MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1824: Suspicion

Isn't it a serious blow? All players are also players, look at people, get a demigod pet and don't even bother to sign a contract.

As for myself, I was almost excited to get a camp-level pet, and it was still a few months before I could become a camp-level pet.

More than the two of them, the others were envious to death, and some were a little bit distracted. This Nima was too shocking.

The Tower seemed to have thought of something, and said bitterly: "Great God, you have so many powerful pets, you have swept here by yourself, why are you looking for us to do?"

The other people were also suddenly surprised, didn't they, Li Yao's strength, he could sweep him, and look for them.

Li Yao glanced at him: "Look, that's why Blood Rose is the boss and you can only be little brothers. You are not supposed to be the boss by yourself. Let Blood Rose explain it yourself."

"What else does the master have to order?" said the succubus queen.

"No, you take him back, so, so...understand." Li Yao whispered for a while.

"Understood, I will definitely not let the master down." The succubus queen's eyes twinkled.

"Then step back." Li Yao waved his hand.

The succubus queen took a few steps back and looked Ling Ran: "Get me here and become like a pug."

"Yes, Master." The huge body of the demigod-level **** two-headed dog suddenly shrank, and then turned into a pet dog, held in the arms of the beauty queen.

"Lord be careful." The succubus queen shook her whip, and a void portal appeared. The succubus queen stepped in and the portal disappeared.

Everyone looked confused, but Li Yao went to the platform of the two-headed dog to check something, and had no time to respond to them.

The tower scratched his head: "What is this, why I don't understand."

Blood Rose smiled and said: "I may understand a little bit. You have to be clear. This time the attack on the main city is to face the power of a race. There are many strong people in it. Why didn't the other strong people rush out? I want to be sure. The strong on our side will also make the other side jealous. As a world-class, the succubus queen must also be one of them. It may be fine to leave for a short time, but if the opponent is aware of the weakness of the army, then those strong opponents will be the vanguard. , Our army simply cannot stop it."

Everyone suddenly realized that when they thought of the war mechanism of the ancient gods, they almost understood it, and also vaguely guessed that Li Yao must use the two-headed dog to do something.

Just as they guessed, even if the succubus queen left for a while, the ogre noticed a movement.

The ogre commander frowned and said: "Great Warlock, the opponent's strong breath has been reduced again. My guess is correct. The opponent's high-level strength is insufficient. The previous battles are all strong ones who want to consume us. If a strong man died in battle, it would be very bad if he were defeated by each other."

The great warlock frowned slightly: "We will sacrifice too many warriors when we go out of the city to fight. You have also seen that although the opposing commander is a recruit, he is very hot. You will start the war step by step. You have also seen those bugs, and there must be many others. , We are not afraid of desperate, but just in exchange for the lives of those bugs, it is really not worth it."

"Let me say that I would rather spend ten years of our race's vitality and heritage to play momentum, so that other people's Xiaoxiao will not dare to watch us from now on, and it is obvious that something has happened to the strong opponent. This is a good opportunity. "The ogre commander said.

The magic array master also said: "Our formation is broken, and there is no way to deal with the monsters in the sky. Although the wall will not be able to be taken down for a while, the advantage of the wall will disappear sooner or later. Now we can only kill the cannon fodder summoned by the opponent's recruits. It doesn't make sense. When the wall disappears, the opponent's trump card will still go to war. Sooner or later, it will be a battle. Why not take advantage of the opponent's weakness."

"Yes, there must be something wrong with the other party, otherwise the strong will leave here easily, Grand Warlock, let's decide. Now the counterattack is a good opportunity to kill the other party by surprise." Another cannibal magician said loudly, "Although not We have the magic circle, but we warlocks have the blessing of fel nodes, which can display more than 150% of the combat power. What are you afraid of? I will ask the great warlocks to let go. I would rather die in battle than hold back. Waiting for someone to slaughter."

"I begged the great warlock to let me wait and kill him personally."

Hula-la-la, a large number of strong men knelt down, looking at the great warlock longingly.

Below, the sea and the sky looked ugly: "What are they going to do."

Li Yao smiled: "It's nothing, but I want to go out of the city to fight with us."

"Isn't it a bad thing, what happened?" Sushen Fanghua was at a loss.

"Nothing, don't worry, they don't have the guts to come out." Li Yao still looked into the distance with his hands behind his back.

On the city wall, the great warlock hesitated, looked at the **** of raven entrenched in the middle of the city, and asked: "My god, do you think it is appropriate to play now."

"I also feel that the overall momentum of the other party has dropped. It seems that something has happened. You decide whether to fight or But if you fight now, I can exert a little more power. The battle that can be played will get more and more..."

Before he finished speaking, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then suddenly opened his eyes and closed again: "Damn, how is this possible."

The ogres looked at each other, and the great warlock asked nervously, "My god?"

The voice of the Raven God was full of surprise: "Didn't you find that the other's momentum has soared again."

Everyone quickly sensed and was shocked, because the overall momentum of the opponent's strong decayed for a while, and now it has suddenly increased by more than a grade. Although it is still not as good as them, it is very close and not far apart.

They were frightened and angry, not understanding what happened.

"The other party has come to the strong again, and something has changed. Why is this aura?" The great warlock became even more uncertain.

"You can only feel the momentum, and I felt the breath of the demigod. Although it was fleeting, I still caught it." The voice of the raven **** was also surprised.

"Demigod, how is this possible, is the dark camp going to go to full-scale war with us." The great warlock yelled.

"The demigod of the dark camp was locked by a few other old guys, and never left the nest at all. This breath is strange, very strange, dark and evil, full of chaos, violent and devouring, who is it? Will go to the opponent's barracks." The Raven God analyzed the captured breath.

"Could it be the one imprisoned next door?" the Grand Warlock asked.

"The breath is possible, but which source is depleted, let alone that there is quiet and no movement. Even if the other party is out of trouble, it is impossible to have this kind of aura, unless the old dog does not want to live." The Raven God began. I think so, but then I deny...

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