MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1810: Tragic

The air force that lifted off this time is all above the intermediate leader, and there is no cannon fodder, and there are even ace troops that have become Warcraft.

In the eyes of the Grand Warlock, this monster without a defensive barrier should be easier to deal with than a battleship, although this monster is more hideous and huge.

But how do they know that the insufficient defense of the Void King Worm refers to the insufficient defense against the peak power. After all, this is also a creature with a rank, but the vitality of this King Worm is absolutely terrifying, even if the demigod wants to destroy it It also needs to fly out the price.

What's more, the Void King Worm also has its own defense mechanism, and it is more aggressive.

The Void King worm quickly approached the city wall, and the ogre's air force quickly took off to intercept it.

This battle in the sky around the sky fortress once again became the key.

In the hearts of the players and the great warlocks, this is a battle that really concerns victory.

The better the king insects perform, the greater their hopes, and vice versa.

In the sky, the Void King Insect appeared densely blue spots that looked like void cracks.

The huge spots appearing are flying dragons and hunters. They are the permanent troops inside the king insects and are responsible for cooperating with the king insects to attack and defend.

And the small cracks appeared were palm-sized light blue crystal-like beetles, which were dimension bugs summoned by the Void King himself.

Dimensional insects, with the rank of king insects and basic functions, summon the silvery beast dimensional insects. There is a one-tenth chance of summoning a leader-level, a one-percent chance of summoning an intermediate leader, and a one-thousandth chance of summoning a high-level leader.

But the number of dimensional summons is terrifying. At first glance, there are densely packed dimensional insects. With their appearance, sonic booms even appeared, and the buzzing sound made the scalp numb.

"For the **** of raven, for Odessa." The deputy commander of the ogre air force headed by him is also the leader of the camp level. Behind him is a group of ace air forces riding double-headed Chimeras. It is the elite air force.

Countless hunters entered stealth, and the flying dragon rushed out with a roar from the blue dragon queen.

The two sides started long-range strikes before they even touched. There are two types of long-range strikes for the flying dragons, one is spike jets, and strong acid bombs. The mid-range is strong acid breath, and the close range is naturally their fangs and claws.

Chimera is double-headed, and they are Frost Bomb and Lightning Ball at long range, Frost Breath and Lightning Chain at mid-range, and Chimera at close range is slightly weaker.

The sky is full of spikes and the magic ball is flying, and it is very gorgeous. The air force in front of them will be hit and the key will fall.

The deputy commander of the ogre was holding a huge shield, and his Chimera finally galloped into the flying dragons. Although his Chimera had scars, it was not fatal.


The strong shield in the hands of the deputy commander of the ogre air force transformed into a shield axe, flying wildly.

As the shield and axe danced wildly, heads of flying dragons were cut to pieces and fell. The ace air force behind him had already lost a lot, but it took a few minutes to kill the flying dragons.

It's not that the flying dragon is much worse than Chimera, but the flying dragon can't carry weight. To put it bluntly, the flying dragon is an assassin-type flying killer, and cannot carry heavy objects and knights.

"Hahahaha, this is the air force they rely on, but so." The deputy commander laughed loudly: "The children will kill me, shoot down the monster remotely, jump on the monster in close combat and destroy him."


Only the ace army rushed over, and the other elites had already fallen into the wind and were slaughtered by the flying dragon.

"Damn it!"

The air force deputy commander's complexion changed, and the shield axe in his hand suddenly turned round, and a hunter appeared from the void.

But the remaining half of his body hunted and killed two sickle-like forelimbs that still brought long wounds on his body.


A lot of hunters appeared again, and the deputy commander danced wildly with a shield and axe. Although he killed a lot of hunters, his body was already covered with wounds.

And his Chimera screamed to the extreme. Even though Chimera was the leader of the camp, there were **** wounds all over his body. Any soft place, especially the abdomen, was bloody, and the wounds continued. Corroded, the pain can be imagined.

"Damn it."

No matter when, sneaking things are the most unpredictable.

He can handle it for the time being, but his ace air force has fallen one by one. Although the price is changed by one for two and one for three, it still makes a lot of money in Li Yao's view. After all, the ogre’s ace air force is said to be one, but in fact there are two Chimeras, and the Chimera’s combat effectiveness is indeed strong.

But they have no goals, they can't find the trail of the hunting at all, and the hunting will impact at the right distance and at the right time, even if they die, they can hit their opponents severely.

Ten minutes later, the trump card army sent by the ogres had lost most of them, and only a few were still rushing from left to right.

And their elite legion was strangled by the dragons.

"Death without regret, fight!"

"Death without regret, fight!"

Those long-range ace army will release spells as long as they are free, or shoot the Void King Worm in the distance.

However, the attack of, the king insect, which has been covered by dense dimensional insects, simply ignores this attack.

When the arrow fell, the Dimensional Worm directly turned into a small scale-like shield, and both physical and magical attacks would be blocked.

Finally, with the constant blows, the mount of the deputy commander of the Air Force couldn't bear the wailing and fall, and its body was already scarred.

The body is full of wounds, and it is directly poured by the green blood of the hunter. The blood of the Zerg is corrosive. It is good to have no wounds. With the wounds that can continue to corrode, it brings more than pain.


The deputy commander was almost mad, and the companion who had accompanied him for many years actually died in the battle. He had no time to grieve, relying on the power of Chimera to deliberately throw him at the Void King insect before falling and suddenly launched a big jump.

The shield and axe in his hand danced wildly, constantly beheading and blocking the hunt.

However, when his body was close to fifty yards of the Void King Insect, hundreds of Dimensional Insects that were originally posted on the Void King Insect ejected like cannonballs.

They spread out their twinkling wings, the body's light shining to the extreme, and their power became violent.

Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa...

The impact power of the dimensional bug is second, but the speed is too fast, just like bullets.

It is difficult for the deputy commander to avoid it in normal times. What's more, he is also jumping in this direction, hundreds of insects, can he avoid one or two, three or four.

The dimensional worm that hit the ogre air force deputy commander directly exploded, bursting like firecrackers, and the dense blue burst light enveloped the deputy commander.

The explosion comes fast, and it goes fast.

Everyone saw the body of a huge ogre like coke falling less than ten yards from the Void King Insect.


Until landing, the deputy commander did not make any movements...

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