MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1898: Lightly sigh

Except for the enchantress, everyone's complexion changed dramatically.

How could they not understand the power of the forbidden curse, the quasi-forbidden curse is terrible, let alone the forbidden curse.

In the recent battle, Li Yao used the power of the main **** to cast spells, which was still the main goal, turning the two million enemy's army into his own, and immediately causing the ogres to surrender.

The sea and the sky and the moment Fanghua looked at the Demon Fairy worriedly, but seeing that the Demon Fairy's face was plain, they had to admire the Demon Fairy's city palace, and still remained unchanged.

They also remembered that they had proposed Li Yao to use the quasi-forbidden spell. As a super guild, they naturally also have it, saying that they can contribute.

It was just that Li Yao refused, and both sides were more restrained in that battle. No one used the quasi-forbidden spell, except in the end, the **** of raven broke the rules.

They just thought that Li Yao didn't want to destroy the city. After all, he still wanted to occupy his own place.

But then they felt wrong, and when they saw Li Yao collecting the corpses of the war dead, they came across. When I thought about it later, I still felt wrong.

Seeing the demon girl's expression now, it was obviously not the kind of forced composure, but the real composure. This makes them wonder, is it obvious that they want to test the barrier, it seems that there is no such barrier on the doom, even if it is repaired, it is on the side of the main city.

"If you can't agree, I'm sorry, let's let the first real forbidden spell released by our players show on the battlefield with Xinghuo." Edward sighed, and the staff suddenly stopped.

A fireball soared into the sky, and then it exploded in the sky and turned into a sky full of brilliance.

At the same time, neat and incomparable curses sounded from the endless army.

The spell seems to be the sound of countless people gathered, but it also seems to be very ethereal, as if there is a gap.

In the dark night, a door of light appeared. First, there was a little bit of starlight, and then the infinite starlight began to converge.

Then the light got brighter and brighter and brighter.

"Millions of people cast spells, but they are generous, no wonder you are so confident and good." Yao Ji nodded.

Edward said: "Your president will destroy other people's cities at every turn, so Spark must be prepared to be destroyed. Now the Zerg army guards the main city of the secondary noodle ogres. There are only a million ogre kings and numbers. Millions of ordinary ogres, although the number is slightly smaller, are barely able to be buried with our destroyed resident cities."

"Sister Yaoji, what should I do?" Hitomi asked worriedly.

Demon Ji said: "It's just watching the show. It's a big tone to want us to be buried in the main city."

When everyone saw Demon Ji saying this, they felt a little more settled.

In the distance, the light came to the moon, and the spell covering the breath and the spell finally couldn't resist the movement before the forbidden spell was about to succeed.

Millions of spellcasters seem to be bathed in an endless galaxy, and that area is like an endless universe.

Then a magnificent voice concealed everything. The terrifying pressure and breath made everyone feel breathless. This was shocking enough before the spell was activated.

"Forbidden Curse·The Stars Fall!"

This is not the kind of arcane energy gathered by the Druid of the Balance System, just like the rain of light. On the contrary, the balance spell is the Forbidden Curse of Falling Stars.

The dark night was suddenly as bright as day, the stars in the sky gleamed with dazzling light, and the whole world became white.

Then it dimmed suddenly, and then heard countless voices breaking through the air.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads, and there were countless meteors with long silver flame tails in the sky, and they really saw what it means to fall like stars.

As the meteors emerge from the void and get closer and closer to the ground, everyone can feel the horror of these meteors, and the meteor shower covers almost the entire city.

The smallest of these meteors also have hundreds of yards of boulders, even if they continue to burn, it is almost difficult to shrink them until now.

The temperature in the air is also rising rapidly, everyone knows that this seemingly beautiful and gorgeous meteor shower can bring endless disasters to the earth in a few moments.


The first meteor is far ahead of the other meteors, leaving the other meteors far behind.

The meteor fell first, but instead of falling in the city, it fell in front of the city wall.

As the dazzling white light and flames raged, the deafening sound made everyone's hearts tremble, and the earth shook.

As the white flames rose, tens of thousands of troops attacking the city in front of the city wall were evaporated.

Although it was accidentally injured, the coalition forces didn't care, because everyone could see that the trajectories of other meteors were in the city.

The power of a meteor is so huge, equivalent to a world-class leader's range spell, not to mention there are countless behind.

At this moment, both the vast majority of people in the city and the audience who watched this scene through the live broadcast were shocked by the meteor No one saw all the millions of spellcasters falling to the ground, covered in mud. , Sweat like pulp.

The audience is sorry for Xinghuo, the main city and population that they have paid a huge price will be destroyed in this way, it is really a shame.

In the city, millions of ogres, artisans and Spark players who are repairing the city are full of unwillingness.

The coalition forces, especially the leaders of the coalition forces, showed retaliatory smiles on their faces. They suffered heavy losses and were unable to stop Li Yao. They have been suppressed until now, and now they finally retaliate.

"It's a pity, the Liaoyuan is not here, and his main force is not there, he didn't see this scene either." The president of the Pantheon said with regret.

The other guild leaders looked at the meteors that were about to fall into the city, and a trace of regret flashed through them, and the shrill sound of breaking through the air covered everything.

The dozens of meteors at the forefront were about to reach everyone's heads on the wall, and the hot breath made everyone sweat profusely.

The fighting has already stopped. It is useless to escape in this situation. You can only face your own destiny. Everyone stared blankly at the falling meteor.

Just when everyone thought that this glorious main city was going to be destroyed, a sigh reached everyone's ears.

This sigh seemed to reach the soul, and the piercing sound could not be covered up, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

The sound was not loud, but very ethereal, as if immersed in the faint helpless and sad emotions conveyed by the sigh.

Not only the people at the scene, but the audience was also stunned for a moment, affected by this sigh, and immersed in the emotions in it.

As if being touched by this sound, all emotions were thrown away, only the emotion contained in this sound was left.

Many people touched their cheeks unconsciously, it was cold, they shed tears unconsciously...

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