MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1794: Yiyidongwang

The two armies arrived at almost the same time. A large number of player armies in this team sent many carts to each other, and the carts were full of various goods.

It wasn't until the main army soldiers approached the city that the screaming horn of the ogres sounded. With their lazy character, as long as they had enough food, they would naturally be at ease.

Otherwise, their main city would not choose such a remote place. Despite the reminder of the chaotic camp, there are actually very few players here.

On the one hand, it is too remote, on the other hand, the ogres are strong in combat. Especially if caught by an ogre, it will be turned into a dark dish, which is really difficult for ordinary people to accept.

The female players really can’t imagine that after they were killed, one pair was stripped, placed in a broken pond and brushed with animal hair, and then dismembered to make various dishes. The experience of them would become a lifetime nightmare.

This has also caused players' rejection of ogres. Anyway, dozens of races can choose from. Why do you have to provoke such monsters? Therefore, unless some speculative players return to the guild, they will basically disappear here.

The ogres are also very comfortable, the main plane is much richer than their original place, so you can concentrate on studying their dark dishes without worrying about eating or drinking.

But the fighting instinct of the ogres was still there, and as the alarm sounded, the wooden walls were lined with ogres with weapons.

"Damn, you food, you bother me while Barbara is enjoying a delicious lunch, you are really damned. But since you are delicious food, I will make your corpses into dried meat and preserve it well. "A tall ogre who is a head stronger than an ordinary ogre said loudly.

"Head, I think this is a good thing. We haven't hunted for three days, so we just killed these guys, so that we have enough food for two or three months." The man-eating magician next to him said with saliva.

Barbara slapped the warlock's head: "Your kid is very promising, young ones, please be gentle when you are going to shoot. Don't beat these delicious foods into meat sauce, otherwise it will affect the taste of cooking. "


Countless ogres roar wildly, just like Barbara's book, in their eyes this is not an invading enemy, but delicious food.

Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry: "Originally, I wanted to say a few words to the opposing general. When I see this, let's forget it, send my order and attack."

Oh oh oh!


With the roar of the horns and drums, the elite army summoned by the players frantically slew towards the wooden wall on the hillside.

At the same time, countless air forces lifted into the air, and then madly flew out. The ogre air force is weak. After all, there are not many flying creatures that can carry the huge body of the ogre. Most of them are fierce raptors of ogre hunters, too. Very difficult to deal with.

The ogres are too powerful. Although the ogres here are not trump cards, they still make the player's army suffer, and they have not gained the upper hand when they start fighting.

"The player is really unreliable." The guardian angel frowned slightly.

Hitomi also said, "It's a shame to be suppressed by an elite ogre."

"I didn't expect them to be the main force, as long as they contain a large number of elite ogres, and the trump card army has to rely on us to withstand it." Yao Ji said.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Xinghuo looked a little heavy, and the elite ogres were so powerful, so the trump card must be even more remarkable.

"Big brother, do you want to arrange the engineering equipment we have made, so that these fat guys can see the power of science and technology." Tongtong asked excitedly.

"No need. This will be our logistics base for attacking the main city. If it is broken, we will build it ourselves. If it is too late, try to preserve the city wall." Li Yao waved his hand and ten portals appeared in front: "Let you see mine. New class, Zergling."

Rows of Zerglings rushed out of the portal, and as the crowd approached the wall, the Zerglings came to a standstill when they were more than a thousand yards from the wall.

"Why did they stop?" someone in Xinghuo asked.

Li Yao smiled: "Zerglings, Zerglings, naturally they want to jump into the battlefield. My class is an advance unit that sacrificed armor."

Following Li Yao's words, everyone saw the spring worms bouncing up one by one, jumping more than a hundred yards in height, and then directly straddling the city wall on the hillside and falling directly on the city wall.

Suddenly, there was a mess on the city wall. Ogres have strong physiques and violent attack methods. Zerglings have almost no armor, and they can easily be killed by ogres.

But in the same way, the ogre who hardly wears any armor can't stop the zergling's smelted fangs and sharp teeth.

"This is almost a life-for-life." Hitomi was stunned as he watched the fierce battle on the wall.

Li Yao smiled: "It's a life-for-life, but it's definitely worth it. Although Zergling is one of Zerg's trump cards, but the cost is very cheap. It is a rush-type consumable that can quickly tear apart the opponent's formation~www. Give the follow-up legions a chance to break through."

Because the Zerg’s advance caused melee on the city wall from the very beginning, as well as the vacuum defense zone, many soldiers boarded the city wall easily.

After breaking through the city wall, the city gate was quickly opened by special units, and the players' armies were almost endless, directly flooding into the fortress.

Although not as good as the ogres in quality, they crushed opponents in quantity, and without the advantage of city walls, the crowded tactics showed a terrifying side.

The city basically fell in half an hour, and was completely occupied in an hour, with only some powerful remnants smashed out from another gate, and drove towards the main city.

The coalition forces did not stay this time, leaving only the guardian angel with some people to take over here, and then proceed with the main force.

"The second goal is to occupy the cemetery closest to the Dire Maul and build a central tent with the cemetery as the center."

The cemetery is very important to the players. Although the players summon their own troops to fight, they have no eyes and will inevitably die on the battlefield. If there is no suitable cemetery to resurrect, it will be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, a cemetery must be controlled. Of course, Li Yao also needs to establish a powerful engineering workshop to assemble powerful engineering machinery.

There were not many ogres guarding the cemetery outside the city, and the ogres didn’t pay much attention to the cemetery, so the main force easily occupied the cemetery only about 20,000 yards from the main city.

On the hillside in front of the cemetery, one can clearly see the towering to the extreme city wall and the glorious and primitive city outline shrouded in the weird magic light.

At this moment, Zhanyun was full of clouds. Although time was short, the ogres who had received the news in advance had already gathered on the wall.

An unprecedented battle is about to break out...

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