The Viscount Water Element quickly said, "Hey, hey, you didn't ask me how I knew I was unwilling."

Li Yaozheng said, "Do you still have to ask, what is the identity of the Viscount Water Elemental? How can I be a big boss in the endless water element, how can I be contracted. I remember that there is a Viscount in the High Elf territory who doesn't know what The reason lies in the important level, occupying a water area, and finally being killed by the undead of natural disasters. I would rather die than surrender. I also admire it in my heart. As for your Excellency, after I kill you, I will circulate your deeds and let everyone know about you. How would you rather die than surrender."

"Fuck, bastard, you don't give me a way to survive. I didn't say, Dragon Queen, you see when we sign the contract, cough cough, you will have to bother to restore my full strength sooner." Viscount Water Elemental shouted unscrupulously, for fear that Li Yao would do it.

Li Yao was speechless and said when he saw the contract was established: "I would rather bend than bend. This is too much of a person who loses your water element. Let Neptune know if you are like this, you will not be slapped to death."

The Viscount Water Elemental condensed into a water man, and sneered after hearing the words: "You think he doesn't want to shoot me to death, it's just that he can't stop it, otherwise I will still be exiled as simple as that.

"Oh, it seems that there is a story in it. Let's listen to it. What makes you want to be contracted and give up the pride of the strong and willing to live." Li Yao asked.

"Although you are the master of my master, you can't be too much. I tell you how the contract is shameful and immortal. Besides, even the blue dragon queen has been contracted by you. What am I. The Viscount Water Elemental talked and continued: "But there is a real story about my exile."

"If you want to say it, let's just keep going." Li Yao said angrily.

The Viscount Water Elemental was not angry this time, but said triumphantly: "Hey, wait, why don't you say anything? I hooked up with Neptune's daughter. Originally, he wanted to marry this daughter to the wolf demigod. Descendants, looking for an ally on land, but I ruined good deeds. That little girl is very low on my uncle. Alas, I just don’t know how she is now."

The blue dragon dragon queen said: "As far as I know, you have been banished and disappeared. The queen has been silent in the deep sea to suppress the remnants of the ancient gods, and has not appeared on land for thousands of years."

"It's fine if I haven't died. Now I have a backer. When the master doesn't need me to fight, I will go and hook up again. Anyway, it is immortal now, and there is a dragon queen to support me. What am I afraid of." Viscount Elemental didn't know what he thought of, but he laughed strangely.

"I found out that I made a mistake. This **** can't help it." The Blue Dragon Queen held her forehead helplessly.

Li Yao pondered for a while before he smiled and said, “It’s okay. The Lord of the Water Elemental is also overwhelmed. His demiplane and the main plane are linked together. Which ancient **** sealed in the water has always been very active. Mian and Naga continue to squeeze the living space of the water element. Now that they often fight, the water element demigod will also be in trouble. Then it will be useless for him to get angry. It may be a good entry point."

The Viscount Water Elemental complexion changed: "Is the life of Water Elemental so difficult now?"

Li Yao nodded: "So you have to regain your strength as soon as possible. When you don't need to fight, you can rescue some water elements in the deep sea. Now the waters are constantly being eroded and polluted. The ancient gods are not good for you. Fight for them. The water element lords and the earth element lords rebelled, and it is estimated that the ancient gods hated you two clan to the bone. From the current situation, the deep rock continent where the mother of the earth is located is also in crisis."

"Thanks for the great grace, I dare not do my best in the future." The Viscount Water Elemental salutes Li Yao and the Dragon Empress solemnly: "Actually, I want to get out of trouble with the help of the contract. I am afraid I can only stay in this place until the sky is old."

"There is another one who pretends to be dead over there, so let him go on the road." Li Yao said.

"I'll kill him." The Viscount Water Elemental condensed more than a dozen water dragons this time, and the water dragon roared towards the body of the demon **** who fell motionless on the ground.

"Fuck, Liaoyuan, are you really going to kill you all? You have contracted another world-class leader. You should thank me."

The life of the demon **** returned to zero suddenly became one-third, and his figure flashed directly into a channel.

"Thank you, you have a fart. If you hand over your shield, I might let you go." Li Yao said as the shadow followed and moved behind the demon god.

"You go and die." The devil suddenly turned back with a bright claw shadow.

"I know you won't give up." Li Yao didn't move, the wings of the Valkyrie directly shook his two claws apart, and then nailed the shadow of the demon god.

The trigger of darkness also imprisoned the arm of the demon god, and the wings of the Valkyrie sputtered a large amount of flying feathers.

Li Yao released a third of Feiyu in an and directly emptied the remaining blood of the Demon God.

Kicked the body of the demon **** with a random kick, and the body of the demon **** shattered when it reached the hall.

"Grass mud horse, starting a prairie fire, you are so deceiving."

The blood-filled lizardman yelled, and he took out the shield in his hand, once again blocking Li Yao's arrow.

"What a good shield, it was wasted in your hands."


The mechanical clone charged forward with a big sword like a cannonball, but the lizardman only had time to turn his body and lifted his warhammer.

The moment the two touched, the lizardman's blood volume dropped by a large amount, and he spurted blood and flew out.


The mechanical clone stepped on the ground and jumped out again, and the big sword in his hand was raised again.

The lizardman slammed into the wall of the hall in embarrassment, and the hall was trembling. The lizardman spurted blood and couldn't say anything. The mechanical part was suddenly a sword.

The lizardman let out a scream, the mechanical clone cut his arm down with a sword, and then an arrow that looked like a shooting star pierced his throat.


The black shield fell to the ground with a crisp sound, the white light of the lizardman's soul floated, and the fire-breathing eyes looked at Li Yao. He knew that Li Yao still succeeded, and his reliance on the god-level shield exploded.


A small cloth bag fell. If the lizardman's eyes could kill people, Li Yao believed he would have died ten thousand times.

"It's really a coincidence that your item bag has also fallen." Li Yao smiled and picked up the item belt, and the lizardman roared silently and disappeared into the hall.

In the second layer, it can be resurrected, but it needs to be resurrected immediately after death, otherwise the body will be absorbed.

The body of the lizard man has gradually disappeared.

"This lunatic." Li Yao couldn't help but cursed...

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