MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1806: Heterodimensional space

"What the **** is this?" The sky and the sky exclaimed.

It is so spectacular to be worshipped by all the birds.

"Did you please God at the beginning? Do you want to be so exaggerated." Instant Fanghua was also stunned.

They naturally knew that there might be gods, and Li Yao also said at the beginning that the other party worshipped the **** of ravens.

In the end, I didn't expect to shoot at the beginning, the rhythm is completely wrong. Moreover, it was so shocked as soon as it shot, so that all the birds did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and even the hunter aerial pet temporarily lost control of the pet.

"Is it the soul of the raven god?" Li Yao was somewhat surprised, but he didn't mean to be surprised. The ogre also used the hole cards sooner or later, looking first and second.

The battlefield at this moment was abnormally quiet, and all were staring blankly at the sky, especially the ogres. Although they did not kneel down, the enthusiasm in their eyes has already shown that even if the **** of the raven does nothing, it greatly inspired Amen’s Morale, not to mention, they themselves consider themselves a lifetime.

"Exiled from another dimension!" The **** of the raven yelled softly, "Open it to me."


Just like a glass mirror, the space around the Queen was torn directly, and the Queen was involuntarily plunged into a chaotic space.

After a while, the light dissipated, but the eyes of the **** of crow were closed.

"The other one is up to you. I still have more energy. Do you want me to kill the commander on the other side." The Raven God said coldly.

The great warlock hasn't responded yet, and the three soaring dragons suppress the void.

After dark, blue light occupies the sky, but at this moment, a magma-like red, pure icy blue, and electric gray beams rise.

As if the entire sky is about to be divided, the three forces unite together, using the city wall as the dividing line, and the mighty dragon and the gods are opposed.

"Want to kill my master under our noses, Raven, you are really arrogant as always."

In the sky, behind the phantom shadow projected by Li Yao is the dragon shadow condensed by the three-headed dragon queen Longwei, whose momentum does not lose the **** of raven.

The intense aura and pressure made Haikuotian and Shi Na Fanghua feel difficult to breathe, and they involuntarily moved away from Li Yao.

"Cinestra, it's you, and Sister Lan, hey, this is also Sister Lan? Strange, no, you call the master, what's the situation." The **** of the raven couldn't help but open his eyes, void Suddenly shattered, the Queen wanted to rush out through the crack, and the God of Raven suddenly closed his eyes.

"Raven, you have fallen, why not take a good swim in the void world, why bother to participate in this kind of thing." Blue Dragon Queen sighed.

"Why don't you be like this? The two great dragon queens are actually willing to be driven by a mortal. Is this the dragon dying?" The **** of the raven was full of sorrows: "I have no interest in resurrection. Life is mortal, God No exception, the void is more suitable for my path."

The black dragon queen nodded: "You can see, since you have found your way, why do you want to participate in the disputes on the main plane? Retreat, otherwise we will inevitably fight today."

"You don't understand. Although these ogres are ignorant, but the land where I fell is a small plane. It was originally dead, and they brought a lot of fun to the plane. They also enshrined me for thousands of years. I had to fight." The Raven God said: "We also met once, retreat, I promise not to pursue it, just treat it as a misunderstanding. I will also release that warship immediately."

Li Yao sneered: "If you are in your heyday, if you are not allowed to show up, I will immediately turn around and leave, but you are already dead, your godhead is gloomy, and your **** position is lost, but the residual divine power in your life allows your soul to be projected onto the main plane. That’s all. I’m afraid that your sealing my warship is the limit you can do. Otherwise, with your ability, you can use space power to crush the warship. Where can you chat with us here.”

"Mortals have some insights. But mortals are just mortals after all, and your limited life limits your horizons. Even if I can't use my peak strength here, it's just a feather to crush you." The Raven God said disdainfully.

The corner of Li Yao's mouth curled up: "Oh, then I need to see how you can kill me as a mortal with a feather. Don't you guys, I will try this so-called god."

"That's what you want." The expression of the Raven God did not change. Being provoked by an ant-like character would naturally not cause any fluctuations in him, just to kill the opponent and let the opponent see his own powerful knowledge. And retreat.

A feather floated behind the **** of the raven, disappeared suddenly, and then suddenly appeared not far from Li Yao's forehead, and pierced Li Yao's forehead without any warning.

Everyone’s complexion changed. This attack had no trajectory at all, and a blow from the gods, would that be so easy to pick up? Many people were going to read Li Yao’s jokes, but more people thought Li Yaoto was big. A **** should not be provoked.


If it were before, Li Yao really had no good way to deal with it, but now, his touch of darkness is no longer what it used to be and for the void, the ancient gods are second only to the existence of the monarch level.

Countless smoke entangled the feathers, which floated about an inch between Li Yao's eyebrows, quickly absorbed and faded, and the touch of darkness became crazy and powerful.

"Ancient God." The Raven God's mood finally changed, and he was busy trying to retrieve his feathers. This was not just a feather, but a part of his soul, even though a part was very small.

"I want to leave when I come, bind!"

Li Yao still carried his hands, his brows were filled with smoke, his feathers were constantly struggling, and he even turned into a miniature crow god, but he could not escape the entanglement and swallowing of the smoke tentacles, and was completely absorbed and melted in a moment.

"Huh!" The Crow God snorted, his figure dimmed.

However, Li Yao was so powerful that he was originally relying on the aura of the Dragon Queen, but now his phantom is entangled with countless tentacles, and his evil spirit is soaring, like a peerless ancient god.

The great warlock's expression changed. Seeing the defeat of the Raven God, he quickly said: "My God, your soul is in state, and you have exiled the warship. Please cultivate. If this kind of clown needs you to deal with it personally, I will solve it."

"Alright, I'll sit here." The **** of raven flickered and landed in a bird's nest on top of a stone pillar in the middle of the main city.

Li Yao didn't entangle him, but looked at the great warlock: "Exile me a battleship, I have another one, what are you doing?"

The great warlock sneered: "You are too crazy, how do you know the history of a race for thousands of years."

"If it's a civilized race on the main plane, I wouldn't dare to say that, but are you savages like hairy and blood-drinking savages, ha ha." Li Yao disdain.

"Then open your eyes and watch." The great warlock was also agitated...

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