MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1881: Influence and negotiation

Li Yao only controls the general direction. The specific negotiations are still in charge of the think tank headed by Sister Li, and the dark camp has also sent representatives. Of course, the chaotic camp also has strong people.

For several camps, the farce provoked by the chaotic camp is now an end.

The uproar of this farce lasted for a long time, from the player approaching the full level to the full level blowout.

From the beginning of the chaotic camp, the territory has expanded several times, and now the chaotic camp has lost almost all directions.

Not only were all the originally occupied territories retaken, but on the contrary, the periphery of the map where the main cities of many races were located was almost invaded, which was a heavy loss.

But they couldn't help it. They were too arrogant. They provoked the three camps at once, and could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

What's more serious is that in the later stage, because the Spark Guild attacked the main city, it gave the players of the three camps a lot of excitement.

The three major camps even issued the main city attack order to the players in private.

In the last few days, many guilds of the three major factions united to form a coalition force larger than the main force led by Spark, divided into several groups, attacking different main cities.

Although in the end most of them were wiped out without even seeing the shadow of the main city wall, the Xinghuo almost succeeded in stimulating them, at least allowing them to see hope.

There was even a coalition that was all air force, and carried out a blitzkrieg on a relatively weak race. This caused a lot of trouble for this race. Although it was eventually wiped out, it caused all races in the chaotic camp to be devastated.

In the end, the gods they guarded had to kill the Quartet, which was a complete deterrent.

However, Xinghuo's victory ended the farce, and the three major camps took advantage of it, and only then privately ordered the allied forces to withdraw.

In this farce, the chaotic camp can't steal chickens, and there is misery. The most terrifying thing is that a major city is rioted.

Even if the lizard man’s main city was taken by a demigod, half of the city was flooded, and it was the help of other demigods that did not lead to devastating consequences.

The main city of the ogres was even occupied, and the **** of ravens was seriously injured, and it is estimated that he would not be able to make a move in a short time. Although the second-ranked wheaten ogres did not hurt their muscles, they also lost more than three million ace troops.

The losses of elite legions and player legions are even more difficult to count, countless.

This battle can be said to be a big loss even for the chaotic camp. There is really nothing to say about the loss of fighting a recruit.

Moreover, after this battle, everyone in the chaotic camp recognized their own strength and positioning, and did not dare to make such small moves, at least for a short time, they dare not have other thoughts.

And this time the camp's vitality is badly injured, and it takes a long time to recuperate.

Lost territories also need to be retaken at a price, and some key maps and fortresses are not even possible.

For players, the chaotic camp formed by multiple races made them very dissatisfied, after all, earth players occupy three camps.

Alien players are confident and arrogant and look down on earth players.

However, they couldn't find North in this battle. The toys of the chaotic camp thought that the players on earth depended on more people, but they found that even if they didn't depend on the crowded war mode, they had the disadvantage.

One-on-one is naturally stronger for alien players, but in the war mode, whoever will give you a fight.

The mode of war is more of strategy, and personal combat effectiveness is second.

Of course, it is not to say that the individual's combat effectiveness is not important anymore. If it reaches above the camp level, the individual can influence the victory of a small-scale war.

But the current players simply cannot reach this level.

Therefore, this comprehensive counterattack made the chaotic camp completely stunned, and never dared to underestimate the earth players.

Moreover, most of the guild camps of the chaotic camp have been occupied, and most of the chaotic camps are in a state of no guild camp, and the situation is quite miserable.

Because of the main force of Spark, the toys of the chaotic camp did not organize an army to attack the main city. The result was quite miserable. Similarly, they were blocked off the map without even seeing the main city, and then the Ace Army Send out some casually to beat them thousands of miles away.

Let them clearly realize the gap with the main force, especially the main force actually won a main city.

There is not much use for race-level and camp-level powerhouses at all. World-level powerhouses fight wildly, even to the battle of the demigod level, a player actually comes next.

Originally, I didn't know how many people wanted to challenge Li Yao. They were not convinced. They felt that Liaoyuan's reputation was acquired by the players on Earth, and it was not worth mentioning to their alien powerhouses.

But now, no one said to challenge it.

You are awesome, you can challenge the leader of the faction, can you challenge the leader of the world, do you have the means to fight against the demigods?

If there are no more words, then stop cooking.

There are quite a few world-class pets, especially after the war, one more is still at the demigod level. Although temporarily weak, it will be able to recover to the demigod level sooner or later.

It can be said that the chaos in the world of the ancient gods completely broke the pride of players in the chaotic camp, while the players on earth are proud.

With such a complicated mood, after Xinghuo completely controlled the city in the morning of the next day, the negotiation officially began under the witness of the strong in the camp.

The strong in the camp are just witnesses and do not participate in specific negotiations.

At the same time, Shina Fanghua and Haikuotian also brought two people to observe the meeting below. They also have no right to speak. Of course, there are also guilds, teams, and individuals with the highest military merits. They can all witness one or two or three. This meeting.

Fortunately, the council chamber of the ogre is big enough.

At the negotiating table, representatives of the camp are at the head and do not participate in the speech.

On both sides are the representatives of Xinghuo and the ogre. On Xinghuo's side, Li Yao is headed, but the negotiation has been led by Sister Li, with You Ji and Yao Ji as the auxiliary, and the remaining few core group members added.

The ogre is headed by the great warlock and the main spokesperson for the negotiation.

The wisdom of the ogre is really not that good. It is impossible to rely on the great warlock alone. There is a warlock to help, but under the verbal battle of Li, You Ji, and Yao Ji, they are unable to fight.

They are often said to be speechless, and there is no reason to refute.

The fierce quarrel lasted all day, mainly around how much weapons and equipment the ogres could ration, how many days of food the ogres could take away, and how many ritual supplies could be taken away.

On the other side of Xinghuo, I mainly hope to get some young ogres, the location of the treasure house, the core drawings of the formation, etc.

In the end, the negotiations ended. The Xinghuo people were beaming, while the ogres were downcast.

When Li Yao and the Great Warlock separately signed and acknowledged the agreement, everyone was relieved...


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