MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1714: Tribute to the dead

After Li Yao's pets launched the attack, the bloodline team suddenly couldn't hold it, and a dozen members were killed in a moment.

And the death was very simple, the healers were all stupidly healed, when the healing technique fell on the teammate, the system prompt was received, the teammate was killed in seconds.

Although there are a lot of treatments, they have little effect, and their teammates die too fast.

They can't judge who the opponent's target is, and when they know who the target is, it's too late to set the shield, let alone healing spells.

"Command, we can't hold it anymore, try to find a way."

The collapse was so fast. The figures of Li Yao's powerful pets were all unpredictable, and the close combat that wanted to protect the long-range couldn't stop them at all.

Even the mechanical clone, they also found that the power is infinite, and the long-range attack can attack the mechanical clone. If it is a close combat, it will be broken or blown out, and it is more of a spike.

It's a brutal beast in a human form.

"The channel is ours, master, there are a lot of teleportation vortexes around." The Demon Snake did not rush to attack others, but used her mental power to resist the teleported monsters and prevent them from joining the battlefield.

Li Yao nodded: "I will continue to summon a few partners to participate in the war, you support it for a while."

With the full level, as the Beastmaster Specialized Hunter, Li Yao can summon more pets. With the rewards of profession and specialization trials, Li Yao can summon quite a few pets.

He needs to consider whether he has enough powerful pets, and whether the terrain and environment can summon pets.

For example, the passage just now, although not small, can no longer accommodate the huge hydras and magic mechas. Even the spider tanks are too heavy to occupy the space and Li Yao did not summon them.

But this square is different, huge, and obviously superior to Titan's style.

What style of Titan, the only characteristic is huge, extremely huge.

The huge figure of the Hydra appeared. With Li Yao's full level and enhancement, the Hydra was already at the camp level and had eight heads.

The body alone is an oppressive monster. Although it is not as good as the magic mecha, it is a small mountain from a biological point of view. After all, eight slender, dozens of yards-like heads that look like snakes are still very deterrent when they are intertwined. of.

With the gradual recovery of strength, the Hydra has gradually shown the heroic posture of the overlord of the deep sea.

"Great master, I am glad to be able to fight for you."

The newly appeared heads bowed their heads to express their tame to Li Yao. Li Yao didn't say much, and simply ordered: "Don't let those monsters disturb my door."

"According to your will, I will let these mutant **** know who makes the deepest existence in the deep sea."

The Hydra saw at a glance that the heels and feet of these monsters that were teleported in were all mutant deep-sea monsters.

Subsequently, spider tanks, **** war scorpions, death, Xiao Man, Xing Yao, and Fire Eagle were all summoned.

The spider tank, the death **** and the fire eagle are all Li Yao’s first morale powerful pets. Li Yao can strengthen, but he is not satisfied. He wants to find better materials to make them qualitatively change again and become his main force again. It's not a help that seems tasteless.

The problem now is that although the Spider Tank is a tank, its strength is no longer able to cope with the strong opponent Li Yao faces, and its value is naturally greatly reduced.

Compared with the Void Prince who resists beating, the spider tank is too weak, so it needs special material transformation, and already has a general outline in his heart.

The words of Reaper 4000 are a long-range turret in Li Yao's positioning, but again, they can't keep up with his rhythm.

Facing the player, it is naturally very sharp, but facing a stronger opponent, it seems monotonous and powerless, let alone compared with the two dragon queens, it is too far behind the magic snake girl.

The same is true of the Fire Eagle. It has become a reconnaissance plane for a long time, losing its combat value in the face of a strong opponent, and needs to be reformed, but Li Yao has no idea about this, but he has already made up his mind to reform.

As for Xiaoman, the Royal Griffin itself is very strong. Basically, there is no bottleneck before the demigod. With the mutation bloodline, Xiaoman is very strong.

With Li Yao reaching his level, Xiaoman has also changed from a juvenile to a growth stage, and is no longer a miniature griffin. Although he has not yet grown up, Xiaoman is no weaker than an adult royal griffin.

Xingyao's words are now stuck at the high-level race level, from a young dragon to a young dragon, one step away from the faction level.

Xingyao is the treasure of the entire guild. Spark members can summon the projection of the guardian beast of the guild. As long as the Xingyao members can summon the Xingyao, they will basically not cool the CD.

So Xingyao's level was improved earlier than Li Yao and reached the full level. Together with the growth tasks released by the World Tree and Xingyao, it has now become one of Xinghuo's most important tasks.

Therefore, Xingyao grows very quickly. The advantage of this is that the guardian beast has a higher bonus, and Xingyao’s combat effectiveness is increased, and it has basically become a powerful skill for the members of the Starfire After all, it summons advanced levels. Race-level boss fights are no jokes, Li Yao naturally doesn't care, he feels low, but let alone ordinary players, even top masters are very strong skills.

The Hydra guards the monster's attack route as the main force, especially in this place where the magic is strengthened.

The eight-headed Snake’s magic is a very powerful eight-element mage. With the blessing of the field, it can even exert a terrifying combat effectiveness.


The magic mecha also came violently, but it couldn't be used here, the magic mecha was transformed into a dozen clones. Even so, the size is not comparable to the player.

"Do you really think we don't have a hole card, Resonance Magic·Dead Praise."

As the druid commander gritted his teeth and shouted, more than twenty members of the Blood League raised the skull ring in their hands at the same time.

"With my blood, arouse your real name to respond, with my soul to sacrifice, and ask the great you to give the gift of God."

The spells of twenty people sounded together, linked together, and the space seemed to oscillate with it, and a black cloud formed.

Groups of gloomy rays of light fell, and the corpses of the monsters on the ground were resurrected, and at the same time, skeletons above the leader level were continuously drilled from the ground.

That's not to say, the flesh and blood of these sacrificed players became old and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became a human-shaped skeleton.

Twenty players fell to the ground, and the spell came to an abrupt end. As the dark blue light descended, more than 20 bones continued to expand, and the aura continued to soar. Soon more than 20 advanced race leader-level skeleton generals appear.

"What are you waiting for, killing Liaoyuan is our victory."...

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