MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1760: overbearing

Li Yao nodded helplessly: "I can't guarantee it will be done, but I will try my best."

The warchief nodded; "We also know that this task is embarrassing you, so this task is not mandatory. Even if you can't take the main city, you will have to deal a heavy blow."

"If so, I understand." Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

The queen said: "It can't be done, you don't enter after the gate of the Undercity."

Li Yao was speechless: "You are turning your elbow away. I'm still working hard to prepare gifts for the instructor. Oh, pain."

"I said, you guys are really playing." The archangel was also speechless.

"Naturally it is true. Just wait for General Liaoyuan to make his request. The few of us are here to provide him with materials and logistics." The warchief seems to be gentle, but he will never be ambiguous when it comes to taking action: "Right, you still I prepared a gift for your mentor. I don’t know what it is. Don’t mind letting us see it.”

Li Yao said lightly: "It's nothing, passing through the desolate land this time, I just met a death knight general, very arrogant, I killed him easily, and then drove the sky fortress back, just as the instructor's ship. There can’t be anything that I have as a disciple. If the teacher doesn’t have it, I can’t justify it."

"Oh, fortress in the sky." The warchief didn't care at first. He also thought about how to teach the chaotic camp and didn't listen carefully at the beginning. His eyes became wide as he reacted: "What the hell, fortress in the sky?"

"Yes, air battleship." Li Yao said.

This time everyone focused on Li Yao, including the bigwigs of the other two camps.

The sky fortress, but the secret crafting technique that the undead does not teach, even angels do not have such a thing. They have airships at most, but the airships are too easy to crash and are not safe at all. They are completely two concepts with the undead's air warship and the air city.

Absolutely rare, rare, and even rarer things, even for people like them, are things that are difficult to obtain. Their lives are only once, and they will not easily risk robbing the fortress.

"Ahem, how about the air battleship you got recently?" Chief Tauren asked.

"It should be about the same, but the new one I got is more suitable for instructors." Li Yao explained.

The troll chief of the Darkspear tribe, Vol'jin, said: "I think you have a clear skeleton and extraordinary equipment. My Darkspear Hunter needs a talent like you to pass on. Look, I don't have a disciple. I think you are good."

Li Yao is speechless, elves and trolls are enemies, you are kidding.

The Amazon queen said: "I'm also thinking about trying to see if men can inherit my Amazon secret."

"Ahem, we dwarves can communicate with the spirits of the earth, and there is also an army of high elves in Stormwind, it's not as good as..."


A group of leaders of the dark camp drank softly, jokingly, digging the foot of the wall in front of them, it was too much.

Even the queen didn't calm down and said: "If it's not as good as you said, then the ship parked in the Undercity should be given to me."

If Li Yao had only one ship, as a mentor, she really couldn't hold her face, and her reputation would not be good.

Now Li Yao bought another one, and he said that it was just to prepare a gift for her. At this time, he would be a fool if he was polite. The role of the sky fortress is not only for the sake of face, but has very important strategic significance. .

Especially when the map is enlarged and the transmission is inconvenient, the air fortress is of great strategic significance.

"Since it's decided, we will go outside to announce the result. Those recruits have been waiting for a long time."

The warchief did not give the other two camps a chance to dig a wall and ended the meeting directly.

"Hey, we also want to see the sky fortress." said the archangel.

The warchief smiled: "When you get one, let's see your own, hahaha."

Speaking and waving their hands directly, the shaman casting the spell immediately cancelled the mana, the image disappeared, and the leaders of the two camps scolded, it was really horrible.

Li Yao followed the leaders and walked directly out of the assembly hall, on the steps of the assembly hall. The warchief began to say: "Guild leaders, please be quiet. After our discussion, a resolution has been formed. The chaotic camp's little boys trampled on the dignity of our camp. Our dark camp will never swallow our anger and resolutely fight back. So mobilize the various guilds to send troops, retake the resource cities, and then occupy their cities. The occupied areas will enjoy the city tax based on their contributions. If the guilds have negotiated, they can also manage the city together."

The words of the warchief made the guild leaders very excited. This is a big deal. They waited for a long time. This is the best news.

The warchief waited quietly and continued: "But this is not enough. In order to deter the chaotic camp, I decided to form a strong army, choose the main city of the chaotic camp, take the territory of a race, and completely defeat the race. Although the camp will not send troops directly, it will open up some military materials and provide free materials for this army performing dangerous tasks."

Now the players are dumbfounded, Nima, capture a main city and destroy a This is a bit big.

"Now I, Thrall, the warchief of the dark camp formally canonized Liaoyuan as a recruit supervisor on behalf of the dark camp, and fully takes over the counter-offensive incident, the deployment and demand of all materials, the choice of offensive races, the offensive strategy and command, and he is solely responsible for this time. The matter of battle."


This time, the bosses of the player guild of the dark camp are completely fried, just kidding, let Li Yao lead them.

This is the canonization of the warchief as a warlord. It is the highest rank among the ranks of the dark camp. Except for the chief warlord, the chief warlord is not a permanent rank at all. That is to say, only when the faction is in real battle, the chiefs of the faction are generally temporary concurrently. , The military rank will be taken back after the war.

In other words, the warlord is actually the highest rank, just like the bright camp, there are many marshals, but the general marshal is the highest rank.

"It's not fair, why is it the Liaoyuan prairie warlord."

"That is, we don't want him to lead."

"Why should he lead us and make trouble."

"I won't take part in this mission anymore."


Woking directly left the short hair in his hand on the ground, and a blue shock wave spread. The heads of all the presidents were dizzy, and there was a buzzing in their ears, and many people almost fell down.

"Presumptuous, this is our collective decision, how can you question it. Now that the warchief announces our order, your only choice is to execute it. This time is a camp mission, all guilds, as long as there are Tier 6 masters, You must participate in the faction battle and you must obey the command of the new warlord. If any guild dared to drop the chain at this time, then this guild does not need to exist. It cannot serve the faction, so what is the use."

Everyone's president was silent for a moment, and didn't dare to stand up and refute Woking...

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