MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1924: Companion

The female priest hurriedly picked up the copper coin. Several silver coins appeared in her hand. She was about to hand it to the little ogre. The man who began to talk coldly snorted and said, "What I said is wrong, stupid ogres can learn ass. Ah, don't give him silver coins. I'm used to them, this broken city, we still need to run so far to play a book, so we don't let our players live in Guangming City, stay in a hotel for ten gold coins a night, and grab money."

   At this time, the little ogre had already docked the boat and ignored them with a cold face. The meaning was obvious. You guys should get out.

   The female pastor was angry: "You are enough. In reality, you are angry and vent your anger to an NPC. You are still a child. Are you embarrassed. You are not in the mood to open up wasteland today. I think you should go back and rest."

The captain who had been sitting in the stern studying the strategy finally said: "Okay, you also know that he is in a bad mood, don't frustrate him. So are you, how old are you, even if this is illusory, you can't tell a child about it. ."

   The female priest gave a cold snort, and then stuffed a few silver coins into the little ogre's hand.

"Our instructor said that as a high-level intelligent creature, we must have dignity. I punted after school to subsidize the family. I rely on my familiarity and strength with the city, not the charity of you creatures of the bright camp. Give me five copper plates. I'll take you to the place, but next time you still don't take my boat, anyway, there are some punters."

   The little ogre finally only took five copper coins, even though five silver coins were a huge sum of money for him.

   has gained wisdom bonuses, especially for young creatures, which has a huge impact on them. Two months have allowed them to adapt to a new life.

   Originally, the little ogre was very happy about their teasing. After this incident, the ogre ignored them, making the two female players very depressed, and gave the player a stern look.

"Don't be angry with the two sisters, I was confused just now. I was so angry in reality, but I also felt angry in the game. But Spark is too much. I have stayed in so many hotels and the price has never been more than one silver coin. It turned out to be a good place here. , Ten gold coins. Spark is really crazy and boundless." The player whispered.

"Just say a few words. This is the site of Spark. The main city is owned by others. It's not just what others say. It would be good to let our camp come in and open up wasteland. And you have seen it, too. With so many players in the main city, who doesn’t want to live in the Guangming City, but the population is too crowded, plus there is the inner area of ​​the guild of Xinghuo, it is already a huge courage to let in and out of the guild. If you are a large guild, you Can other players approach the guild core area?" The captain said.

   "Captain, don't persuade him. He is jealous of Spark's occupation of the main city. He can't understand the scenery of Spark and the affiliated guilds. He has always been like this and can't look at others." The priest curled his lips.

   "Is there a sister like you?" The angry player suddenly fainted and sat on the boat sulking.

The captain smiled bitterly: "Don't talk about him, anyone who doesn't envy Xinghuo, now the platoon of people who want to join Xinghuo can't be queued. I heard that there are ten more affiliated guilds of Xinghuo. All of them are masters. In addition to Spark’s welfare, even the welfare of the affiliated guild is much better than the big guild."

The female priest said: "I heard that Starfire’s guild level will increase by the end of this month, and the maximum number of people will increase again at that time. Idle players will naturally be excited. Among other things, I heard that players from affiliated guilds can be in Shadow City. The district got a good personal residence, this is the main city. And because of the doom dungeon group, this place is expected to be lively all the time, plus the surrounding dangerous adventure area, the temptation of personal residence alone is huge, who is not tempted."

   "Do you regret choosing the bright camp, or you will join Xinghuo." The bandit said with a grin.

"No, my technique is still a bit confident. What a pity." The pastor sighed: "We can only be bystanders. The shocking battle before, don't you look enthusiastic? Look at the so-called battle we participated in, It ended in a hasty. Let's look at the battle here again, it's a pity that we can only be bystanders, sorry." The pastor said regretfully.

"Let's pull it down, our family background, participating in the war here is estimated to be cannon fodder. It is better not to go too far. Yesterday the old tree boss trapped us all night. What are the ways and experience to talk about it, and try to get through five people earlier. Mode, with some equipment, we can also form a group of ten people, and even participate in a larger team to open up wasteland. If there is an ancient tree natural enemy, even the epic level is enough to promote us." The captain said.

   Soon, the ship arrived ashore, and everyone was about to go ashore when they heard a rumbling noise.

   Everyone looked up in astonishment, and saw a large number of hawks appear in the sky. They were surrounded by lightning. A camp-level hawk holding a weird staff in hand, bombarded the defensive barrier of the city.

   What's even more bizarre is that with the ravages of thunder and lightning, a cavity a few yards large appeared in the barrier, and the harpy entered the city from this hole.

   Not good The male player was caught by the Harpy.

   The harsh alarm sounded, a large number of ogres gathered from the land, and countless bats appeared in the sky.

   Someone around the players shouted: "City Invasion has good opportunity to gain reputation. People from Lanmeng Guild gathered to me."

   Many players wake up, hunting a monster that enters the city is equivalent to hunting a hundred monsters outside the city. A hundred times the military merit and prestige, it stimulates many players.

   "Looking for death." The faction-level harpy outside the barrier was furious, and endless lightning raged.

   The squad just got off the boat, and saw a twisted thunder and lightning fall along the lightning. The target was the boat they had just taken, and the little ogre on it was looking up blankly.

   "Damn, save people."

   The priest subconsciously wants to pull the opponent over with skills, but they are not teammates and simply can't do it.

   Li Yao was going to take off to hunt the Harpy, but when he saw this scene, his wings flashed to the little ogre's side, and the wings wrapped him.


  Thunder and lightning smashed the boat, Li Yao spread his wings and brought the little ogre to the priest: "Help me protect him, and count you to complete a task."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for the priest's answer, he rose into the sky. As it lifted off, an arrow offset the raging thunder and lightning, preventing the thunder and lightning from raging below.

   Everyone in the squad was dumbfounded. The little ogre's eyes widened and said in surprise: "It's the king, I was rescued by the king, and I saw Xiao Gera show off the king's woodcarving. I have seen the king."

   team also reacted, the king in the mouth of the ogre is naturally Liaoyuan, they actually go on the same boat with Liaoyuan...

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