MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1853: Local battlefield

The players of the main force are still madly sending their elite army and the army of the secondary ogre players to fight to the death in order to compete for military merit.

This is a good opportunity. The army that beats the player can gain the military merits of killing the elite army of ogres, so why not do it.

But all of this is based on victory, and for rewards, the top-ranked individuals and guilds hope to defeat each other so that they can get rewards.

Those with less military merit, although they don't want the battle to end soon, but also desperately gain military merit.

More importantly, up to the present point, at least the players and even the ogre players thought that this war was going to be lost, but no one dared and refused to give up until the end.

They are not mixed up, and the concept of the ogre class is even more serious. In the eyes of the NPC, they are recruits, and there is no high-level at all. I don't know that the high-level ogre is full of confidence and wants to launch a counterattack.

The reason why they are desperate is to play the ogre aura. The news circulating within them is that without the main city, the ogre players will be very passive and may be sent to others.

Even so, even if this war is going to be lost, they have to defeat the players on Earth,

So they are really desperate, especially the high-end ogre players, and they need to show their attitude to the army of the defeated earth players. It is not that they can't, but their NPC army can't.

As for Li Yao, there is no player daring to compare it now. People's army can fight against a main city. The player's army at the moment is a joke in front of Li Yao.

No one is so arrogant that it is not a concept at all compared to Li Yao.

As long as you win the player's army, you can prove to be better than the earth player, at least it won't be so uncomfortable to be sent under the fence in the future.

It can be said that they have turned their grief and anger into strength and desperately.

The Zerg has no morale influence, and their attacking rhythm is exactly the same as the starting rhythm of the attack.

Whether it is starting the offensive to gain the upper hand, or the casualties are increasing, they still can't make any fluctuations, just like a war machine.

So the battle here from start to finish was fierce, and after a long time, it would be boring. After all, this is a war of attrition. The battlefield between the player's armies is wonderful.

Now Xinghuo is divided into three parts, one is Li Yao personally, his army is the real main force, fighting with the ogres in the main city.

Then there is the General Staff Department, which controls the general direction of player battles, initially selects qualified player teams or guilds with powerful troops to participate in the battle, and is responsible for logistics supply calculations and the deployment of other war machinery.

Responsible is the Xinghuo leadership headed by Sister Li. The main force is Sister Li and You Ying. The two of them take turns to deploy resources and troops continuously for twenty hours.

To cooperate with them are the middle and high-level leaders who have been promoted, especially the vice-professionals. Spark occupies a large proportion.

In this battle, although they did not play, the performance of the Xinghuo deputy professionals was very eye-catching, and finally made other player guilds realize.

When it comes to guild battles and super battles, sometimes it's not enough to fight players alone. The role of deputy professional players in life is not smaller than them, but they are in the rear, inconspicuous and invisible.

At the time, among the members recruited by Spark, professional players accounted for one-tenth of the proportion of guild members. They were also the object of ridicule by various cloud players in various guilds and forums. They mocked Spark's deformity development every three to five, and the proportion of professional players in life was too heavy and wasted. Resources.

And Xinghuo has never responded. Only the people inside Xinghuo know how much convenience and benefits the prosperity of Xinghuo associate professional players have provided them.

Various secondary professions, such as enchanting, alchemy, or various crafting professions, because there are enough Spark cities, so that the secondary professions have shops to open, without going wild.

Although these stores will not offer them free, they will get higher and higher discounts as the membership level increases, which is really much cheaper than auction houses.

For example, many task items required for job change, or certain necessary materials are controlled by the goblin merchants.

However, Xinghuo's internal prices are still stable, because Xinghuo's secondary profession has formed a system, and players will also give back to the guild while enjoying the benefits.

Then there is the most intuitive thing about Spark. The distribution of individual houses and the batch production of rare mounts and pets can allow them to contribute a little to the guild in exchange for something higher than other players, and then produce a snowball effect.

It can be said that the richness of sub-professional players and the correspondingly perfect economic system of Spark allow them to enjoy a lot of benefits.

And the third part is the front-line command headed by Demon Ji. They are responsible for specific operations and formation arrangements. Of course, they are just the players' battlefield.

The core group of Xinghuo is also divided into two parts, and it fights uninterrupted for 24 hours.

As the ogre went mad, the frontline felt pressure.

A hunter retracted the eagle eye technique and said loudly: "Command, our front in the 23rd area collapsed."

In front of everyone is a huge war sand The arrangement of the army of the enemy and ours is marked in detail, of course it is only the player's side.

Because the players are not uniform, unless the guild specifically builds a legion, otherwise everyone's legion is different in type and quality, and it is difficult to have a uniform line on the battlefield.

It is a small-scale elite or ace army, which creates an offensive and defensive game between the enemy and ourselves, and the battlefield lines are staggered.

Demon Ji had just completed the handover with the guardian angel and they heard the words and looked at area 23.

"Thirty thousand ace native dog army, and good at siege. It should be very strong. It was broken by some army." Yao Ji frowned.

The hunter scout said: "It's the Earth Sand Dragon Legion, the quality is not the trump card, it is estimated that this line can last for more than a quarter of an hour."

"No wonder." The demon girl nodded, the earth sand dragon attacked normally, but it was very difficult to deal with. It was like a rock in itself, and it could be wrapped in a layer of rock and soil armor just by rolling on the land.

It is a cumbersome assault tank army. Although the native dog army has a sharp offensive, it is still difficult for their fangs and sharp teeth to break through the defense of the sand dragon.

Hitomi rubbed his dim sleepy eyes and said, "I just happened to be woken up and feel upset. Let me go. I have the army to restrain the sand dragon."

"Don't compete with others for military merit, let others come." Yao Ji shook her head.

Now the people of Xinghuo have basically not lost the army, not that they dare not participate in the war, but want to use it as a trump card and start it at a critical time. After all, this city is about to be occupied.

When it's really critical, it's better to be reliable.

"That's right, give us a way to survive, don't grab military merits. I got the staff sign and registered 50,000 Earth Dragon Legion, but I can go head-to-head with Earth Sand Dragon."...


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