MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1836: violent

With a whistling sound, the huge lion corpse rushed towards King Gordok like a cannonball.

The pace of King Gordok remained at the original pace, which seemed unpleasant, but was actually faster than running.

Facing the roaring Lion King's body, King Gordok suddenly waved his fist.


The corpse of the Lion King was directly torn apart, the flesh and blood rushed, and Gordok was covered in blood, and his footsteps just paused.

"Little trick, die for me."

King Gordok's figure seemed to be covered by a violent blood mist, and suddenly he arrived in front of Li Yao.

Li Yao did not retreat either, and the sword he was carrying was suddenly cut down.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...

Between the electric light and flint, the two collided countless times, and the collision of the glove and the big sword sputtered a lot of sparks. In the eyes of the audience, the two people's movements were too fast.

In the eyes of the mercenary group, Li Yao's HP will drop by a bit with every hit, but what's strange is that every time it drops, the mouth quickly fills up.

"What's going on?" The Tower asked doubtfully. It was obvious that even if the weapon collided, Li Yao was a few small grades lower than the world class, and if he collided, his blood would drop.

That is, Li Yao, if they, the iron tower of the iron tower, hold the shield to resist the attack, the estimated blood volume will become residual blood, and there is no way to fight without treatment.

"It's blood sucking, the blood sucking of the great **** is too terrifying." Blood Rose exclaimed: "It can actually be head-to-head with the world-class leader, and it's still close combat. It's really, yes, there is no video."

In the eyes of others, the most leisurely hunter is naturally the hunter. He is also responsible for choosing a good angle of video, and then researching strategies and the like. Of course, the wonderful video clips will be promoted for the mercenary group.

"It's recorded, I also recorded the faction-level disappointment video with a punch, it's really burning, this video will definitely be hot." The hunter said excitedly.

"You won't upload it now." Blood Rose's complexion changed.

"No, no, we are a secret mission. The employer also said in advance, how could I make a mistake." The hunter said quickly: "Sister, you too underestimate me."

Blood Rose breathed a sigh of relief: "It is really too difficult for us to complete the task, especially the last stop. It is too thrilling. Now the reward has not been given, so we can't make a mistake."

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding, and they won the last battle because they really played for a long time. The reward was right in front of them, so naturally they couldn't lose the chain.

However, they both stared at the battle below without blinking. The battle between the two was really violent.

The two sides are in the center of the arena without any fancy skills, which is a complete and real confrontation. The comparison is the most primitive strength, but if one of the sides can't keep up with the thinking, it will be hit hard. .

"It's so fierce, I didn't see it all the way. The boss of Liaoyuan was so fierce, it really hurts my self-esteem. I was crushed by the close combat that I used to do my best." The tower was very injured.

"Did you know that you didn't watch the video before, but now you are dumbfounded." The hunter curled his lips.

"I don't know that he is a long-range, he can do this in close combat." The Tower was annoyed.

In the arena, King Gordok constantly bombarded the sword.

"The quality of your weapon is not good, it will break." King Gordok once again blasted a crack in the sword.

"Then it's broken."

Li Yao himself also blasted the big sword with a punch, the big sword suddenly shattered, and the fragments of the big sword splashed out.

Ding Ding Ding!

King Gordok sneered: "Without weapons, you are dead."

King Gordok knocked the fragments of the weapon into the air, but there were still fragments that caused a lot of wounds on his body, but he still didn't care, and hit Li Yao's head with a punch.

However, his face changed wildly, and he saw Li Yao suddenly spread out the metal wings, his fists hit the wings.

Then there were countless metal feathers blasting, and the two sides broke apart at the touch of a touch, and faced off again at a distance of tens of yards.

Several fist marks appeared on Li Yao's wings, and King Gordok had dozens of metal feathers stuck in his body, and blood surged.

King Gordok roared wildly, dozens of feathers were ejected along with dozens of blood arrows. At this time, King Gordok had no contempt in his eyes, only solemnity.

He didn't expect Li Yao to have so many methods. He thought that the breaking of the opponent’s weapon was a killer move. As a result, the real killer move was the wings behind him. It seemed to be an opportunity to kill the opponent, but in fact it was a trap. The opponent was so skilled that he hurt himself.

Although he destroyed a weapon of the opponent, he did not feel the slightest joy.

"Yes, your strength is very strong, you can actually shock me back, I want to be serious." The glove in King Gordok's hand absorbed the blood and flashed strange light.

"I have adapted to your attacking rhythm and agility, and I have to be serious. Today, I am determined to be the king." Li Yao's body was suddenly enveloped by a fiery flame, like a **** of fire: " I didn’t expect this lion king to be a super monster that inspired the flame lion’s bloodline, and it’s my Otherwise, it’s really difficult for me to deal with the other party’s burning. You fight, I don’t know how you feel."

"This does not conceal the difference in grades between you and me." King Gordok yelled coldly, and strode towards Li Yao on the ground: "I hope you still have the weapon to take. My smashing glove is more eager. ."

"As you wish." The roar of the green dragon appeared in Li Yao's hand, and it was in the form of a dragon head mallet.

Whirlwind charge!

Li Yao rushed out like a gust of wind and rain, King Gordok was unwilling to show weakness, his toes suddenly a little bit, not afraid of raising his fist like a cannonball.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The bombardment between the two sides was even more violent. The green dragon's roar was accompanied by a grenade attack, and each bombardment was accompanied by a grenade explosion.

The Gordok ogre quickly became like charcoal, but his figure was getting faster and faster and more violent, fighting his injuries and bombarding the green dragon's roar with fist marks.

"Dragon head? Even a real dragon can be broken and killed with one punch!"

King Gordok was extremely violent and didn't care if he was injured or not. In a short period of time, the two sides fought hundreds of times.

King Gordok was scorched black, exuding the smell of burnt barbecue, and Li Yao's roar of the green dragon had also changed.

"You are very strong, but you are a mere faction level after all. Although I don't know how you can keep up with my attacking rhythm, but how long can you last in this state." King Gordok saw that Li Yao's movements were not sluggish at all. , Began to test.

Li Yao sneered: "To tell you clearly, I am born with supernatural power, this is not my strongest state. You should be thankful that I am a faction-level, if I am also a world-level, you can't hold my three punches."



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