow.

In his opinion, even if the invincibility cannot stop Li Yao's attack, it can be weakened, and with the dark gold shield in his hand, it can still block the arrow.

However, a scene that stunned him happened. The last time the arrow was ejected, a weird deflection occurred...

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